Page Thirteen MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE The News of Mooseheart AGENTS: $54 a Week 2 in 1 Reversible Raincoat One side dress coat, other side storm coat. Tailored seams, sewed and strapped. Two coats for the price of one. Brand new. First season. Not sold in stores. We control the entire output. Take orders from men and women who ob-j ect to paying present high prices. Guaranteed Waterproof or money back. Our men and women representatives having wonderful snccess. Right now is I the big season. No experience or « capital needed. You take the orders. We ship by parcel port and do all collecting. Commisf' j| paid same day you take orck '1' ''"A We are paying thousands of dollars _o ״ our agents taking orders for this new 'J? Reversible Coat. We have all of the latest and best styles of raincoats for men, women and children. Our new, big swatch book, 48 pages, shows all new and distinct patterns. Write today for agency and sample coat and make some real money this season. Parker Mfg. Co., 564Storm St., Dayton, Ohio John H. Walker President Illinois State Federation of Labor Endorses Mooseheart mm ■ iHJyfg^At Home By Mail] Big oportunities open on land and sea! Salaries up to $10,000 a year. Wireless expansion is spreading over the world like wild-fire! Now easy to learn—at home in your spare time. Offers you fascinating work, good pay, travel if you want it, and a wonderful future. Four amazing new inventions and special home-study course enables you to qualify in short time. No previous experience necessary. FREE BOOK—“Wireless, the Opportunity of Today“—sent upon request. Write today for it and our Special Short-Ttime Offer. Dnal Radio Institute, Dept. 3712, Washington, D. C. We pay $8 a Day taking orders for New Kerogas Burner. Makes any stove a gas stove. Burns kerosene (coal oil). Cheapest fuel known. Fits any stove. Burns like gas. Clean Odorless No smoke Easy to get orders on account of nign price and scarcity of coal. Work spare time or full time. Write for sample. Thomas Mfg. Co. B- 820 Dayton, Ohio TYURING the convention of the Illi-־Lnois State Federation of Labor at Aurora the delegates accepted an invi-tion to come and inspect Mooseheart. Headed by Presided John H. Walker, the delegates came to Mooseheart in a special train of six fully loaded in-terurban cars. The delegates ־went all over the grounds and looked at all the buildings, homes, schools, dormitories, play grounds and athletic fields. They saw Mooseheart Lake, the great farm and dairy and the hundreds of activities and oportunities open to the father less wards of Mooseheart. The ceremonies of welcome were concluded by the presentation to Pre- __ sident Walker of a handsome hardwood gavel, turned and polished by the boys in carpentry school. It was put into Mr. Walker’s hands by one of the students who said that the boys of Mooseheart had made this gavel for President Walker to use in the deliberations of the Federation of Labor convention. When he arose to reply, Mr •Walk National Radio Institute, er was greatly affected. The words ____________________ that he used in commending Mooseheart and in expressing the joy he felt in seeing the happy faces of more than a thousand wards of Mooseheart before him and in expressing his strong endorsement of the principles of humanity and brotherly love that have created Mooseheart will never be forgotten by any that heard them. After his return from the convention to his headquarters in Springfield, 111., President Walker wrote the following endorsement of Mooseheart: fT’01717 Wonderful Book jL ■B—A JS—Tells how to learn to mount i heads and tan s Learn by mail. A necessity for hunters —v . and nature lovers. Quickly leaned by men and women. Fascinating. Success guaranteed. Decorate your home and den with splendid art. Make big profits from your spare time. Write today for illustrated book. It’ll delight you. _ 3219Elwood Bldg., Omaha Our Scientific Method toil l stop that _, TSTAMMER! B Study at Home if you choose. Send for free 200 I page book. It tells how our Natural Guaranteed Method quickly corrects Stammering or Stuttering. 9 Write THE LEWIS INSTITUTE (Founded 1894) 148 Lewis Bldg., 71-77 Adelaide St.B Detroit, Mich. Wrestling Book FREE Here’s your chance to be an expert wrestler. Learn , easily at home by mail from world’s champions! Frank Gotch and Farmer Bums.Free book tells I you how. Secret holds, blocks and tricks revealed. I Don t delay. Be strong and healthy. Handle Mgl men with ease. Write today. State your age. I Farmer Burns, 3219־ Wamge Bldg., Omaha, Neb, 1 BE A DETECTIVE EARN BIG MONEY. TRAVEL. Experience unnecessary. Particulars free. Write, AGENTS QUICK SALES! 3S0 Per CenI Profit KLEAN-RITE Magic Washing Compound Washes clothes without rubbing. Sells for 25c—you make 19c. Sale of every package guaranteed. Distributing samples free. Exclusive territory. Write quick for proof and Free Sample. Bestever Products Co., 1943־F, Irving Park, Chicago. _ AREAL HAMILTON ״ _ For selling only 2 lots of our Beautiful ^ Colored Art & Religious Pictures at 10c each. Order 25 pictures at once. They sell on sight. You can easily win this 22 Sure Shot Rifle in no time. Guaranteed. GA1R MFG. CO., 1926 Sunnyside Ave., Dept. 613. CHICAGO /^1 I ID KTFVQ Attention* Moose! Write ^/1־‘ ^ IVC* I O for our special prices on, keys. We are the largest shippers of Club and Lodge Keys in New England. OUSLEY, THE LOCKSMITH Pawtucket, R. I., U. S. A. A NEW OIL LAMP FREE Burns 94% Air M. B. Johnson, 609 W. Lake St., Chicago, 111., the inventor of a wonderful new oil lamp that burns 94% air and beats gas or electricity, is offering to give one free to the first user in each locality who will help