\ Volume XXV THE CHICAGO BANKER 10 The Wisconsin National Bank OF MILWAUKEE CAPITAL - $2,000,000 SURPLUS - 1,000,000 OFFICERS L. J. PETIT, President HERMAN F. WOLF, Cashier FRED’K KASTEN, Vice-President L. C. BOURNIQUE, Asst. Cashier CHAS. E. ARNOLD, 2nd Vice-President W. L. CHENEY, Asst. Cashier WALTER KASTEN, Asst. Cashier DIRECTORS L. J. Petit Frederick Kasten R. W. Houghton Oliver C. Fuller Herman W. Falk Geo. D.Van Dyke Gustave Pabst Charles Schriber Isaac D. Adler Frank L. Vance Patrick Cudahy Wisconsin Trust Company MILWAUKEE CAPITAL - $500,000 SURPLUS 100,000 ־ OFFICERS OLIVER C. FULLER, President GARDNER P. STICKNEY Treasurer FRED’K KASTEN, Vice-President FRED. C. BEST, Secretary R. L. SMITH, Asst. Secretary DIRECTORS L. J. Petit, Chairman Frederick Kasten R. W. Houghton Oliver C. Fuller Herman W. Falk Charles Schriber Gustave Pabst Gardner P. Stickney Isaac D. Adler Frank L. Vance Patrick Cudahy If any of your friends or customers are coming to the Yakima Valley, a letter of introduction to us will insure them prompt and courteous attention. C. H. ROYCE. Cashier H. C. LUCAS, Vice-President The bank of Central Washington for people from the Middle States. North Yakima, Washington G. S. RANKIN, President merce Building־, at Tenth and Walnut streets, and from this viewpoint, 206 feet above the Walnut Street level, get a view of Kansas City not available from any other point. The range within easy vision affords a view of parts of two states, five or six counties and half a dozen towns. Tr* Duluth Savings Bank The Minnesota bankers and their ladies were well repaid for a visit to the Duluth Savings Bank, during the convention days. The men all received a fine jewelled pencil and the ladies a neat and useful pocket mirror, as souvenirs. J. W. Lyder, Jr., is the cashier. ORGANIZED 1810 Commercial & Farmers National Bank of Baltimore, Md. Federal, State and Municipal Depositary Bankers are invited to open Reserve or Active Accounts on Liberal Terms. Extensive Banking Connections enable us to render effective service. Correspondence invited James M. Easter, Pres. Frank V. Baldwin, Cashier Harry M. Mason, Vice-Pres. Chas. E. C. Smith, Asst. Cashier Charles G. Dawes; vice-president, W. Irving Osborne; vice-president, A. Uhrlaub; cashier, William R. Dawes; assistant cashier, L. D. Skinner; assistant cashier, W. W. Gates; secretary, Albert G. Mang; assistant secretary, Malcolm McDowell. Directors: A. J. Earling, P. A. Valentine, Arthur Dixon, Charles T. Boynton, Alexander H. Revell, S. M. Felton, T. W. Robinson, Chandler B. Beach, George F. Steele, W. Irving Osborne, and Charles G. Dawes. W. T. Kemper Smokeless sight seeing from the top of a fifteen story office building is a new project. It originated with W. T. Kemper, vice-president of the Commerce Trust Company, of Kansas City. The plan is to floor the roof of the Bank of Commerce Building and provide awnings and easy seats. The tourist or the resident of Kansas City could then journey to the top of the Com- CIUTfEM, WALEÆM & MAY Investment Bonds Tifa® M®@lk@!rys Central Trust Meeting Stockholders of the Central Trust Company of Illinois, this city, held their annual meeting recently, and re-elected the former directors, who in turn re-elected officers. The financial report for the year showed earnings of 9.25 per cent, as compared with earnings of 10.25 per cent during the previous year. Deposits were reported on July 10th as $12,496,674, against $11.698,980 on the corresponding date in 1907. There was also a good increase in loans, the amount outstanding on July nth this year being $15,528,888, which compares with $14,704,734 on the corresponding date a year ago. The officers and directors are: President,