17 BANKER TUE CHICAGO July 4, 1908] ( Department of Chicago Banker ) An Open Forum Dedicated to the Associated Chapters A. I. of B. in Which to Advance the Great Movement for Independent Action and Universal Membership 1909 in r A BRIGHT SPOT Milwaukee Eden. The rarely attractive coast line of Milwaukee’s famous bay, as it juts and curves towards the northern horizon, the ever changeful surface of the water, the beautiful wooded bluffs above the lake, the parks and boulevards, fairly ablaze with floral art and ornamental shrubbery, are all invitingly restful and soothing .to the nerves. Or, should you so incline, there are many beautiful spots, in and about the city, that can be easily reached either by boat, the electric cars, or private tonveyance. Twice only in the past 35 years has the temperature reached 100 degrees at Milwaukee. And, as Dr. Wilson most considerately remarks, while there may be other places having genuine comfort and healthfulness, the summer climate of Milwaukee is not excelled. Milwaukee is located on the west shore of Lake. Michigan, and when the wind blows from any easterly point it brings the air directly from the lake, which in summer is always cooler than the land. The delightful, invigorating freshness of this lake breeze must be experienced to be fully appreciated. Clear, pleasant, and cool weather also prevails in Milwaukee when the winds come from the west and northwest, for these are the clearing-up directions and bring down the cooler air from the more nprtherly latitudes. Juneau Park is the principal downtown The chief convention city in America wants the Associated Chapter ¿atherin^ next year־ cated, where individual delegations, or committees, can go into private session. Indeed, there is not a spot on this broad continent so abundantly favored by Nature and circumstance for a convention city as Milwaukee. In the heart of the whirlpool of Western activity, with railway facilities that web-like span the continent; with uninterrupted communication by water with every port of prominence on the great lakes, and ready and frequent transportation to and from every suburb or inland point of interest within a radius of fifty miles, it is difficult to imagine a more satisfying condition of affairs as prevailing elsewhere. It is also as a summer resort that Milwaukee particularly appeals to practical as well as artistic appreciation, and it is safe to say that no city on this broad continent offers to traveler, tourist, and summer comfort-seeker the many material advantages and genuine wholesome pleasures that Milwaukee can. Here, with every metropolitan facility at command, you still find yourelf in the midst of a veritable Much of the widespread, w-ell deserved popularity acquired by Milwaukee is due to its pronounced success as a great convention center. For years past, conventions and gath-erings, both large and small and of national, international, and state importance, have been held in this city ; ha\ e tested its capacity, partaken of i t s hospitality, investigated i t s many claims to JUNEAU PARK, MILWAUKEE M I L WAU K E E cause pleasant remembr nee of comfort realized to linger with the thousands of guests who throng their corridors annually. Nothing has been left undone in this respect to cater to the w׳elfare of the visiting public, the table, service, jy| and appointments being always kept at gM a high standard of excellence. In ad- ;‘|§§ dition to this, all of the larger hotels are equipped with commodious quarters for convention purposes, banqueting halls, and club and committee rooms for the use and convenience of those requiring: such accommodations. Aside from these, the city has provided numerous other meeting places, all centrally lo- efficiently equipped place of public resort, and returned whence they came, to spread the good tidings of pledges well fulfilled. Contributing materially to bring about such a desirable condition o f affairs ׳------- are the very ample a c -commoda-t i o n s available, W. and indefatigable efforts put forth I by the ho- || t e1 s to