13 THE CHICAGO BANKER July 18, 1908] William A. Tilden President Nelson N. Lampert Vice Prest. Henry R. Kent Cashier Charles Fernald Asst. Cashier Colin S. Campbell Asst. Cashier MONROE AND CLARK STREETS C H I C A G О Capital, $1,000,000 Surplus and Profits, $400,000 Your Business Solicited THE LIBERTY NATIONAL BANK OF NEW YORK FREDERICK B. SCHENCK, President CHARLES W. RIECKS 2d Vice-president and Cashier HENRY S. BARTOW ASS'T CASHIER HENRY P. DAVISON, Chairman Executive Committee capital, surplus and undivided profits $ 3,400,000.00 tal stock of $100,000 paid up, but as something more than a quarter of a million dollars is said to be pledged to the move, it may be that this will represent the capital stock of the new institution. The location of the new bank has not yet been decided upon. V Lafayette Banks Semiannual dividends were declared recently by the Lafayette (Ind.) banks and trust companies. The National Fowler Bank declared a dividend of 4 per cent and added $5,000 to the surplus fund; Merchants National, 5 per cent and added to its undivided profits; First National, 4 per cent, and added $5,000 to surplus; Lafayette Savings Bank, 4 per cent, and provided for surplus fund; American National, 2)4 per cent, and $1,000 to surplus; City National 3 per cent and $1,000 to surplus; Farmers and Traders, 3 per cent, $4,-000 to surplus, making that fund 60 per cent of the capital stock; Lafayette Loan and Trust Company, 3 per cent, and $5,000 to surplus. ments for making all kinds of collections and sending money to any part of this country or foreign countries. All good loans will be promptly attended to. With our list of twenty or more good men owning and conducting this bank, we ask for a share of your business, firmly believing that we can give you services equal to the best, and absolute safety. We welcome a visit from all and will be pleased to answer any questions pertaining to our business.” The officers of the bank are Geo. G. Robertson, president; Henry E. White, cashier, and IT. R. Martin, J. Walter Dunn, W. B. Paul, F. J. Myers, Wm. Nackenhorst, H. E. White, and G. G. Robertson, directors. V New Bank for St. Joseph Probable A new national bank is expected to be started in St. Joseph, Mo. Walter P. Fulkerson, who until recently has been the president of the First National, has been urged to head the new bank, but has not yet given his consent. It was expected to start with a capi- The Fountain Square State Bank The Fountain Square State Bank, the new South-side bank, at 1042 Virginia Avenue, Indianapolis, will open for business this week. In a neat circular, the officers of the bank say: ‘‘This bank is organized and chartered under the laws of this state. We are regularly examined by competent men from the auditor’s office to see that the bank is being conducted properly. Our entire capital stock is all paid in and our directors are men of affairs who control the bank and the officers and it is only with their approval that any of the bank's funds are let out. Besides the board of directors meet regularly and examine the bank thoroughly. We have one of the best equipped banks of its size, having our own new building just constructed, a good vault with deposit boxes for rent, one of the newest and best bank safes, ample insurance against burglary, theft or fire, all of the officers under sufficient bond (which is held by the state), and officers of experience, and our business aim is ‘Courtesy and Safety.’ We have complete arrange- Capital and First Resources Surplus $2,500,000 Ф $17,623,634 Milwaukee, Established Wis. Bank 1853 OFFICERS Fred Vogel, Jr., President Wm. Bigelow, Vice-President Fred T. Goll, Vice-President Henry Kloes, Cashier Oscar Kasten, Asst. Cashier A. W. Bogk, Asst. Cashier E. J. Hughes, Asst. Cashier W. C. Haas, Mgr. Foreign and Savings Dept. Our banking facilities are excellent. We place them at your disposal and invite corre- . . . spondence with a view to permanent business relations