MOOSEHEART MAGAZINS Page Eighteen To introduce the CATARACT Circulating Water Pump for Ford cars and trucks. Positively prevents overheating, freezing and 90% of all Ford engine troubles. Makes used Fords run like new — keeps new Fords new. _ Doubles power, flexibility and life of any Ford car or truck. Ford owners buy eagerly. They are anxious to get one of these wonderful pumps. Sold on FREE trial money back guarantee. FRFE Cataract Pump for Your Ford Cataract agents make from $75 to $ 150 a week. A11 you have to do is to pu t a CATARACT on YOUR Ford and accept big, profitable business day after day. No limit to the money that you can make. Write for iJlustrated literature and AGENTS proposition—TODAY. Cataract Manufacturing Co. 3710 Fifth St. ;; Milwaukee, Wit. 2 YEAR GUARANTEED BATTERIES SAVE 50% Famous “Royal” Bat-teries—highest quality made-now selling direct from factory to car owner. Y ou save just about half. W e give written 2 year guarantee—longest on any battery made. Big responsible organization backs guarantee. Batteries for any car, tractor or gas engine. Send No Money g“Srl?oem this ad. Battery shipped immediately—by express C. O. D. You run no risk. Our location same for 8 years. j FREE BOOKLET If you want descriptive matter first, send for free booklet. Gives full details of this superior battery. Get this booklet before you buy any battery. Writetoday! Give year an d model of your car. K-E BATTERY CO., Dept. A] 14 E. Jackson Bvd.,Chicago Largest Exclusive Mail Order Battery House in America Specimen Prices Ford-Dort - • $18.80 Overland-Buick • 21.85 Maxwell-Dodge 25.60 All Other Cars Supplied at Equally Low Prices. Auto Owners WANTED! To introduce the best automobile tires in the world. Made under our new and ex-elusive internal Hydraulic Expansion Process that eliminates Blow-Out—Stone-Bruise— Rim Cut and enables us to sell our tires under a 10,000 MILE GUARANTEE We want au agent in every community to use and introduce these wonderful tires at our astonishingly low prices to all motor car owners. FREE TIRES forYOUR 0 WN CAR to a representative in each community. Write for booklet fully describing this new process and explaining our amazing introductory offer to owner agents. Hydro-United Tire Co. DEPT. 198 Chicago or Philadelphia BIGGEST HIToftheYEAR Get the latest and best proposition yet. Tailor-made Sterling Quality Skirts—they sell on sight. High class, fully guaranteed. 3very customer is a booster. You'll get enthusiastic and nothing can stop you from cleaning up big money. Hundreds are doing t. Big commissions. No collecting or delivering. Men or women—full or spare time. No ,experience necessary. Write today. Don’t put it off, for right now's the time. Fabrics Mfg. Co., 112 Second St. Dayton, 0. WRIST WATCH & RING Guaranteed Timekeeper We positively ^ive this ׳ — Genuine Stylish Wrist Watch GAIR MFG. CO. All These FREE 10 YEAR GUARANTEED WATCH, . Watch Chain, Ring and Scarf Pin J American Watch—fancy back and fine chain. Lover's Knot Pin and Ring, . both set with fine Btones. Al! 4 pieces posi- I tiyely given for selling only 25 large colored \ , PictureB OR 25 pkgs. Fancy post Cards at 10c each. Order choice TODAY. All Bent postpaid. _ GATES MFG. CO.DEFT. 236 - CHICAGO¡ Talks to Lodges Decisions of General Dictator George N. Warde rFHE following inquiries were made ־*־ to this office within the past month and decisions rendered: Cannot Lend Roster. ARE YOU SUFFERING FROM NERVE FORCE EXHAUSTION? How to Teil and What to Do Is it a violation of the laws or rules of the Order for a lodge to lend the roster of a lodge or allow any one to use the same for any purpose whatsoever ? Answer. Ruling was made that it is a serious violation of the rules of operation and decorum of a lodge to permit any officer or member of a lodge to allow in any manner whatever any person even though he be a member of the Order to use, copy or handle the roster of the lodge for any purpose whatsoever. By-Laws. Is a lodge required to draft a set of by-laws for the government of the lodge ? Answer. Each lodge of the Order shall make such by-laws and club rules as its needs require and as are not inconsistent or in conflict with the laws enacted