MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Page Fourteen AGENTS: $72 A WEEK New Can’t Clog Coal-Oil Burner Newest Invention Most perfect burner ever invented. Intense blue flame. Can t clog up. Turns any coal or wood stove into a gas stove. Cheaper than coal. No more dirt, no ashes, no coal or wood to carry. Heats oven to baking point in 10 minutes. ONE HOUR FOR TWO CENTS Cheapest fuel known. Big opportunity for agents. Low priced Sells everywhere. Nothing else like it. New patented. Not sold in stores. First season. No competition. $2 AN HOUR TO HUSTLERS Act quick. Be first in your territory to introduce tins new big seller and make some real money this season. Don’t delay. Best time of the year right now to sell "Can’t Clog" Burners. Write quick for agency, territory and terms. PARKER MFG. CO.! 464 Coal St., Dayton, Ohio 1 — Good — $ Magazines Woman’s World, (Monthly)^Our Price Good Stories, (Monthly) / rt* A.A American Woman, (Monthly) >j)I,UU Mother’s Magazine, (Monthly) l ALL p[VE The Farm Journal, (Monthly)/ fori year ORDER BY CLUB NUMBER 155 A Dollar Bill will do—We take the risk Send all orders to Whitlock & Summerhays 25 North Dearborn Street, CHICAGO I© Cents IS; KEROSENE or Coal Oil will keep this lamp in operation for 130 HOURS and will produce № 300 CANDLE POWER of the purest, whitest and best light known to science. Nothing to wear out or get out of order. Simple. Safe. Absolute satisfaction guaranteed. ,Send for catalog showing lamps for ^very purpose; also special intro-^ ¿luctory offer and agency proposition. Write today. KNIGHT LIGHT CO. Dept. 4019 Chicago, Ilf. The little matter of 15 cts. (coin or stamps) will ■ bring you the Pathfinder 13 weeks on trial. The Pathfinder is a cheerful illustrated weekly, b published at the Nation's center for people everywhere; an independent home paper that tells i the story of the world's news in an interesting, I understandable way. Now in its 29th year. . • This splendid National weekly supplies a long- - FrOSTS frfol® worid, this is your best means. Ifyou want a paper in your home which is reliable and wholesome; if you would appreciate a paper which 1 puts everything clearly, strongly, en-| tertainingly, briefly—here it is. Sple*-' did serial and short stories and miscellany. The Question Box Answers YOUR questions and is a mine of information. Send 15 cts. to show that you might like such a paper and we will send the Pathfinder on probation 13 weeks. The 15 cents does not repay us, but we ar• glad t« invest in new friends. Try it for 13 weeks. Address : The Pathfinder„ 57 6 Lrugdon Sta., Washington, D. C. AGENTS $6 a Day Should be easily made selling our Concentrated Non-Alcoholic Food Flavors, Soaps, Perfumes and Toilet Preparations. Over 100 kinds, put up in collapsible tubes. Ten times the strength of bottle extracts. Every home in city or country is a possible customer. Entirely new. Quick sellers. Good repeaters. Not sold in stores. No competition. 100 per cent, profit to agents, Little or no capital required. Elegant sample case forwork-ers. Start now while it’s new. Write today— a post card will do— TT -D T717 for full Darticulars * 15 Cts! Ili 5494: American Bldg. Cincinnati, 9* for full particulars J RMERICAN PRODUCTS CO.. HAMILTON RIFLE !□□□SHOT » WE GIVE« ,/TO BOY5\, ALL 5TEEI » ^Choice of Six Guns (on\\ 2 2 CAL. UlP.7me . four easy plans) for sell-\. unuTIKir MAGAZINE/; ing our Magic Healing \^nUNI I NU *IQ ejici p ,'// Wav-o-lena at 25c Box. Ali\!\lrLt/'/ WE XRUST YOU! Order Seven Boxes Today On Postal ‘^tflTHQUT Card—we send promptly, Prepaid. I Easy to sell—used in every home. Return money as instructed, choosing your Gun according to one of the plans shown < in our Big Premium List. Also 200 other Gifts or Big Cash Commission if you prefer. If you are prompt—a special Free Gift WAVERLT CO. 201 T»w»*r Bid*, MonongaheU, Pa.''