[ Volume XXV THE CHICAGO BANKER 26 The Cedar Rapids National Rank Cedar Rapids, Iowa Solicits the accounts of all good banks and bankers within its territory, and will place at their disposal facilities gained through years of experience in handling that class of business, with terms as liberal as safe banking methods warrant. o'REcr United States Depositary Sjj^rKiiyat־?¿- Reserve Agent for National Banks c°Nnegt»o^ S. S. FARWELL, President HENRY M. CARPENTER, Cashier The Monticello State Bank Monticello, Iowa Capital $100,000 Surplus $180,000 Resources over One and a Half Millions of Dollars. Established thirty-three years and has had conservative, steady growth. Makes and remits for collections promptly, and solicits accounts of banks and bankers. Safety, Promptness, Courtesy and Confidence THE OTTUMWA NATIONAL BANK OTTUMWA, IOWA Capital, $100,000 Surplus, 75,000 Will render genuine service to all those having business in Ottumwa and vicinity. J. B, MOWREY, L. E. STEVENS, R. W. FUNK, President Cashier Ass’t Cashier The New President Ackley Hubbard, recently elected president of the Sioux City First National, began life as a carpenter apprentice. He entered the banking business in 1891 in Spencer and rose rapidly to his present position. Decides Against Bank The supreme court has just decided against the Sioux City People’s Savings Bank by declaring that it can not be a preferred creditor in the settlement of the defunct Sheldon Brown Bank, where it had certificates of $10,-000. The Brown Bank also had certificates with the People’s Bank, and these the court said should offset each other and the remainder be filed with other claims. lowing prominent men: J. L. Bever, W. C. La Tourette, E. J. Carey, C. Denecke, C. B. Robbins, A. Jefferey, Archer C. Sinclair, C. L. Miller, J. L. Bever, Jr., and W. H. Frick. The opening day was a reception to the business men of Cedar Rapids. It not only meant the friendship of the commercial interests but the actual business put on the books is reported to have been very large. J. L. Bever is the pioneer banker of Cedar Rapids. He was president of the City National, later the Citizens National, and now the Merchants National. He is one of the largest holders of Cedar Rapids realty. The Iowa National The Iowa National, of Des Moines, at its semiannual meeting July 9th declared its usual quarterly dividend and also added $100,000 to its surplus. Releases Assessment Judge Hugh Brennan on July 7th released the assessment of $32,253 on government bonds made against the Home Saving Bank in 1902, in accordance with the recent decision of the supreme court. The case was a test one and was bitter® fought. It was finally taken to the United States supreme court on appeal from the state supreme court. Home Again Arthur Reynolds, president of the Des Moines National Bank, returned from a trip to the coast this week. He went to deliver an address on “The Unsettled Currency Question” before the state bankers associations of Washington, Idaho, and Oregon. “I was more than pleased with my visit on the coast” he says. “Wherever I went I enjoyed the hospitality of the bankers. I was flattered by the attention of many prominent financial men.” The German American Bank The German American Bank of Muscatine elected officers and a new board of directors at the annual meeting July 7th. The surplus was increased by $5,000 and payment completed on the new bank building. During the year 7 per cent dividend has been declared. The newly elected officers and board are: president, H. F. Giessler; vice-president, J. L. Giessler; cashier, S. L. Johnson; assistant cashier, 1. W. Hahn, and the directors: J. L. Giessler," F. H. Little, C. A. Mull, A7. S. Hill, F. W. Eversmeyer, G. Schmidt, A. Baird, J. Bartemeier and FI. F. Giessler. Bank Clerks Taking River Trip Two Des Moines bank clerks, I. A. Potwin and V. M. Hennery of the Iowa National floated down the Des Moines river from here on their way to St. Louis on the Mississippi. They travelled in a canoe, with a wedge tent, camping each night on the bank and enjoying themselves on the way. They visited all the banks at Keosauqua, Farmington, and Keokuk-on the way down. They left Des Moines July 6th and are still travelling. They will return home by rail. Des Moines, July 15.—Des Moines bank clearings for the week ending July nth show a gain of $100,000 over last year. The total in 1907, was $2,849,079.15 and in 1908, $2,-969,647.09. This healthy increase shows the generally optimistic tone over the political situation. Commercial National of Cedar Rapids The new Commercial National of Cedar Rapids had its formal opening for business July 6th. Its remodelled quarters in the old Merchants National Building have been finely fitted up for the new bank. The old Commercial Savings Bank, out of which the present bank has grown, remains in its quarters in the same building. The officers of the new institution are: president, James L. Bever; vice-president, W. C. La Tourette; cashier, J. L. Bever, Jr., assistant cashier, Homer Pitner. The board of directors is composed of the fol- CLINTON, IOWA Capital and Surplus, $500,000.00 Send us your Iowa and Western Illinois collections. Our service and rates will please you. BANK ACCOUNTS SOLICITED.