7 THE CHICAGO BANKER July 18, iço8] For Uniform Bill of Lading Washington, July 13.—A new uniform bill of lading designed as a substitute for the bills now in use for the movement of miscellaneous freight and general merchandise was to-day approved and its adoption recommended to the common carriers of the country and the shipping public by the interstate commerce commission. It provides two forms, printed on the face side in different colors, one for "straight” and one for “order” consigners. The “order” bill will possess a certain degree of negotiability, while the “straight” bill will be non-negotiable. Attended Frontenac Convention W. A. Bulkley, assistant cashier of the Fourth Street National of Philadelphia, attended the annual convention of the New York State Bankers Association, at Lake Canadian Banks Canadian banks now have 1,895 branches distributed as follows: In Canada 1,846, in Newfoundland 5, elsewhere 44. V Member of Kansas City Clearing House Association The Security National, of Kansas City, recently organized, was taken into the Kansas City Clearing House Association this week. eludes only national banks having an unimpaired capital and surplus of not less than 20 per cent, which entitles us to form four such associations. We will next have to consider the questions of postal savings banks and deposit insurance. These questions are incorporated in the platforms of the two great political parties. If all bankers had been honest and faithful in the performance of their duties as such and had not abused the confidence of the public, there would be no demand for postal savings banks nor deposit insurance. Wisconsin stands in the foreground in the movement for the education of the bank clerk. At present there are seven chapters in existence in this state, two of which are in an exceptionally flourishing condition. This is largely due to the fact that the officers in the cities where these chapters exist have taken a real interest in them, realizing that ultimately the banks themselves will be the beneficiaries, because of the superior work done by an educated clerk and one who takes an interest in his profession, as against the man who works in a bank for wages only. I recommend that all bankers who have clerks in their employ will urge same to become members of the American Institute of Bank Clerks and assist them in the work. I can assure you that you will never regret this movement. The money which the American Bankers Association has spent, in the establishment of this Institute has earned 1,000 per cent. I heartily thank you one and all for your patience and kind attention. Peoples Savings Bank & Trust Co. Capital and Surplus, $200,000 Deposits, $1,854,834.59 Solicits Accounts and Collections from Banks, Firms and Individuals on Favorable Terms. WM. BUTTERWORTH, PRES. NELSON H. GREENE, VICE PRES. C. W. LUNDAHL, CASH. AND SEC. First National Bank of Joliet Capital and Surplus, $250,000 Solicits Collections from Banks GEORGE WOODRUFF. President ANDREW H. WAGNER, Cashier join our ranks and help bear the burdens as well as enjoy the benefits. I urgently request our members to assist the officers during the coming year in securing members so that next year we can boast that each and every bank in our state belongs to the Association. Thus only can we make our organization perfect, united and strong for the purpose of protecting our rights in time of necessity. I would also like to have all our members join the American Bankers Association, for various reasons. For further reference to the work done by our Association, I desire to call your attention to the reports of our secretary, J. H. Pue-licher, and our assistant secretary, George !1. Bartlett, who has been managing the insurance department of the Association. Had all our members patronized our insurance department, we could have received an income therefrom sufficient to pay the salary and office expenses of a secretary who would devote all his time to the affairs of the Association. There will be considerable work for the committee on legislation during the next year and I desire to call your as well as their attention to the proposed laws approved and recommended by the standing law committee of the American Bankers Association for enactment during the next session of our legislature, especially those in relation to warehouse receipts, uniform sales act, punishment of false stories affecting banks, checks of persons without funds, burglary with explosives, payment of deposits in two names, payment of deposits in trust, severer punishment of criminals than our present statutes provide, etc. I also wish to call your attention to the voucher check nuisance caused by the many different forms of such checks in use; there would be no serious objection to the voucher checks if they were uniform and folded The matter of bank taxation should receive careful consideration on account of the great injustice done to banks by the unequal assessment of personal property. Undoubtedly many other bills will be introduced at the next session of the legislature which will bear watching, and our legislative committee should be vigilant and on its guard day and night. The emergency currency bill was actively discussed in both House and Senate, and resulted in its enactment as a law, the feeling having strongly prevailed in Washington that some action should be taken before Congress adjourned. The appointment of a committee to frame a measure to meet all conditions requiring a readjustment of our present currency system is a step in the right direction, but ought to have included in its membership representatives from the various clearing houses, students of finance and political economy, who through experience are the ablest judges of the country’s requirements. From the report of the Comptroller of the Currency I notice that the capital of the national banks in Wisconsin is $14,580,000 and the surplus $6,029,500, making a combined capital and surplus of $20,609,500; this in- JOYCE & COMPANY (Incorporated) GENERAL AGENTS The Rookery Bldg. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS ILLINOIS ADVISORY BOARD Charles G. Dawes, Resident Vice-President A. J. Earling David R. Forgan John A. Spoor Walter H. Wilson M. J. Kirkman COUNSEL Calhoun, Lyford & Sheehan Winston, Payne, Strawn & Shaw ILLINOIS BANKERS Place your Burglary Insurance and Fidelity Bonds in the company selected by the Bankers Associations of Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan. NATIONAL SURETY CO. OF NEW YORK