Page Ninetee, MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Puritan Pattern Co., Mooseheart, Illinois Send 15c in silver or stamps for our UP-TO-DATE FALL AND WINTER 1921-1922 CATALOGUE, containing over 500 designs of Ladies׳, Misses׳ and Children’s Patterns, a CONCISE AND COMPREHENSIVE ARTICLE ON DRESSMAKING. ALSO SOME POINTS FOR THE NEEDLE (Illustrating 30 various, simple stitches) all valuable to the home dressmaker. 32 inch material. No. 2 will require 7/s yard of 24 inch material. Price 12c. 3790—Doll’s Play Suit. Cut in 5 sizes for Dolls ; 16, 18, 20, 22 and 24 inches in length. The suit will require % yard of 38 inch material for a 24 inch size. Price 12c. 2970—A Set of Pleasing Toys for the Nursery. Cut in 1 size. Either style requires % yard of 27-inch material. Price 12c. 3805—A Popular Apron and Cap Set. Cut in 4 sizes: Small, medium, large and extra large. A medium size requires S1/¿ yards Oise inch material for the apron, and % yard of 30 inch or wider material, for the cap. Price 12 cents. 3789—Ladies’ House Dress. Cut in 7 sizes: 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust measure. A 38 inch size requires 5% yards of 36 inch material. The width at the foot is about 2^4 yards. Price 12 cents. 3785—Junior’s Dress. Cut in 3 sizes: 12, 14 and 16 years. A 14 year size will require 3^4 yards of 38 inch material. Price 12c. 3812----Misses* Dress. Cut in 3 sizes: 16, 18 and 20 years. An 18 year size requires 4% yards of 27 inch material. The width of the skirt at the foot is about 1% yards. Price 12c. 3801- 3793—A Chic and Charming Design. Guimpe, 3801, cut in 7 sizes : 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44- and 46 inches bust measure. Dress, 3793, cut in 8 sizes: 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46 and 48 inches bust measure. A 38 inch size reequires 2% yards of 36 inch material for the guimpe, and 3% yards for the dress, of 40 inch material. The width at the foot is about 2 yards. Two separate patterns, 12c for each pattern. 3802— Child’s Dress. Cut in 4 sizes: 2, 3, 4 and 5 years. A 4 year size requires 3 yards of 27 inch material. Price 12 cents. 3713—Boy’s Coat. Cut in 5 sizes: 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. A 12 year size requires 2% yards of 44 inch material. Price 12c. 3754—Girl’s Dress. Cut in 4 sizes: 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. A 12 year size will require 3% yards of 36 inch material. Price 12c. 3591—Ladies’ Dress. Cut in 7 sizes: 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust measure. A 38 inch size will require 3% yards of 54 inch material. The width of the skirt at the foot is 2 yards. Price 10c. 3817—A Set of Bags. These two models are cut in one size. No. 1 will require 1/2 yard of In Ordering Patterns sign your NAME and ADDRESS very plain and be sure to give SIZES you want. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS—Write your name and address in full. Send 12 cents in cash or two-cent stamps for each Pattern you want. Address order to PURITAN PATTERN CO., Mooseheart, Illinois. Send money, if possible, but if more convenient, send two-cent stamps. Notices to Lodges Prom General Dictator George N. Warde TJROM time to time information J־ reaches this office that some lodge of the Order, or, as in one or two instances, some member of some* lodge of the Order sends out letters to our many secretaries asking that donations be made or that tickets be purchased for this or that purpose. Recently to the lodges of our Order there were sent copies of a song and a letter accompanying same, stating purchase price, etc., and that part of the price should be sent to Mooseheart. When this information reached us we immediately sent out a letter to all the lodges advising them that all such efforts on the part of any lodge or any member of a lodge should be severely dealt with as it is a serious violation of our General Laws. The members of the Order never have allowed and never will allow any one to commercialize the order and such action as referred to is nothing more nor less than an effort to do so. The dictators and secretaries of all lodges are hereby cautioned to allow nothing of this nature to be acted upon by their lodge unless it has the official sanction of the Supreme Lodge attached thereto; and if there he a doubt as to that, write this office at once and we will be pleased to advise you. Inquiry is made to this office as to the advisability of a lodge or the officers of a lodge advancing moneys to a visiting member of another lodge. Our advice in all instances