* PATENTS Send sketch or model for preliminary examination. Booklet free. Highest references, i Best results Promptness assured. Watson E. Coleman. Patent Lawyer, 624 F St., Washington, D. C. Secretary of Labor Davis at Ellis Island by minor officials at Ellis Island. James J. Davis arrived in this country through that very port of Ellis Island and by knowledge of conditions and by sympathy with all the oppressed he is the very man to clean things up. The photograph shows Secretary Davis at “The Island” on a trip of inspection and investigation. One of the big problems Director General James J. Davis has to handle as Secretary of Labor in the U. S. Cabinet, is that of properly receiving immigrants at Ellis Island, New York. Complaints have been many, especially in the past year, of needlessly harsh regulations and brutality Junior Order of Moose strenuous rivalry between Camden No. 8 and Philadelphia No. 32. Camden Senior Lodge is shortly going to organize a “three-in-one” campaign, including the Senior and Junior Lodges with the Women’s Legion. Nanticoke Lodge No. 69 is illustrious because of the fact that its officers put on all the work including the initiation of candidates in the most efficient manner. Mauch Chunk No. 94, is going with enthusiasm into the James J. Davis Campaign for new members. Recently six of the Juniors have graduated into the Senior Lodge aijd there are three others soon to foffirtv them. Tremont Lodge No. 115 is particularly fortunate because the Senior Lodge gives the boys unlimited privileges in the club rooms. Shamokin, Pa., Senior Lodge No. 1149, lined up a good number for charter membership in a Junior Lodge and it will be only a short time before they send in for charter and outfit. Brookville Lodge No. 105 graduated its first member, Paul Steele, at the last meeting of the Seniors. The graduate, before he was initiated, turned in a signed Senior pledge blank for the Davis Campaign with the application of the candidate. The graduate and his Davis Class candidate were initiated together. Meadville Lodge No. 48 is more than ordinarily fortunate in the help and encouragement given by the Senior Lodge. At Pittsburgh, Brother Grube found fine stir for Junior Moose, not only in Pittsburgh but in the surrounding country. Three of the graduates of Mooseheart, Harold Taylor, John Mei-kle and Ralph Jones, are going to work up the Junior proposition under Brother McGowan. In addition to a number of visits in New York State, Mr. Grube has also been with Morgantown, W. Va., Lodge No. 24; Greensboro, Pa., Lodge No. 47; Russellton, Pa., Lodge No. 68, and McKees Rocks, Pa., Lodge No. 88. In all these Lodges Mr. Grube’s visit will effect good results in the James J. Davis Campaign Class, in a higher appreciation of the Ritual work, in a better understanding of the business end of Lodge life. THE month of November has brought to the Supervisor of the Junior Order many optimistic letters from Governors and Secretaries. The complaints of the summer about business depression, unemployment and all sorts of excuses for “stick in the mud” conditions have faded out of the correspondence. The Junior outlook has never been so hopeful as now. Each month shows an accumulating list of live lodges. One of the most encouraging events of Junior Moose progress is the good hold the District Supervisors of the Moose Organization Department have taken upon the Junior proposition. Nine of the District Supervisors have taken contracts for the organization and promotion of Junior Lodges in territory that covers the greater part of Moose country. The Senior Lodges are beginning to reap. Those Senior Lodges that have heartily welcomed and cordially supported and co-operated with their Junior Lodges are beginning to be rewarded. There have been graduated for the first half of the present quarter over one hundred Juniors into the Senior Order. With the Junior Lodges Our Field Representative, Robert L. Grube, continues on his Eastern tour, visiting Junior Lodges and localities where former Lodges have been in operation but at the present time are not functioning. In several instances he has visited Senior Lodges where there are good prospects for the organization of Junior Lodges. Quaker City Lodge No. 32, Philadelphia, Pa., fills Brother Grubs with enthusiasm. “One could write reams about Junior Moosedom,” he writes, “after