[Volume XXV THE CHICAGO BANKER 32 NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BANK MINNEAPOLIS Statement at Close of Business, June 12, 1908 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts........$14,296,987.03 U. S. and Other Bonds ----- 1,543,450.00 Banking House 250,000.00 Overdrafts - -- -- -- - 2,328.03 Cash, and Due from Banks 6,673,663.60 ־ $22,766,428.66 LIABILITIES Capital ..............................$ 1,000,000.00 Surplus and Profits [Earned] 1,335,028.99 ־ ־ ־ Circulation ------- 800,000.00 Bond Account.......................... 372,600.00 Deposits.............................. 19,258,799.67 $22,766,428.66 july ,o CAPITAL AND SURPLUS INCREASED TO $4,000,000.00 First National Bank MINNEAPOLIS: MINNESOTA Capital .... $2,000,000 Surplus and profits 2,000,000 D. MACKERCHAR Ass’T Cashier F. M. PRINCE President ERNESTO. BROWN Ass't Cashier C. T. JAFFRAY Vice-President H. a. Willoughby Ass't Cashier Geo. f. Orde Cashier CLOSE ATTENTION GIVEN TO COLLECTIONS ON ALL POINTS THROUGHOUT THE NORTHWESTERN STATES incontrovertible BOLLARD’S SPEEDOMETERS Weight 10 ounces 2 V\ inch dial PRICE $15.00 They tell the truth at any speed up to their limit. No jar or jolt of the car will shake the hand. Sensitive to the slightest change of speed. Slowest moving parts of any instrument in the market. Ball bearings throughout. ABSOLUTELY guaranteed for TEN years, if “you let it alone.” WHO WILL GIVE YOU AN EQUAL GUARANTEE, AND LIVE UP TO IT ? ■^62025®/, For Automobiles No Instrument more easily read. Registers correctly when attached to either wheel. We have no shaft troubles, owing to its slow motion and ease of running. We prove our statements every day; let us prove it to you. Send for booklets and letters of endorsement. WE SET THE PACE PRICES FROM $13.00 TO $30.00 Bullard Specialty Co., Winchester Park, Springfield, Mass. Speedometers and Speed Recorders SAFETY FOR MY MONEY is an absorbing thought just now. Among accepted forms of high-class securities—none are so near ideal as TAX BONDS We own such Bonds of the Great Central West Netting 5%, 5%% and 6% Denominations of $100—$250—$500—$1,000, parts of large issues—carefully selected under unusual conditions existing now. They include School, City, County Drainage Bonds, approved by attorneys of National repute. BUY NOW. Savings Bank Depositors can file orders now for future delivery. Booklet D, “An Argument for Tax Bonds,” mailed on request. References everywhere. We have satisfied customers in 26 states. Send your name for our mailing list. WILLIAM R. COMPTON COMPANY 238 Merchants-Laclede Bldg. St. Louis, Mo. A Comparison! of Methods YOU do not need to revert to the stone age in order to be far behind the times. In these days of tireless, sleepless energy and tremendous competition, a man who is a few years behind the times might almost as well be a few centuries behind. There is a vast amount of difference between the slow, laborious method of working with pen and pencil and the modern, up-to-date, absolutely accurate method embodied in the Burroughs Adding and Listing Machine The man with the pencil is necessarily slow and likely to make mistakes. His work is not always neat nor complete. Interruptions distract him, brain fag or illness often make it all but impossible for him to work at all, and little errors, by confusing him, lead him on to worse ones. The Burroughs is strong and simple; does not get out of order; cant make mistakes, and has no unreliable moods. It will pay for itself in a short time, m labor and money saved. You need it just how much you need it you will realize when you try it. We invite you to try it without cost or obligation to buy—let us show you 10 ways you can save money with it. There are over 65,000 Burroughs in use today. Burroughs Adding Machine Company. Block 65 Detroit, Michigan, U. S. A.