has been that neither the lodge nor the officers of the lodge has a right to lend the funds of the lodge to any member or to a member of another lodge. If the officers of our lodges will follow this rule they will be saved from many disagreeable controversies. There is no standard for safe and certain progress in any laudab1® effort except an established rule of law. Missing Brother Joseph Ebert, Wheeling, W. Va., Lodge No. 67, reported missing from his home since June 18. Brother Melvin Moats, of Grafton, W. Va., Lodge No. 638, reported missing. Last seen by his family at his home, Webster, W. Va. William J. McNamara, member of Grand Lodge of Protection No. 13. employed in dining car service B. & O. railroad, reported missing by his wife. She is now living with parents at 8776, 25th Ave., Bensonhurst, N. Y. Brother Joseph C. Goodman, Mount Holly, N. J., Lodge No. 737, is said by his relatives to have been out of communication with them for more than two years. He is urged to communicate with mother at 1211 Columbia Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Lodge Notes Memphis, Tenn., Lodge No. 153 reports a good increase in membership. let Me Send You № tliâlâPdir I RLE of Handsome Tortoise Shell For many year people have been coming to me from every part of Chicago on account of my wide reputation for supplying glasses that fit. I am now offering the benefit of this wide experience to ^people everywhere. No matter where you live, I positively guarantee to give you a perfect fit or there will be no charge whatever. I promise to send you a pair of glasses that will enable you to see perfectly and satisfy you in every way, or you will owe me nothing. They will protect your eyes, preventing eye strain and headache. They will enable you to read the smallest print, thread the finest needle, see far or near. SEND NO EVIONEY I will not accept a single penny of your money until you are satisfied and tell me so. Simply fill in and mail the coupon below giving me the simple, easy information I ask for and I will send you a pair of my Extra Large Tortoise Shell Spectacles, for you to wear, examine and inspect, for ten days, in your own home. The glasses I send are not to be compared with any you have ever see^i advertised. They are equal to spectacles bei$*g sold at retail at from $12.00 to «15.00 a pair. You will find them so scientifically ground as to enable you to see far or neir, do the finest kind of work or read the ״very smallest print. These Extra Large Size Lenses, with Tortoise Shell Rims, are very becoming and your friends are sure to compliment you on your improved appearance. There are no “ifs” or “ands” about my liberal offer. I trust you implicitly. You are the sole judge. If they do not give you more real satisfaction than any glasses you have ever worn, you are not out a single penny. I ask you, could any offer be fairer? SPECIAL THIS MONTH If you send your order at once I will make you a present of a handsome Velveteen Lined, Spring Back, Pocket Book Spectacle Case which you will be proud to own. Sign and mail the coupon NOW. Dr. Ritho’z, DR566, Madison & Laflin Sts.. Station C. Chicago, 111., Doctor of Optics, Member American Optical Association, Illinois State Society of Optometrists, Graduate Illinois College of Opthomology and Otology, Famous Eye Strain Specialist. Accept This Free Offer Today Dr. Ritholz, DR566, Madison & Laflin Sts. Station C, Chicago. 111. You may send me by prepaid parcel post a pair of your Extra Large Tortoise Shell Gold Filled Spectacles. I will wear ^iem 10 days and if convinced that they are equal ¿to any glasses selling at $15.00, I will send you $4.^. Otherwise. I will return them and there will be if! charge. you used glasses (if any). I How old are you?. How many years h Post Office Box No.. R. B.. Baldwinsville, N. Y., Lodge No. 644 has been instituted with 60 members. Asbury Park Lodge No. 1180 of Red Bank, N. J., recently initiated a class of 250 candidates. Athens, III., Lodge No. 643 celebrated Mooseheart day at a joint meeting With the Women’s Legion and Junior Order of Moose. Lodges, be 100% in Extension Fund. Do your part in Extension Fund. HAMILTON ״ Factually given away ' Eor selling only 32 Pks. Blnette, Our Fam-__s wash Bluing at 15c or 48 Pks. Sachet Perfume *at 10c. Order *hoice. Both fast seUera. You’ll be surprised how ״״ay It is to earn this Fine True Shooting 22 Cal. Rifle. Guaranteed. CHICAGO BLUING WljS..1S20SunnysideAve., Dept. 713, CHICAGO WRIST WATCH & RING Guaranteed Timekeeper We positively give this Q [«flnniiu Mfvl&li on:.* m - . .