MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Page Eighteen WANTED! To introduce the best automobile tires in the world Made under our new and exclusive Internal Hydraulic Expansion Process thatelim-inates Blow-Out—Stone-Bruise —Rim-Cut and enables us to sell our tires under a 10,000 MILE GUARANTEE We want an agent in every community to use and introduce these wonderful tires at our astonishingly low prices to all motor car owners. Write for booklet fully describing this new process and explaining our amazing introductory offer to owner agents. Hydro-United Tire Co. Dept. !98 Chicago, San Francisco, Pottstown, Pa. Send No Money Don’t miss this chance to cut your tire ccst in two and get a reliner with each tire FREE. We ship at once on approval standard Goodyear, Goodrich, Firestone, Mason and other adjusted tires in excellent condition and Your Money Back if you don’t like them. They can readily be guaranteed for 5,000 miles. So sure are we you will like these tires that v־“ request no deposit in advance. These a not sewed togethertires known as the double tread and reconstructed tires. SEE THESE LOW PRICES Sizes Tires Tubes 34x4 $ 8.50 $2.50 32x4*4 9.50 2 75 9.25 ׳־• ־־ 9.65 9.95 10.50 10.75 34x434 35x434 36x 434 35x5 37x5 Sizes Tires Tubes 28x3 $4.95 $1.25 30x3 5.25 1.50 30x334 6.25 32x334 6.75 31x4 7.75 32x4 7.95 33x4 8.25 1. 1.75 1.95 2.25 2.40 Remember, a reliner Free with each tire. When cash is sent with order 5 per cent discount allowed. Examine—judge for yourself. If not satisfied, return goods at our expense. Specify straight side, clincher, non-skid or plain wanted. CLEVELAND TIRE AND RUBBER CO. 3150 Michigan Avenue_________Chicago, IllinoS» AUTO OWNERS Save half of your tire cost by using Double-Mileage, Double-Tread Tires, Guaranteed 6000 Miles. We lead, others try to follow. They are reconstructed of highest grade material—hardly ever blow out. They are only guaranteed for 6000 miles, but have run from 8000 to 10,000 miles. Order today at these low prices: Tubes ...$1.60 ... 1.76 ... 1.85 ... 2.00 ... 2.25 ... 2.40 ... 2.50 ... 2.60 ... 3.00 ... 3.15 ... 3.40 ... 2.75 Size Tires 30x3.................$4.75... 30x334 ............. 5.75..., 31x334...............6.00..., 32x 334 S.S. only 6.25..., 31x4................ 7.25..., 32x4 ............... 7.50..., 33x4 S.S. only... 7.75... 34x4 ............... 8.00..., 34 x434 ............ 9.25 ... 35x434 ..............10.26... 36x 434 .............10.75... 37x5................12.75..., RELINER FREE WITH EVERY TIRE Send $2.00 deposit with each tire ordered, balance C.O D. Tires shipped subject to your examination. State whether S. S. or Cl., plain or non-skid is desired. All same price. By sending full amount with order you can save 5 per cent—our special cash-with-order discount. DOUBLE MILEAGE TIRE & RUBBER CO. 2035 W. Harrison Street, Dept. 82 » CHICAGO, ILL. AUTOMOBILE Owners, Garagemen, Mechanics, Repairmen, send for free copy of this month's issue. It contains helpful, instructive information on overhauling, ignition troubles, wiring, carburetors, storage batteries, etc. Over 110 pages, illustrated. Send for free copy today. Automobile Digest, 624 Butler Bldg., Cincinnati. AMBITIOUS WRITERS Bend today for free copy, America's leading magazine for writers of Photoplays, stories, poems, songs. Instructive, helpful. WRITER’S DIGEST. 663 Butler Bldff., Cincinnati. Notes of the Lodges Near and Far Cape Ann Burns Mortgage Cape Ann, Mass., Lodge No. 1471 took possession of the town with a big open meeting, festival and entertainment program to celebrate the burning of its mortgage. The city hall was the scene of the ceremony which included the showing of the Mooseheart pictures. A big street parade was planned, to be led by the Moose band, members of the Moose Legion, the Junior Order of Moose, the Cape Ann Lodge and visiting Moose from surrounding cities. Brother Perry A. Shanor, Dictator of New York City Lodge, gave the opening address. Before the ceremony a large class of candidates was initiated as an instalment of Cape Ann’s contribution to the James J. Davis Class. Pittsburgh, Pa., Lodge No. 46 announces that it plans to send a delegation of at least 3,000 members to the next convention which will be held at Mooseheart. They are initiating big classes during the James J, Davis Class drive. Tell the world about Mooseheart. Canajoharie Ball Team Plays 4-4 Tie. The baseball team of Canajoharie, N. Y., Lodge No. 1128, played the Independents, a strong local ball team, a fast tie game at the end of the baseball season last month. Score was 