17 BANKER THE CHICAGO July 25, iç>o8\ (Department of Chicago Banker) An Open Forum Dedicated to the Associated Chapters A. I. of B. in Which to Advance the Great Movement for Independent Action and Universal Membership Fowler Bill.” This afternoon occurred the Inter-City Debate. The presiding officer was C. R. Evans. The subject of the debate was: “Resolved, That all banking institutions in New York City be required to keep a larger cash reserve.” Pittsburgh for the affirmative—W. C. Gun-delfinger, Commonwealth Trust Company; J. E. Rovensky, First National Bank ; George FI. Rankin, Wilkinsburg Trust Company. Chicago for the negative—Charles W. Ali- A. WALLER MORTON Baltimore, Md. son, Northern Trust Company; C. R. Wheeler, Continental National; Benjamin B. Bellows, Chicago Savings Bank and Trust Company. Judges—Hon. Frederick H. Jackson, exlieutenant-governor of Rhode Island; Hon. Joshua Acldeman, vice-president Industrial Trust Company, Providence, R. I.; Louis A. Waterman, attorney at law, Providence, R. I. A steamer left from the foot of Hay Street at 5 o'clock, for Field’s Point, where a genuine Rhode Island clam bake was served. The delegates returned to Providence at 6:20. On landing special electric cars were waiting for Rock}• Point, and then. to Roger Williams Park to attend band concert. Dancing in Casino to o’clock to 12. Music by Hope orchestra, The clam bake dinner was the special offering of members of Providence Chapter to the delegates. All other entertainment was provided through the courtesy of the banks of Providence and the Providence Clearing House. The following is to-morrow’s program: Invocation—Rev. Edward S. Ninde. Address—Mr. E. D. Hulbert, vice-president Merchants Loan and Trust Company, Chicago, 111., “Our Banking System.” Annual reports of officers and committees. Selection of convention city for 1909. Election of officers. Saturday Night, July 25th—Banquet at Churchill House, 7 o’clock. on “America and Her Young Men.” Alexander Wall of Milwaukee reported for the National Educational Committee. This report contained much food for thought by every delegate present. Two interesting papers followed this report, one by R. R. Clabaugh, of St. Louis, on “Financial Panics,” and the other by N. D. Ailing, of New York City, on “Treasury Issue vs. Bank Issue.” Yesterday afternoon the Steamer Warwick left the foot of Crawford St. for Newport, passing down West Passage around Beaver Tail. Upon its arrival at Newport, carriages were in waiting to take the visitors for a ten-mile drive THE CIVIC CENTRE Providence, R. I. through that beautiful and renowned city. A collation was served on the homeward trip, and after a leisurely sail Providence was reached about 11 o’clock. Music was furnished by Hawes’ Orchestra. At this morning’s session Henry Clews, of New York, very comprehensively reviewed the financial and trade situations. E. P. Vander-berg, of Detroit, read a paper on “Panic Panaceas,” and E. S. Wolfe read a paper on “The r. l. STONE Milwaukee, Wis. tional of Chicago, arranged for a convention special, which left Chicago over the Michigan Central, Tuesday, July 21st and arrived in this city Wednesday at 3 p. m. Delegates from the following chapters arrived on this train: Albany, Appleton, Buffalo, Cedar Rapids, Cincinnati, Columbus, Davenport, Decatur, Denver. Des Moines, Detroit, Duluth, Eau Claire, Fond du Lac, Hastings, Neb., Indianapolis, Kansas City, La Crosse, Little Rock, Ark., Los Angeles, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Oshkosh, Peoria, Rochester, St. Louis, St. Paul, San Jose, San Francisco, Seattle, Sherbrooke, Can.; Springfield, 111.; Springfield, Mass.; Terre Haute and Utica. The New York delegation left New York City on the steamer Providence, of the New England Transportation Company, Pier 18, North River, foot of Murray Street, at 6 p. m., Wednesday, arriving at Providence Thursday at 5 a. m. This year for the first time the national organization is entirely in the hands of the members of the Institute. Providence Chapter arranged a program which is both instructive and entertaining. Before the three days’ sessions commenced a smoker was held Wednesday evening at Keith’s Hall. The first regular session opened yesterday morning at 10 o’clock at Elks Hall, being called to order by President A. Waller Morton. Mayor McCarthy of Providence delivered the address of wmlcome. Prof. J. C. Monaghan followed with an eloquent address IRVING H. SANBORN San Francisco, Cal. Providence, R. I., July 24.—Representing a membership of 9,000, included in 42 chapters, over three hundred delegates of the associated chapters, American Institute of Banking, have assembled here from the four quarters of the map for their sixth annual convention. The headquarters of the convention is at the Narra-gansett Hotel, but the sessions during the day are being held at Elks Hall. The Western chapters under the leadership of George A. Jackson, of the Continental Na- Junior Bankers at Providence