27 THE CHICAGO BANKER July 18, 1908] If Thousands of large and small Banks now use the Brandt Automatic Cashier Don’t You? By pressing only one key the machine counts, gathers and delivers into your hand any required amount of coin. Almost unbelievable, but it’s true. INVESTIGATE !!! Why The name of your bank on a postal will bring full particulars concerning our remarkable offer to banks Ten year Guarantee BRANDT CASHIER COMPANY ־ моЖск ־ CHICAGO Lippincott’s for July The standard story magazine—Lippincott’s —has for Tuly a story by Mrs. Van Vorst, entitled “Second Quality,” an original, romantic love story. The usual short tales and miscellany make up the number. V J. J. Adkins of Oldham, S. D., has purchased the interest of T. H. Radcliff, of Howard and G. L. McCallister of Madison in the First State Bank. years Mrs. Mary McElroy of Iowa City had a certificate of deposit in the Citizens Savings and Trust Company, for $800. The county took charge of the certificate and has filed a claim with the bank for the money. Like Automobiles Iowa’s prosperity is indicated in its purchase of automobiles. The registration fees during April and May amounted to $5,000. On June 27th there were 6,136 in the state compared to 3,758 the same date last year. Another Innovation Bathrooms for the bank employees is the pleasant innovation of the First National of Sioux City. The basement is fitted up so that employees find their rest quarters very much like a club with everything for their comfort. Further improvements are being made and soon the bank quarters will be refitted at an expenditure of $25,000. Files Claim Although supported by public charity for 23 Marshall & Ilsley Bank —--Established 1847 --- MILWAUKEE, ־ WISCONSIN Oldest Bank in the Northwest OFFICERS : JAMES K. ILSLEY, President ...... JOHN CAMPBELL, Vice-Prest. .... . J. H. PUELICHER, Cashier . . . . H. J. PAINE, Asst. Cashier . . G. A. REUSS, Mgr. South Side Branch Instruct your Transit Department to send all items on FOND DU LAC, WISCONSIN --to the- Collections Presented Personally by Messenger Remitted Promptly at Reasonable Rates J. B. PERRY, President ERNEST J. PERRY, Cashier E. A. CAREY, Vice-President C. J. BRE1TZMAN, Asst. Cashier