19 THE CHICAGO BANKER July 25, 790S] If Thousands of large and small Banks now use the Brandt Automatic Cashier Why Don’t You? By pressing only one key the machine counts, gathers and delivers into your hand any required amount of coin. Almost unbelievable, but it’s true. INVESTIGATE !!! BRANDT CASHIER COMPANY ־ M°BLOCKCK CHICAGO Corn Exchange Building Officers of the Corn Exchange National of this city announce that the bank will move to its new building and be ready for business 1here the first Monday in August. The banking-room is rapidly nearing completion and is expected to be entirely ready for occupancy by the date fixed by the bank for its removal. Caused only Passing Comment The closing of the doors of the National Deposit Bank, of Philadelphia, caused only passing comment in financial quarters last week. A flat rate of $7.50 has been arranged, and this includes berths and meals, in fact, it covers all expenses incident to the trip. Those who wish to can stop off at any of the Isle Royale ports, returning by a later boat, without extra expense, save hotel accommodations while on land. The boat arrives at Duluth, on the return trip, at 8:30 o’clock, Tuesday morning. V C. A. Day was recently elected president and D. G. Fellows, assistant cashier, of the Zion (111.) City Bank. c. S. HARLEY Seattle Minnesota Bankers at Duluth (Continued from page 1) morning. Leaving Port Arthur, the boat will go direct to Amygdaloid, the first port on Isle Royale, thence on to Tobin's harbor, Rock harbor and Washington harbor, thus making the entire circuit of the Island. This trip is undoubtedly the most delightful one which the Great Lakes offer. Surrounding the main island are many hundreds of smaller isles, and the scenery in some of the channels through which the boat passes in its circuit of the island, is beautiful beyond description. GEO. A. JACKSON Chicago E. S. EGGERS Pittsburgh