introduce it. Write him for particulars. Agents wanted. —Advertisement. Springfield, Illinois. During my visit to Mooseheart on the occasion of the trip to it by the delegates to the Illinois State Federation of Labor convention in Aurora on Tuesday Oct. 18th, notwithstanding that I had previously heard a great many favorable reports about that institution, I was very agreeably surprised at the real service that it was rendering to so many orphans, and how near Mooseheart came to substituting homes and home influences to those children. The children were happy, in more than ordinary good health,—their food is wholesome and plentiful— their clothing substantial, healthful and comfortable — plenty of play grounds fitted up with the things that children and young folk like most, arranged so that all could enjoy them —regular playtimes provided for. They get a good education and are trained in some useful vocation, so that when they leave there, they will be able to make their own way in life, —they will make useful and helpful members of society. The influences for the moral welfare of the children are of the very best. It is bringing health and hapiness into the lives of thousands of children, educating and developing them into the finest type of citizens that otherwise might have had to suffer privation—be overtaken with illness as a result of insufficient food or exposure and died, or even had they lived, would have gone through life uneducated, undeveloped, with no chance in the battle of life, perhaps a liability to society. Mooseheart is doing a great work in the interest of humanity. The organization responsible for it, is entitled to the sincere gratitude of society, and particularly so are those who are in charge of it. (Signed) J. H. WALKER. Did you see your Secretary about the Mooseheart Extension Fund Landmark Comes Down allowed to stand. Mooseheart used it for a time as a water tank and clock tower. Walter Sellen of the Mooseheart Engineering Department planned the destruction of the old silo. Forty-five pounds of dynamite jarred it off its base and it fell and broke to fragments. In its place will rise the beautiful Italian tower and pavilion of the Campanile to be erected as a tribute to Director General James J. Davis. The huge cement silo which was on the Mooseheart property when it was purchased has been blown down to clear the site for the Campanile. The old silo was one of the first ever built of cement and was said to be the largest in the world when it was erected in 1911. It stood 93 feet tall and was 56 feet in circumference. Until the ground that it stood on was needed for the Campanile the silo was Mooseheart Helps Chicago Schools Chicago high schools are going to establish the vocation of cement and ornamental concrete February 1 next and their first two instructors will be Mooseheart graduates of the Mooseheart cement plant. Chicago will be the first city to teach this vocation, and Mooseheart was the only vocational school having this course. Superintendent Mortensen of Chicago schools visited Mooseheart and after seeing the work done in the cement plant, decided that Chicago must have the vocation. Want Mooseheart Ideas Ralph Spafford, superintendent of the Illinois State Soldiers’ Orphans’ Home at Normal, says that the state of Illinois Welfare Department is using Mooseheart as their copy book for their school at Normal. They are making an intensive study of Moose-heart’s vocational system, which is recognized as the standard. Football Burst at Mooseheart . An event for which sporting editors have not found a parallel occurred on the Mooseheart football field when a football burst in the air above the goal posts in a game between the Mooseheart junior team and a local high school eleven. Earl Durbin, a Mooseheart player, was kicking a goal after Mooseheart had made a touchdown. The ball burst just before it crossed the bar. The referee thumbed his rule book but could find no law to cover the occurrence. He decided to allow another kick, which failed. Mooseheart Gifts to Foch and Beatty Desk name plates made by wounded soldiers at Mooseheart were presented to Marshal Foch, General Diaz, Admiral Beatty and Lieutenant Jacques, at the American Legion convention at Kansas City. Colonel Ruby D. Garrett, Dictator of Kansas City Lodge No. 10, and local chairman of the Legion convention, made the presentation. Mooseheart Nursery Population There are 150 children too young to attend kindergarten at Mooseheart in the nurseries. Mooseheart High School Receives National Honor First School in Illinois to be Recognized by National Association. Mooseheart High School has been awarded a charter in the Honor League of the National Association of Secondary Schools, which means high schools and other preparatory schools. The letter of award states that Mooseheart is the first school in the state of Illinois to receive the honor. Charters in the Honor League are awarded to schools as a recognition of high teaching standards. The Honor League is a sanctioned high school society to take the place of High School fraternities, which in many states are forbidden by law. Membership in the Honor League is confined to the best scholars in the chartered schools. Awarding of the charter to Mooseheart is a high tribute to the school as many other Illinois high schools have applied for charter. MOOSE HEAD Made of pure aluminum, finished in natural brown, six and one-half inch spread of antlers. Just the right size for an ornament for your home, den or office. Price, each, $2.50 charges prepaid when remittance in full accompanies the order. Send All Orders to RODNEY H. BRANDON Supreme Secretary Loyal Order of Moose MOOSEHEART, ILL.