nr■■, A Weekly Paper Devoted to the Banking and Financial Interests of the Middle West 10 CENTS A COPY Entered as Second-Class Matter January 15, 1903, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under Act of March 3, 1879 1908 The 7־ J U LY 11, LOUIS G. KAUFMAN, Marquette, Michigan Mr. Kaufman is the retiring president of the Michigan Bankers Association. He royally entertained the bankers of his state at his home town this week. Michigan Bankers Convention Marquette, Mich., July 10.—At 2 o’clock Monday afternoon, the steamer City of St. lgnace left Detroit, en route to Marquette with the largest party of bankers aboard ever assembled for a convention of the Michigan Bankers Association. There were over three hundred persons, the bankers being accompanied by their wives and daughters. At 6:30 the steamer put in at Port Huron and took on a party that was waiting at that point, and no other stop was made until the arrival at the Soo at 3 o’clock Tuesday afternoon. There was a concert on the steamer Monday evening, participated in by Harold Jarvis, Miss Daisy Findlater, and Miss Helen W. Shafor. On Tuesday morning President Louis G. Kaufman, of Marquette delivered his annual address at a session on board the boat, and this was followed by addresses from prominent bankers. When the steamer reached Marquette Wednesday afternoon, a party of upper peninsula bankers, numbering about two hundred, met the lower peninsula delegation, the whole number combining in a convention fully twice as large as any ever held by the Michigan bankers. At Marquette, President Kaufman entertained with luncheon and there was a trip to the iron mines of Negaunee and Ishpeming, banquets, dancing party and fish dinners. The bankers passed through Soo locks this morning and stopped at Mackinac Island at 2 :50 p. m.; dance at Grand hotel. Final business sessions will be held Saturday afternoon and the boat will reach Detroit Sunday morning. Charles B. Pike Ex-Judge Lambert Tree of this city has filed suit against Charles B. Pike, president of the Hamilton National, and the Merchants Safe Deposit Company for $12,000. Tree declares that between June 13 and August 12, 1907, the defendants carried away 2,226 safety deposit boxes from his premises at 72-80 La Salle Street. Henry S. Henschen The directors of the State Bank of Chicago have elected Henry S. Henschen to be cashier, to fill the vacancy caused by John R. Lind-gren’s election to the vice-presidency. Mr. Henschen has been with the bank since boyhood and its friends are his friends. His record as a business builder is unsurpassed. H. S. Bartow Appointed Assistant Cashier Henry S. Bartow has been appointed assistant cashier of the Liberty National, of New York City.