by the Supreme Lodge. But such laws or rules shall not become effective until they have been submitted in duplicate to the General Dictator and approved by him in writing׳. If the lodges contemplating new by-laws will write to this office before compiling new ones, a blank form will be sent them which can be filled in. The same would serve as a bylaw for almost all purposes. nd a burden to themselves and of the nervo-vital fluid. power becomes weakened. You have noble impulses and desires, but you do not carry them through. The most pitiful sight in life is a man or woman who has “no will.” Of all diseases, except insanity, there are few, if any, more terrible in their nature than exhaustion of the nervo-vital fluid. In such cases, it is often worse than foolish to take mere stimulating medicines or narcotic drugs, which only whip up your fagging vital powers for the moment, may be at the expense of your life later on. What you need is to put more nerve force into your nerves and more iron into your blood, to help make new nerve force . with which to feed your starving nerve cells. This is most effectively accomplished by the free use of Nuxated Iron. This valuable product contains the principal chemical constituent of active living nerve force in a form which most nearly resembles that in the nerve and brain cells of man. It also contains organic iron like the iron in your blood and like the iron in spinach, lentils and apples. This form of iron will not blacken nor injure the teeth nor upset the stomach. It is an entirely different thing from metallic iron which people usually take. Nuxated Iron may therefore be termed both a blood and a nerve food, as it feeds strength-giving iron to your blood and the principal chemical ingredient of active living nerve force to your brain and nerve cells. Over four million people are using Nuxated Iron annually, and from the remarkable beneficial results which it has produced, the manufacturers feel so certain of its efficacy, that they guarantee satisfactory results to every purchaser, or they will refund your money. Beware of substitutes, look for the word “Nuxated” on every package. Nuxated Iron for the blood and nerves is sold by all druggists. Thousands are failures in life i families from depletion All success-‘and happiness in life depend upon the nervous system which consists of countless millions of cells. In these cells is stored that mighty mysterious energy which we call nerve force. When your nerve force becomes weakened or exhausted, you may suffer from all kinds of alarming symptoms. The nervous woman of leisure feels bright and like her- self during any exciting pleasure, yet every time she indulges in such, she is only further spending her already small supply of reserve nerve force and further aggravating her already lamentable condition. When such a woman has no exciting pleasure she at once feels morbid and depressed, has headaches, periods of great weakness and moods in which she wants to scream. The nervous business man feels in a perpetual hurry. He is impatient and restless while waiting for his car or luncheon. He eats rapidly, fidgets, and at night tosses and thinks for an hour or two before he can go to sleep. His memory fails, his judgment becomes poor and he often makes bad decisions, which greatly injure and sometimes ruin his business. The nervous student broods over his studies and cannot fasten his attention upon his work. The nervous mother or housekeeper is highly irritable, forgets where she puts things and often cannot remember what she started to do. At night she often has a “good cry” and excuses it by saying it is a relief for her nerves, when it means a high state of nerve force exhaustion. Without “nerve force,” your will Legal Age is 21. May a lodge admit to membership applicants who are under twenty-one years of age? Answer. Applicants for membership are restricted to a minimum age limit of twenty-one years. At the last Legislative Convention an amendment to the General Laws was introduced for the purpose of reducing the minimum age to eighteen years. This amendment was defeated by a unanimous vote of the Convention. _ Therefore, the old laws still remain and