[Volume XXV THE CHICAGO BANKER 20 TOM RANDOLPH, President ALBERT N. EDWARDS, Yice-Prest. EDWARD HIDDEN, Vice-President W. L McDONALD, Vice-President L. B. TEBBETTS, Vice-President THOS. W. CROUCH, Vice-President HENRY KOEHLER, Jr., Vice-Prest. \׳V C. FORDYCE, Vice-President J. M. WOODS, Secretary L. S. MITCHELL, Treasurer A. G. DOUGLASS, Asst. Secretary R. L. GURNEY, Mgr. Savings Dept. W. V. DELAHUNT, Trust Officer ROBT. H. CORNELL, Rl. Est. Officer BRYAN & CHRISTIE, Counsel COMMONWEALTH TRUST COMPANY, ST. LOUIS <1 Accounts of Banks and Bankers receive special attention. Collections promptly made and remitted. Corporation and individual accounts solicited. Special departments for handling Estates, Trusts, Real Estate, Bonds, Farm Loans and Mortgages. Capital and Surplus $5,500,000 Resources over Fifteen Millions uUului BU C C 42*0*2■ S : r * -Vi i i: mmm s* VAUWAAAMU,*•, è :,X y. AAA.T, ■ s S Bi» »■***WWW m m i«« mm w wZ :■ s s : : St. Louis !)®oAwdgft JB^rniíknmiá Kansas City both in growth of business and in profitable management. He has been a director of the First National ever since it was reorganized. He is universally regarded as a keen, alert and able banker, and though of a very modest nature for a man so successful, he is exceedingly popular with all who know him. First National of Beloit The First National of Beloit, Kan., reports capital of $50,000 ; surplus, $25,000; undivided profits, $8,000 and deposits of $300,000. The officers are: A. T. Rodgers, president; F. C. Sheldon, vice-president, and J. E. Smith, cashier. Missouri State Bank Examiner Quits Walter W. Head, state bank examiner of Missouri, has tendered his resignation to the secretary of state, John E. Swanger. Head has accepted a position as cashier of the German-Amer-ican National in St. Joseph. He succeeds R. R. Calkins, who is advanced to the vice-presidency of the local bank. Head has been state bank examiner about three years. The secretary of state has been in St. Joseph the last two days. Fie says he has not selected Head's successor, but it will be a Northwest Missouri Republican. The Interstate National Dividend The directors of the Interstate National at the stock yards, Kansas City, met recently and declared the thirty-sixth semiannual dividend, amounting to 6 per cent regular and 4 per cent special. The dividends for the past twelve months amount to 20 per cent on the par value of the stock. The St. Louis Money Market There is some slight improvement in the demand for St. Louis money on account of agricultural needs. Harvesting of wheat is becoming general throughout the district and a better demand all around is anticipated in the near future. Some slight improvement is noticed in the general business. Will Erect New Building Plans are being made by the Vandeventer Trust Company of St. Louis to erect a new bank building. 16th under the provision of the Aldrich-Vree-land Currency law. Among those that will join the association are the National Bank of Commerce, American, Merchants’, Third, Laclede, and State banks of St. Louis, and several other institutions in Illinois and Missouri. W. H. Lee, president of the St. Louis Clearing House, will probably be made president of the association. The Farmers National of Tecumseh The Farmers National of Tecumseh, Okla, reports capital of $25,000; surplus, $1,000; undivided profits, $7,855, and deposits, $28,255. H. V. Foster is president; A. D. King, vice-president; M. L. Caldwell, cashier, and A. B. Lewis, assistant cashier. Charles Pasche New President of First National Charles Pasche, for over five years at the head of the St. Joseph Stockyards Bank, was last week elected president of the First National of Buchanan County, succeeding Walter P. Fulkerson, who tendered his resignation about a month ago. The fact that Mr. Fulkerson had resigned had become somewhat generally known. His private interests which are large will absorb his entire time it is expected. Mr. Fulkerson will continue on the board of directors. The First National is the outgrowth of the consolidation about two years and a half ago of the old First National of Buchanan County with the National Bank of St. Joseph, through the absorption of the latter by the former. The bank, from resources of about $2,000,000, has risen to an institution with resources of over $7,000,000. It has a capital of $500,000, a surplus of $300,000, and undivided profits of $75,-000. The directors at their meeting declared their regular quarterly dividend. The bank has always been a money maker. Mr. Pasche’s removal to St. Joseph antedated Mr. Fulkerson’s coming by about six months. He had been cashier of the Iowa National at Davenport, la., for twelve years and came here as cashier of the St. Joseph Stockyards Bank. He has made a marvelous success of this institution since his election to the presidency in 1903, The Security National of Kansas City opened for business last week in the first floor rooms in the United States & Mexican Trust Company Building at Tenth Street and Baltimore Avenue. J. D. Anderson, cashier, was the promoter of the new bank. Henry M. Evans, former president of the Central National, is its president. R. H. Williams, member of the board of public works, and K. L. Browne are the vice-presidents. The directors are: J. F. Houlehan. Dr. Samuel Ayres, R. F. Lakenan, Louis Oppenstein, William Macferran, George H. Edwards, John M. Townley, George T. Vance, J. H. Harkless, E. O. Haight, S. A. Darrough, B. Howard Smith and C. H. Hill. The bank has a capital of $200,000 and a surplus of $50,000. Nebraska Convention Dates Secretary Hughes, of the Nebraska Bankers Association, has issued the following: At the executive council meeting June 10th, an invitation from the bankers of Lincoln to hold the next convention of the Nebraska Bankers Association in that city was received and accepted. The date was fixed as nearly as possible to that of the American Bankers Association meeting in Denver, which starts Monday, September 27th. Our dates in Lincoln will be Thursday and Friday. September 24th and 25th. To Visit Kansas City It is a custom of the Texas Bankers Association to make a trip to some summer resort after the annual meeting each year. This year the members are going to northern lake resorts. They will travel in a special train and the party will be composed of several hundred persons, including wives and daughters of the members. They will arrive at Kansas City Friday, July 10th. and after a short stop will go to Omaha to spend Friday night. Last year the bankers spent a day there as guests of the Commercial club. The bankers may ask them to spend a day on this trip. National Currency Association at St. Louis The National Currency Association of St. Louis will be formally organized in this city on July