a visit to Quaker City Lodge. To see nearly 75 young men sitting in a good sized hall, and watch them carry on their business better than many Senior Lodges I have visited, was a sight to remember.” Prospects for increasing their membership are excellent. Camden Lodge No. 8, across the Delaware from Philadelphia, has changed Governors and Brother Charier, the new Governor, will see to it that Camden holds its place at the head of the “Big Ten.” There is *375-ONEDAY Ira Shook, of Flint, Did That Amount of Business in 1 Day —making and selling Popcorn Crispettes with this machine. He says in letter dated March 1, 1921: “1 started out with nothing, now have $12,000.00 all made from Crispette*.” Others have amazing records: Gibbs says: *‘Sold $50.00 first night!” Erwin’s little boy makes $35.00 to $50.00 every Saturday afternoon. Meixner reports $600.00 business in one day. Kellog writes: **$700.00 ahead first two weeks.” Master’s letter says: ״‘—sold $40.00 in four hours.” During March, 1921, Turner was offered $700.00 clear profit above cost of his investment to sell. There is — lots of money—in Crispettes. Times no difference for most of these records were made in 1921—were made while people are crying hard times and are looking for jobs! Location makes no difference It’s common for Crispette machines to make $10.00 to $25.00 profit daily in small towns! I Start You in Business Write me—get my help. Begin now. Others are making money selling Crispettes. You can, too! You don’t need much capital. Experience not necessary. I furnish everything—secret formulas, equipment for shop or store, full directions, raw materials, wrappers, etc. Splendid chances galore everywhere! Crowded streets, amusement parks, concessions, wholesaling and stores! $100022 Month Easily Possible Crispettes are a delicious, delightful confection. People never get enough. Always come for more. Raw materials are plentiful and cheap. You make enormous profits. Trade grows by leaps and bounds. It’s an easy, pleasant and fascinating business. Send post card for illustrated book of facts. Contains enthusiastic letters from men and women who have quickly succeeded. Tells how to start. Explains most successful methods. Gives all information needed. It’s Free! Write Now! Address LONG К AKINS COMPANY 1250 High Street Springfield. Ohio You Cart Earn NEW MACHINE Many are doing $3,000 a year and better with this new machine. You can too, f You need no experience. We teach you FREE in one simple lesson, ■*®¡s btart right at home. _ Everywhere there’s ^ plenty of money and big cash profits waiting for ambitious men. THIS IS THE BUSINESS FOR YOU A business of your own. Requires little capi-L tal and grows fast into a real factory—a real! manufacturer. Open an Automobile Tire! Surgery Station with Haywood Equipment. | Let the money roll in. Auto tires need mend-1 mg constantly. There is your profit. Owners I eager to give you their business. It means a I saving of money to them, and | big cash returns for you. ! JUST MAIL THE COUPON FOR THIS FREE BOOK A valuable guide to power and wealth. It gives the I complete details. How to | start. How to succeed. Tells all #»■■■■■■־־ about your op- «* Haywood Tire ■nd Shows how easy Eie work can be '/ Iff'S’“l1' 1;»"1!1“J done. Shows the big profit in .* ־ ־ Capitol Are. this new field. Write for it Indianapolis, ind. today. A postcard will do. Gentlemen^ Get your FREE copy. Pleas e send me your ♦ book as you promised to • do. This of course does HAYWOOD TIRE & EQUIPMENT COMPANY »* s 41 Capitol Ave. #*Nam־ . 1М)[АУЛ POLIS .*Addi־־» . INDIANA / -------- fMüvnHKEE Latest Model with Electric Starter .nd Lights Drive Your Own Car Don’t buy a Ford. Join our ture? Thealphabetls numbered —A is 1, B is 2, etc. What are the two words? Other valu- _ of 14 ( won last Auto | Ford Willson, Mgr., 141 W. Ohio St., Dept. 3048 Chicago, III.J . ---------!ready _ away many Autos. Why not you? Send answer today. Let ub send this fine Razor for 80 days free trial. When satisfied after using, send $1.85 or return razor. Order Today. JONES MFG. CO. 160 N. Wells St. Dept• 646 Chic»*©