Page Fifteen MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Reduced Prices and THREE YEARS TO PAY for this beautiful MESSTER PIANO Eight exquisite styles to choose from and the one you select will be sent you on 30 BAYS FREE TRIAL-ALL FREIGHT PREPAID A guaranteed raving of $100 to $150. If you like the piano we will Bell it to you on small monthly payments to suit your convenience as low as $8.00 per month. No cash deposit asked. No interest on payments. No extras of any kind. Stool free with piano. Write today for our catalog, illustrated in the natural colors of the wood. It’s free. If you are interested in player-pianos send for free catalog. We have a fine selection. Rothschild&Co.,Dept.i' 34 ,Chicago Rose border pattern, with your initial or lodge emblem. Given to you ±ci telling your friends about KIBLER'S ALL ’ROUND OIL The perfect funiture polish and light lubricating oil. Truly named the oil of a thousand uses. To get this beautiful set simply order and sell 30 containers at 50c each. Return the $15.00 and the dinner set is yours. We trust you ־ and take the oil back if you can’t sell it. The express charge will amount to about $1.00, which is paid by person receiving oil. We include more than enough free goods to cover same. Do not order oil unless you give your correct express office and agree to lift package on arrival. SEND NO MONEY. The Kibler Co., Dept. ^5 Indianapolis, Ind, MOST PITIFUL SIGHT IN LIFE is a man or woman who has no “will-power” as a result of nerve force exhaustion All the physical suffering which may be caused by nervous irritability, headaches, backaches, indigestion, heart palpitation, etc., as a result of nerve force exhaustion, are nothing as compared with its awful effects upon the mind and “will power.” The most pitiful sight in life is a man or woman who has “no will”—who has noble impulses and desires but not enough “will power” to carry them through. The memory also fails, the judgment is bad and everything therefore seems to go wrong. In such cases, do not take mere stimulating medicines nor narcotic drugs (which only further injure your delicate nervous system), but what you need is something to put more nerve force into your nerves and more iron into your blood to help make new nerve force with which to feed your starving nerve cells. This is most effectively accomplished by the free use of Nuxated Iron. This valuable product contains the principal chemical constituent of active living nerve force in a form which most resembles that in the brain and nerve cells of man. It also contains strength-giving organic iron for the blood and may therefore be said to be both a blood and a nerve food. Over 4,000,000 people are using it annually. Satisfactory results are guaranteed to every purchaser or the manufacturers will refund your money. Beware of substitutes. Look for the word “Nuxated” on every package. Sold by all druggists. NUXATEDIRON I for Red Blood.Strength and Endurance I Announcement Extension of the “James J. Davis Class” Campaign to January 1, 1922 At the request of many lodges the James J. Davis Class initiations have been extended to January first. Otherwise it was evident that injustice would be done to the earnest efforts of the members who have been working for the success of the class. The stimulus to increased membership and to the pushing forward of all the good work of the Moose has been tremendous as a result of the Davis Class campaign. In justice to the men who have been working against heavy odds to double, as nearly as possible, the Moose membership, the Davis Class lists will not be summed up until New Year’s Day. The heavy odds against which' the lodges have been working to increase their membership are known to all. It is only fair to them not to wind up the class on Thanksgiving Day, just as the skies begin to brighten in the industrial world. Business conditions are now starting to improve. Winter is at hand. Members are working harder. Lodge attendance is larger. It is certainly not the time to end the effort now when the best days of the year for the work are before us. Work for the James J. Davis Class Harder Than Ever Let every member who believes in the Moose and its great purposes work more earnestly than ever to bring in members for the Davis class right up to the first of the year. This effort to increase the membership of the Moose and, if possible, to double our numbers, is the most important united effort the lodges are making at this time. Its importance to the whole country as well as to the Order of Moose is such that every Moose owes to his Order, to his Nation and to himself to make the Davis Class a success. In the past year it has seemed that all the evil forces of the universe, arising unabated from the ashes of the war, had set themselves to kill and destroy every aspiration of mankind and to blot out civilization itself. To this challenge the Moose springs forward to defend