О 1 OÍ THE CHICAGO BANKER July 25, IÇ08] THE CITY NATIONAL BANK OF DULUTH, duluth. minn. ORGANIZED DECEMBER, 1902 UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY Statement of Condition, July 1, 1908 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $1,971,866.03 Overdrafts 492.39 United States Bonds 345,000.00 Furniture and F ixtures 29,426.35 Due from Banks $263,370.35 Cash on Hand 320,589.84 Due from U. S. Treasurer 13,750.00 LIABILITIES 597,710.19 $2,944,494.96 Capital Stock $500,000.00 Surplus Fund 100,000.00 Undivided Profits 29,780.98 National Bank Notes 267,700.00 Dividends Unpaid 6,201.00 Deposits , OFFICERS 2,040,812.98 $2,944,494.96 JOSEPH SELLWOOD, President A. H. COMSTOCK, Vice-Pres. W. I. PRINCE, Cashier H. S. MACGREGOR, Asst. Cashier The National Bank OF THE REPUBLIC OF CHICAGO STATEMENT OF CONDITION AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS JULY 15, 1908 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid in....................$ 2,000,000.00 Surplus and Profits, Net................... 1,257,860.86 Reserved for Taxes...................... 10,500.co Currency in Circulation...................... 800,000.00 Bond Account ............................... 33,100.00־ Due Depositors ........................... 20,499,888.67 Total.............................$24,6111,249.53 RESOURCES Loans................... United States Bonds .... Real Estate............. Cash and Exchange ...... Total.......................... $24,601,249.53 6,905.58^־$13,7 832,399.84 26,376.80 9,985,567.31 OFFICERS—JOHN A. LYNCH, Pres. W. T. FENTON. V.-Pres. R. M. McKINNEY. Cashier 0. H. SWAN. Asst. Cash. THOS. JANSEN, Asst. Cash. I AMES M. HURST. Asst. Cash. WM. B. LAVINIA, Asst. Cash. W. H. HURLEY, Asst. Cash. BOARD OF DIRECTORS—JOHN A. LYNCH, !,resident. CHARLES H. CONOVER, Vice-President Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co. CHARLES R. CRANE, Vice-President Crane Co. JOHN V. FARWELL, IR., ol I. V. Farwell Co. J. B. GREENHUT, Capitalist, Peoria. H. W. HEINRICHS, Vice-President M. D. Wells Co. ROLL1N A. KEYES, of Franklin McVeagh & Co. ROBERT MATHER, President The Rock Island Company. JOHN R. MORRON, President Diamond Glue Co. HENRY SIEGEL, President Simpson Crawford Co., N. Y. E. B. STRONG, Capitalist. LOUIS F. SWIFT. President Swift & Co. FRANK E. VOGEL, Vice-President Siegel, Cooper & Co. W. T. FENTON, Vice-President. Central Trust Company of Illinois 152 Monroe Street, Chicago Report of Condition at the Commencement of Business, July 16, 1908 LIABILITIES Capital Stock.....................$ 2,000,000.00 Surplus............................. 500,000.00 Undivided profits.................. 501,600.47 Dividends unpaid........................ 934.00 Deposits....................... 12,766,624.07 S15J69,158.54 RESOURCES Demand loans on collateral........$ 2,739,424.46 Time loans on collateral.......... 5,965,358.83 Bonds and stocks.................. 2,584,301.77 Bank premises....................... 775,000.00 Overdrafts............................. 1,583.16 Cash and sight exchange........... 