Page Nine MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE The Charm of white teeth comes in this way lions of people now use it daily. And the use is fast spreading all the world over, among people who care for their teeth. Five vital effects Pepsodent, with every use, brings five desired effects. It combats the film, wherever it may cling. It leaves the teeth so highly polished that film cannot easily adhere. It multiplies the salivary flow—Nature’s great tooth-protecting agent. It multiplies the starch digestant in the saliva. That is there to digest starch deposits which cling. It multiplies the alkalinity of the saliva. That is Nature’s neutralizer for acids which cause decay. Pepsodent twice daily brings these important effects. To countless homes around you it has brought a new dental era. The results are both quick and conspicuous. One can see and feel them. One cannot doubt the benefits they bring. Send the coupon for the 10-Day Tube. Note how clean the teeth feel after using. Mark the absence of the viscous film. See how teeth whiten as the film-coats disappear. Watch all the delightful effects. The book we send will tell you why they come. In a week you will know a better way to brush teeth. And we think you will always employ it. Cut out the coupon now. Ten-Day Tube Free 672 THE PEPSODENT COMPANY, Dept. 385, 1104 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. Mail 10-Day Tube of Pepsodent to ........................ Only one tube to a family. This ten-day test will show you clearly the way to prettier teeth. You will also know that those glistening teeth are cleaner, safer teeth. You will see and feel the film removal. The results will surprise and delight you. Compare them, for your own sake, with the old way of teeth cleaning. That dingy film A dingy film—a viscous film—accumulates on teeth. You can feel it with your tongue. It clings to teeth, enters crevices and stays. It clouds the teeth’s luster and fosters attacks on the-teeth. Most tooth troubles are now traced to film. The film is what discolors, not the teeth. Film is the basis of tartar. It holds food substance which ferments and forms acid. It holds the acid in contact with the teeth to cause decay. Millions of germs breed in it. They, with tartar, are the chief cause of pyorrhea. Also of many internal diseases. Teeth left unclean The tooth brush used in old ways leaves much of that film intact. Then night and day, between the teeth and elsewhere, it may do a ceaseless damage. Teeth are left unclean. Thus mil-li'us find that teeth brushed daily stnl discolor and decay. Tooth troubles have been constantly increasing until very few escape. And the reason lies largely in that film. Now we remove it Dental science has now found two ways to fight that film. Able authorities have proved them effective. Now leading dentists everywhere are advising their daily use. Both are combined in a dentifrice called Pepsodent—a tooth paste which meets every modern requirement. Mil- The Neiv-Day Dentifrice A scientific film combatant, whose every application brings five desired effects. Approved by highest authorities, and now advised by leading dentists everywhere. All druggists supply the large tubes. Campanile to be Built at Mooseheart in Honor of James J. Davis Honor “The Founder” NEXT Summer when the delegates to the Annual Moose Convention at Mooseheart, stream up the broad entrance road the first building they will see, standing on its grassy knoll, pointing it§ spire to the skies and spreading out its wings in welcome, will be the Campanile, the tribute of the Order to “The Father of the of the Moose and Founder of Mooseheart.” James J. Davis. The Campanile fills a needed service as a band stand, speaker’s pavilion, observation tower, information bureau, rest room and exhibition room for the products of Mooseheart. In its architecture it typifies and[ strikes the keynote of the plan of the City of Childhood. The chief feature of the Campanile will be a bronze tablet, ten feet high, sculptured in high relief, of Director General Davis, with his hands on the shoulders of two children. Every Moose will wish to have his share in putting up the Campanile to show his appreciation of James J. Davis. Philadelphia Lodge No. 54 and Pittsburgh Lodge No. 46_ have pledged $5,000 each. Other lodges should not be behindhand. We must have the Campanile finished before the convention this summer so that the first speaker in it may be the President of the United States, Brother Warren G. Harding. Every lodge should send its subscription at once. The Campanile is to be erected by popular subscription of all the Moose. The cost of the building is about $75,000, so that the individual subscription is only a small fraction of a dollar. Every Moose can take part in this splendid testimonial and useful addition to our beloved Mooseheart. Individuals may send subscriptions direct, or they may be collected by the lodges. Send subscriptions now to: JOHN W. FORD, Chairman Honor the Founder Committee 421 Commercial Trust Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. New Belgian School Studying Mooseheart One of the first projects entered into by Belgium after the war is a vocational and technical school in the planning of which Mooseheart is serving as a model. Omer Buyse, Director of Technical Education of the city of Brussels, is in charge of the work. A great educational center is projected, in which shall be concentrated the 25 schools now existing in Brussels with the addition of new schools to meet additional requirements. M. Buyse in the beginning of the Brussels school undertaking wrote to America for data and advice, and was referred to Mooseheart. He has been aided by all the information the Mooseheart educational directors could give him and the new Belgian school may owe much to the new teaching-plans worked out to success at Mooseheart. Arkansas City, Kans., Lodge No. 972 has taken a five year lease on new club rooms. St. Paul, Minn., Lodge No. 40 is initiating big classes of candidates. Manchester, N. H., Lodge No. 258 is initiating many candidates. Grand Ledge, Mich., Lodge No. 632 had its annual game supper and over 100 were served. Haverhill, Mass., Lodge No. 848 reports big success in the drive to double the membership. Fall River, Mass., Lodge No. 456 reports great activity and interest in the James J. Davis Class. Chillicothe, Ohio, Lodge No. 1626 held a home coming in November for Moose and their families. It is planned to make it an annual affair. Fort Hamilton Lodge No. 1437, Hamilton, Ohio, celebrated its eighth anniversary in November. The lodge plans to hold a number of fish frys during the winter.