4-4 when the game was called on account of darkness at the end of the ninth inning. Next year the Lodge expects to put out one of the strongest semi-pro teams in its section. “I belong to several organizations, all good in their way, hut not one of them can point to a work as glorious as that institution known and beloved all over our land as Mooseheart.” This was the keynote of an enthusiastic word picture of Mooseheart given to Spokane Lodge No. 161, by Brother Joseph A. Mearow, after a visit to the school. “The children have better home and care than thousands who have well to do parents,” he said. “Every care is given them. Every evidence of love is shown.” Iron Range Lodge No. 1117 of Virginia, Minn., is initiating big classy of candidates. Continued From Page Six . . . save only Jeanne. The candles burned low and the room’ grew dim and there were no presents left. A sob tore at Jeanne’s throat •Marie had told them that she was the wickedest child and they had taken her Daddy’s present from her. She sat huddled in her chair, her face buried in the crook of her thin arm, her whole body twisted in an agony of pain. There was a scurry near the door, a quick murmur of voices. Then a small hand gripped at Jeanne’s arm. A good-natured freckled face smiled into her forlorn one. Kathy McCarty said nonchalantly. “Your presents, you know. They only just came.” Jeanne, waited, breathless. An orange dropped into her lap, a book was spread on her knee. Miss Reynolds came close and put a shining quarter into her brown claw. “But,” Jeanne gulped. “Mon pere say it was skates. He . . . promised. He nev’ broke no promise. W’erever he was, he says, it would be skates.” “H’m,” said Kathy McCarty. “And that’s the very thing. I knew it was a mistake. Here are your skates.” Tears stood suddenly, glisteningly in Kathy’s eyes. But her voice was quite steady. A tiny smile quirked at the corner of Jeanne’s mouth. Her fingers gripped Kathy’s sturdy arm and a glance untamed and sweet lifted to Kathy’s stolid little face. “I do not hate you, I find,” she said firmly. “I do not hate you at all.” ,“I should hope not. Why would you be hating me? I was thinking we might now be nintimate friends. I haven’t had a nintimate friend for most three weeks now and that was Mary Donovan back in Lynn, Massachusetts. I could be friends with you yy “Nintimate frien’s,” Jeanne said softly. “No one. have I had in my whole life. No frien’. Part of the time you can have the skates . . . on’y tonight I s’all take them to bed with me, eh?” Out on the sleeping porch, her bed next her friend Kathy’s, her skates gleaming on the pillow beside her, Jeanne lay back contentedly taking in long breaths of the crisp, cold air. She had never been so happy in her life. Over the dip of the hill she saw a glow and remembered that there was the Mooseheart tree strung with lights to gladden all the valley. Far overhead she caught the sparkle of stars . . . the eternal stars that had looked down on Judean hills when shepherds herded their flocks and angels sang¡, bringing good tidings of great joy to all men. ly. Time enough to scratch and scream when Marie came back. They passed some tall, beautiful gray houses and came to a cosy cottage at the end of a curving row of other cottages; and as Jeanne crossed the threshold, she had a sudden, warm sense of security. There was _ no darkness here. She had a delicious bath and fresh clothing. Later she sat in the kitchen with Miss Reynolds and ate her supper. The other room filled with children, girls of many ages. One of them, a homely, freckled little person with her hair combed straight back and the most brilliant blue eyes Jeanne had ever seen, offered to play checkers, but Jeanne refused with a curt shake of the head and sat down in a chair in the furthest corner . . . waiting. At the sound of children’s voices singing softly in the hall, Jeanne’s heart struck hard against her side. The door before her moved back and in the darkened space she saw a wondrous pointed fir, a tree that was a mass of tiny shining globes of silver and gold and dancing lights. Jeanne’s whole body quivered. It seemed to her that the whole room could hear the beating of her heart. Marie had lied as she had lied_ always. This was no place of punishment. This was a place where she was to be happy ... as happy as her Daddy had wasted her to he. He had made his promise a sacred thing, and here his promise would come true. Wherever he was, he had said, she should have her skates on Christmas Day. Her certainty was as silent as her watchfulness. She