civilization, to defend the home, to defend Mooseheart. Foremost on the rampart of civilization stands the Moose, and his broad and bristling horns form a defense behind which good men can rally. The Loyal Order of Moose has had the responsibility of being a foremost example of the power of right. Instead of shrinking in the hour of need we have expanded, grown, broadened out our membership, extended the sheltering horns of the Moose over thousands more families, taken into the secure shelter of Mooseheart hundreds more children. We have made a marvelous record of growth and development when every other good work was dwindling and impoverished. Now, when the skies are clearing, we must not call the task ended but must go on and finish it. From now until January first are the best weeks of the year for the growth of this Order. Let the watchword be “For Mooseheart” and let us show each other, and show the world, and show the little children who are waiting for us to save them, how the Moose can grow. Palatka, Fla., Lodge No. 1401, showed the true fraternal spirit during the recent illness of Brother W. J. McDonald. The frequent visits of Brother Moose to his bedside and the care the lodge took of him caused Brother McDonald to .Write: “The more I see of the Loyal Order of Moose the more fully I am convinced of the greatness of our order and the great principles on which it stands.” “Mooseheart is the touchstone for candidates for the Order,” said Brother R. H. Cunningham of Stamford, Conn., Lodge No. 940, in his address to the state convention. “If any man can pass through the recital of that story wihtout succumbing he must have a heart of stone.” York Lodge Growing York, S. C., Lodge No. 1061 at a banquet and get-together meeting reports the most representative gathering of men of all trades and callings during a period of at least 12 years. Each member of the Moose brought a guest. The affair gave impetus to the campaign of 1061 to make their Lodge a leader. Bud Lodge, West Va., No. 1125, has suffered some losses due to the unemployment crisis, but is recovering and hopes to go into the New Year with 100 members. Mooseheart Extension Fund. See your Secretary. Have him tell you about it. Give a Dollar. “We Can’t Keep House Without Sloan’s WE always keep Sloan’s Liniment right where we can lay our hands on it. We use it for every sort of external ache or pain, rheumatism, neuralgia, backaches* stiff joints, sprains and strains.” Sold by dealers you know and can trust. 35c, 70c, $1.40 Keep it handy Stoat# Liniment( ^enenj FREE CHRISTMAS OFFER DR. SCOTT’S ELECTRIC COMB FREE This magnetic comb retails at 75c and will be given away until Xmas to anybody who purchases one of DR. SCOTT’S Electric Hair Brushes This brush stimulates the roots of the hair and prevents dandruff, the great enemy of the scalp. Makes the hair grow. It relieves nervous headache and neuralgia. Made of selected bristles. No wire to Injure the hair or scalp. Beware of imitations. This brush is packed in a neat box, with compass to test power. Appropriate Christmas Gift No■ 3 |fw§J sent by Parcel Post, with comb, Est. for $2.00 with our 30-day guar- 43 Years \y Our book on Belts, Corsets and specialties mailed free. Don’t forget to accept this offer. CANVASSING AGENTS WANTED PALL MALL ELECTRIC CO. 51 West 39th Street New York Tube with Each Tire Most sensational tire offer of the year! Two tires for less than the usual cost of one — and a free tube with each tire! This is a special lot — all standard makes — selected for record-breaking sale. No double treads or sewed tires. Our big volume means best tire values! Thousands of steady customers everywhere are getting full mileage out of these slightly used tires and you, too, can get Size 1 Tire 2 Tires 30 x 3 $ 7.00 $11.25 30 !3^ 7.95 13.65 33x4^ 13.95 32x3H 9.00 15.45 34 x 4Y2 14.45 31 x4 10.00 16.90 35x4H 14.95 32x4 11.50 19.75 36x4^ 15.45 33 x 4 12.25 20.90 35 x 5 15.90 34 x 4 13.25 22.45 37 x 5 16.45 8000 Miles 2 Tires $22.90 23.45 23.90 24.45 25.45 26.15 26.55 Size 1 Tiro 1 32 x 4И $13.50 SEND NO MONEY I Shipment C. O. D. Express or Parcel Post. Examine tires on arrival and if not fully satisfied return same at our expense and your money will be promptly refunded, ng shipping charges. State whether Straight Side or sr. DON'T DELAY! ORDER NOW! : Sc RUBBER COMPANY Dept. 376 Chicago, Illinois ALBANY T! 2721 Roosevelt Road Ford Given Away EASY TO WIN-TRY THIS PUZZLE See the figures in squares below. A is 1, B is 2, C is 3, etc. Four words are there. What are they? 5000 Ford votes for correct answer. 7 | 5 I 20 | 1 | 6 | 15 | 18 I 4 | 6 | 18 5 ־1־5״ New Ford Car Given Free. Many grand prizes free. Cash for all who try. Easy to win. Send no money. Manager Wilson, 25 E. Lake St., Dept. 86 Chicago, 111. S. SUPPLY COMPANY, Box 347 Greenvlll», Pa. Military finish sir rifle. Sell 8 boxea ® Mentho Nova Salve at 25s. CJ. S. Supply Co. Dept. 36 Greenville, Pa.