no applicant can be admitted to membership who has not reached his twenty-first birthday. Maplewood Takes in 40. Maplewood, Mo., Lodge No. 1086 has initiated a class of forty, the largest class brought in since the organization of the lodge. This class was a memorial to our late brother, E. M. Stevens a charter member of Maplewood lodge, who died March 3rd, leaving a widow and three children, who are now at Mooseheart. NUXATED IRON 555D ״NERVES We Guarantee to Pay $12 a Day Taking Orders for 2 in 1 Reversible Raincoats One side dress coat, other side storm coat. Tailored seams, sewed and strapped. Brand new. First season. Not sold in stores. We control the entire output. Take orders from men and women who object to paying present high prices. Positively Guaranteed Waterproof or money back. Our men and women representatives having wonderful success. Right now is the big season. No experience or capital needed. You take two average orders a day and we will mail you commission check for $12. We are paying thousands of dollars to our agents taking orders for this new Reversible Coat. We have all of the latest and best styles of raincoats for men, women and children. Our new, big swatch book, 48 pages, shows all new and distinct patterns. Write today for agency and sample coat and be first in your territory to introduce this new big seller. PARKER MFG. CO., 764 Storm St., Dayton, Ohio CUT YOUR OWN HAIR EASIER THAN SHAVING Long Island, N. Y., Lodge No. 485, recently burned the mortagage on land, on which is to be erected a Moose home. Gloversville, N. Y., Lodge No. 351, has purchased a residence containing 21 rooms, to use as a Moose home. Empire Lodge No. 1560, of Newark, N. Y. initiated 30 candidates, some of whom were men prominent in business and political affairs. Newburyport, Mass., Lodge No 1601, has purchased a building■ to be used as their home. Clovis, N. M., Lodge No. 1461, was instituted with 70 members. Buffalo, N. Y., Lodge No. 8, aim to have at least 10,000 members by December 1. Supreme Dictator James F. Griffin of Boston and District Supervisor P. H. Galvin have completed a tour of Moose Lodges in New York state. They were greeted by enthusiastic crowds, ׳which filled the lodge auditoriums to capacity. You do not need any experience or nractice to use the DUPLEX AUTOMATIC HAIR CUTTER. It comes to you ready for instant use, and five minutes after you receive it you can have your hair cut better than it was ever cut before. The DUPLEX will cut as closely or trim as long as you wish it to. No clippers or scissors are needed with the DUPLEX; it finishes the work completely. It cuts the front hair long and the black hair short. Trims 'around the ears, etc. Inside of a very short time you will have to pay $2.00 for the DUPLEX. The price today is $2.00, but while our present stock lasts we will accept this advertisement the same as $1.00 Cash. Cut it out and send it with ONLY $1.00 and we will send you the DUPLEX ״. __ COMFORT SPEED AUTOMATIC HAIR CUTTER ready for instant use, post- WORRY ECONOMY age paid, to any address. SEND TODAY. Agents wanted. EXPENSE DUPLEX MANUFACTURING CO., Dept. 125 DETROIT, MICH. The biggest watch offer ever made—NO RED TAPE—NO WAITING. Simply send $2 and receive the watch. Full seven-jeweled Elgin, in stylish octagon case, guaranteed 20 years. 12 size, thin model. 30 DAYS' FREE TRIAL You carry the watch for thirty days—you take no chances. If !־!.• satisfactory your deposit is returned to you. You do not risk a penny. $2 A MONTH Send only $2 and the watch comes to you charges paid. Pay the i balance $2 a month for 10 months. Price only $22. pree Cat aloe־ Illustrates an'd describes over 2,000 items x c Aftiaiug j!! diamonds, watches and jewelry. Send for it Dept. 39S. AGENTS QUICK SALES! 350 Per Cent Profit KLEAN-RITE Magic־ Washing Compound Washes clothes without rubbing. Sells for 25c—you make 19c. Sale of every package guaranteed. Distributing samples free. Exclusive territory. Write quick for proof and Free Sample. Bestever P.-oducts Co.. 1943-F, Irving Park. Chicago. BE A DETECTIVE EARN BIG MONEY. TRAVEL. Experience unnecessary. Particulars free. Write, AMERICAN DETECTIVE SYSTEM, 1968 Broadway, NEW YORK