waited, rigid, on that straight chair, far back away from the glorious tree, her sparkling eyes drinking in its beauty, her throat-dry, her ears strained to hear the word. Jeanne. Jeanne Duchesne. It would be skates, of course. She could see several pairs, the lights from the tree gleaming along the sharp steel edges. Kathy McCarty went forward and took down a pair of skates. Kathy McCarty was the homely girl with the dancing blue eyes. They all went time after time, but Kathy went of-tener than anyone, it seemed to Jeanne . . . for an orange, for a book, for a cunning purse with a shining silver quarter in it. Presents piled around Kathy’s chair and Jeanne felt a distinct, disagreeable feeling creeping over her whenever she looked at Kathy. She would have liked to scratch her ... a little. Other chairs were piled. The same names echoed through the room over and over . . . but not Jeanne’s name. Every child had more than one thing FreeTrsa! Any musical instrument sent on a week’s free trial with complete outfit, case, self-instructor, etc. No obligation to buy. Monthly Payments Easy terms, only a few cents a day. Send for Catalog Shows all instruments. Trial blank enclosed. Wurlitzer Co., Dept.3219 Jackson Blvd. 120 W. 42nd St. Illinois_NewYork.N.Y. Qirls, here !is your Big Sleeping Doll her name is Sunshine. She is not a cloth doll to be cut out snd stuffed, but a real sleeping doll -just the kind of a doll you have been wanting for ever so long. And her hair! You should see beadtiful hair, with the dearest curls falling below her shoulders. She has a very pretty I dress which you can put on and take off. She has jointed armsand iimbs, and her body is unbreakable. Santa Claus has helped us find these dolls aud he wants every girl to have one now because he’s afraid he will have to skip many homes this year. You can have this beautiful sleeb■* ing doll absolutily free for selling only 12 boxes of our famous National Healer Salve at 25c a box—good for burns, cuts, sores catarrh, colds, etc. When sold send us the $3.00 collected and this doll, or your choice of 50 other presents is yours. Be the first in your town to get Sun-Bhine. Write for salve today. We trust you. WRITE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS PLAINLY. NATIONAL MFG. CO. Dept. D-27 West Hoboken,N.J. AGENTS: $8 a Day New HOT-BLAST COAL-OIL BURNER Turns any coal or wood stove into a gas stove. Uses common coal-oil. Perfect for cooking, baking, beating. Absolutely safe. Cheaper than coal and a thousand times more convenient. Installed in a few minutes. Fits any stove. Low priced. Tremendous selling opportunity. Write quick for terms. U. S. MFG. CO., Dept. 115 Coinmbns, Ohio Cured His RUPTURE I was badly ruptured while lifting a trunk several years ago. Doctors said my only hope of cure was an operation. Trusses did me no good. Finally I got hold of something that quickly and completely cured me. Years have passed and the rupture has never returned, although I am doing hard work as a carpenter. There was no operation, no lost time, no trouble. I have nothing to sell, but will give full information about how you may find a complete cure without operation, if you write to me, Eugene M. Pullen, Carpenter, 24H Marcellus Avenue, Manasquan, N. J. Better cut out this notice and show it to any others who are ruptured—you may save a life or at least stop the misery of rupture and the worry and danger of an operation.______________ KWe Give ’em Away To Credit Mail-Order Buyers We will mail you. postpaid and N absolutely free, a sugar-shell rect such as you would pay fifty •om the^%iv \\ to seventy-five cents for. ictory on Our object is to get acton thly pay- acquainted and show yon you can save real money by getting your home - furnishings !nts. Enclose is advt. and give a name of a mai’l-ter house you have en dealing with,—this important. To married )men only. The sugar-ell will be either the Onei-, Community Par Plate or skel silver. A gift you 11 : proud of all your life. ) , uaker Valley Mfg. Co. _ ilverware Dept. Aurora, 111. Just to advertise oar famous Hawaiian Im. diamonds—the greatest discovery V the world has ever known. We will send absolutely free this 14k gold f. ring, set with a l-2k Hawaiian Im. diamond--in beautiful ring box postage paid. Pay postmaster $1.48 C. O. D. charges to cover postage, boxing, advertising, handling, etc. If you can tell it from a real diamond return and money refunded. Only 10,000 given away. Send no money. Answer quick. Send size of finger. KRAUTH & REED.DejiRllO Masonic Temple, Chicago