3,703,490.32 $15,769,158.54 OFFICERS L. D. SKINNER, Assistant Cashier W. W. GATES, Assistant Cashier ALBERT G MANG, Secretary MALCOLM McDOWELL, Asst. Secretary CHARLES G. DAWES, President W. IRVING OSBORNE, Vice-President A. UHRLAUB. Vice-President WILLIAM R. DAWES, Cashier DIRECTORS A. J. Earling, President Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co. P. A. Valentine, Capitalist Arthur Dixon, President Arthur Dixon Transfer Co. Charles T Bovnton, Pickands, Brown & Co. Alexander H. Revell, President Alexander FI. Revell & Co. S. M. Felton. President Mexican Central Railway, Limited. T. W. Robinson. Vice President Illinois Steel Co Chandler B. Beach. C.B. Beach &Co. George F Steele, Nekoosa-Edwards Paper Co. W. Irving Osborne, Vice-President. Charles G. Dawes, ex-Comptroller of the Currency. STATEMENT OE THE CONDITION OF THE LIVE STOCK EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK OF CHICAGO AT THE CLOSE OE BUSINESS JULY 15, 1908 LIABILITIES Capital Stock, - - - -$1,250,000.00 Surplus, ----- 250,000.00 Undivided Profits, - - - 105,595.32 Circulation ----- 98,400.00 Dividends Unpaid - - - 1,272.50 Deposits, ----- 8,414,919,18 $10,120,187.00 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts, - $5,860,962.87 Overdrafts ----- 4,599.95 United States Bonds, 100,000.00 Other Bonds, - 202,300.00 ־ - ־ Cash and Due from Banks, 3,952,324.18 $10,120,187.00 OFFICERS S. R. FLYNN, President J. A. SPOOR. Vice-President G. A. RYTHERg Cashier G. F. EMERY, Asst. Cashier JAMES H. ASHBY GATES A. RYTHER DIRECTORS ARTHUR G. LEONARD SAMUEL COZZENS J. OGDEN ARMOUR EDWARD MORRIS JOHN A. SPOOR S. R. FLYNN CONTINENTAL NATIONAL BANK OF CHICAGO of Business, July i5, 1908 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in..........$ 4,000,000.00 Surplus fund..................... 2,000,000.00 Undivided profits................ 1,499,029.04 Circulation.................... 3,b24,997.50 Deposits........................ 67,707,135.16 $78,831,161.70 Report of Condition at Cl! RESOURCES Loans and discounts...........$43,802,359.23 Bonds, Securities, Etc........ 3,734,586.20 U. S. bonds to secure circulation......................... 3,625,000.00 Other Bonds to secure U. S. Deposits .................... 406.142.69 Premium on U. S. bonds... 204,687.50 Overdrafts........................... 815.88 Due from banks and U. S. treasurer................. 10,634,515.24 Cash.......................... 16.423,054.96 $78,831,161.70 OFFICERS GEORGE M. REYNOLDS, President HERMAN WALDECK, Asst. Cashier ALEX. ROBERTSON. Vice-President FRANK H. ELMORE. Asst. Cashier WM. G. SCHROEDER, Cashier WILBER HATTERY, Asst. Cashier BENJAMIN S. MAYER, Asst. Cashier J. R. WASHBURN. Asst. Cashier DIRECTORS JOHN C. BLACK, Chairman of the Board J. OGDEN ARMOUR W. C. SEIPP EDWARD HINES President Armour & Co. Capitalist Prest. Ed. Hines Lumber Co FREDERICK WEYERHAEUSER A. J. EARLING Lumberman & Pine Land Owner, St. Paul Pres. Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry Co GEORGE M. REYNOLDS ALEX. ROBERTSON HENRY BOTSFORD President Vice-President Packer SAMUEL McROBERTS B. A. ECKHART Treas. Armour & Co. President Eckhart & Swan Milling Co. FRANK HIBBARD Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co., Wholesale Hardware Simplicity and Efficiency are the strongest points of any machine. Both these features are prominent in the Splitdorf Hi^h Tension Magneto The simplest and most serviceable of all Magnetos. With this Magneto on your car you can forget all about ignition apparatus. San Francisco Chicago 20 Van Ness Ave. £ a KJ1.A LUO IT i 319 Michigan Ave. VS^alton Ave. and 138th St., New York. Branch, 1679 Broadway