MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Page Fourteen LetMeSendYou FDFF0Ä tllâlâPâir r ALL of Handsome Tortoise Shell ^ Glasses. *771 For many year people have been coming to me from every part of Chicago on account of my wide reputation for supplying glasses that fit. I am now offering the benefit of this wide experience to ^people everywhere. No mattre where you live, I positively guarantee to give you a per-feet fit or there will be no charge whatever I promise to send you a pair of glasses that will enable you to see perfectly and satisfy you in every way, or you will owe me nothing. They will protect your eyes, preventing eye strain and headache. They will enable you to read the smallest print, thread the finest needle, see far or near. SEND NO MONEY I will not accept a single penny of your money until you are satisfied and tell me so. Simply fill in and mail the coupon below giving me the simple, easy information I ask for and I will send you a pair of my Extra Large Tortoise Shell Spectacles, for you to wear, examine and inspect, for ten days, in your own home. The glasses I send are not to be compared with any you have ever seen advertised. They are equal to spectacles being sold at retail at from $12.00 to $15.00 a pair. You will find them so scientifically ground as to enable you to see far or near, do the finest kind of work or read the very smallest print. These Extra Large Size Lenses, with Tortoise Shell Rims, are very becoming and your friends are sure to compliment you on your improved appearance. There are no “ifs” or “ands” about my liberal offer. I trust you implicitly. You are the sole judge. If they do not give you more real satisfaction than any glasses you have ever worn, you are not out a single penny. I ask you, could any offer be fairer? SPECIAL THIS MONTH If you send your order at once I will make you a present of a handsome Velveteen Lined, Spring Back, Pocket Book Spectacle Ease which you will be proud to own. Sign and mail the coupon NOW. Dr. Ritholz, DR477, Madison & Baffin Sts.. Station Chicago, 111., Doctor of Optics. Member American Optical Association, Illinois State Society of Optometrists. Graduate Illinois College of Opthomology ami Otology, Famous Eye Strain Specialist. Accept This Free Offer Today Dr. Ritholz, DR477. Madison & Laflin Sts. Station C, Chicago. 111. You may send me hy prepaid parcel post a pair of your Extra Large Tortoise Shell Gold Filled Spectacles. I will wear them 10 days and if convinced that they are equal to any glasses selling at $1 -».00, I will send you $4.49. Otherwise. I will return them and there will be no charge. How old are you?------------------------------------- How many years have you used glasses (if any)-------- Name------------------------------------------------- Post Office------------------------------------------ R. R_________________________ Box No----------------- State --------------------------------------------— PATENTS Send sketch or model for preliminary examination. Booklet free. Highest: references. : Best results Promptness assured. Watson E. Coleman, Patent Lawyer, 624 F St., Washington, D. C. Belleville Junior Ball Team Moose team to be played in other cities or at Mooseheart. Besides this team we have another playing in uniforms with a fine selection of ball talent from which to draw for our main team. I think it would be a good thing to have a number of contesting Junior Moose ball teams at Mooseheart during the Convention next year.” These are the players that represent Belleville Junior Order of Moose No. 120. Governor L. E. Cole writes of this team: “It has been playing semi-professional ball with the best teams in this vicinity with only three defeats. Early next session we will offer games to any Junior Order of Junior Order of Moose of Mr. Brandon’s dream of 50,000 Juniors in a years time.^ When those Supervisors of Mr. Davis once get to work, there will he a whirlwind of Junior progress. Organizing work in lodges not contracted hy Supervisors will continue from the Mooseheart Junior Order office as heretofore. Don’t Let This Stop You! There are quite a number of organizers of the Juniors who are holding׳ commissions for the institution of Junior Lodges in the jurisdiction of the Senior Lodges. These Organizers or Deputy Directors want to get very busy and close up their charter membership at the old rate of $2.50 for initiation fee. Because within a very short time when the Supervisors take hold of the work the initiation rate will go up to $5.00 and the requisite charter membership will be fifty. The Rondthaler office of Supervisor of the Junior Moose wants to close out these “formative operations” at the earliest date possible. The Juniors Campaign For the James J. Davis Class Many Junior Lodges have entered with enthusiasm into the campaign instituted by the Loyal Order of Moose and auxiliaries making strenuous effort to “double the membership” in honor of Director General Davis. All Juniors reading this _ will ask their officers whether their Lodge joined the Davis Campaign Class drive. If not they will urge that requests and literature on this subject be sent the Lodge. When you read Supreme See’y. Brandon Sees 50,000 Juniors Cupreme Secretary Brandon prophe-^ cies that he will have enrolled 50,000 Junior Moose in the next twelve months. This is a prodigious prediction. It classes Mr. Brandon way up among the Major Prophets. This 50,000 membership prophecy is built upon the. fact that the organization and promotion of the Junior Lodges is passing over into the hands of the Supervisors of the Organization Department of the Loyal Order of Moose. Director General Davis Adopts Juniors That is the reason of Secretary Brandon’s prophecy. Director General Davis has written from Washington authorizing the) closing of contracts with his Supervisors for the organization of Junior Lodges of Moose. Immediately upon the receipt of this letter from the Director General, the Supreme Secretary wrote to a number of the Supervisors suggesting that they “Hustle in a statement that they want Junior contracts for their territory.” Mr. Brandon adds in this letter to the Supervisors his own experience in organizing the Juniors: “The first time I ever tried it in a Lodge of Senior Moose I wrote forty-nine boys of the membership present in five minutes.” You, therefore, see the solid basis ;ad This ,•oiiiiiiiniiiumiiMmiinimiimmniiHiimmniiiii 7erv Moose Sh why you are If you find the number of your I irv, or Chairman of the Auditin them can toil you. write Rodney H. Br good t, Iil., and he will. 739 — 792 — 861 — 936 = 267 — 412 ״ Our Scientific Method mil I atop that î STAMM ER 1328 1326 Study at Home it you choose. Send tor tree 200 I page book. It tells how our Natural Guaranteed I _ Method quickly corrects Stammering orstuttering. * • Write THE LEWIS INSTITUTE (Founded 1894) • i Lewis Bldg.. 71-77 Adelaide 8t.. Detroit, Mich. — 1612 33 — 1446 —- imumiiiiMiiniim § 977 — 1019 — 1038 — 1075 I 1371 — 13761415 — 1378 —־ = 1659 _____ 1665 5llllÌHH!ìllllHHHÙlHIII«HHUIIIllHÌlÌnUlllllllllllinumil»l Jason Weiler & Sons 376L Washington St. Boston, Mass. Diamond Importers since 1876 Foreign Agencies: Amsterdam, London and Paris Build This Phonograph Yourseli TREMENDOUS SAVING IN COST Easy, fascinating work, with our SIMPLIFIED PLANS. We furnish blue prints, diagrams, motor, cabinet pieces, ready-built horn etc. You don’t need to be a cabinet maker. A few hours assembling; and you will have a fine instrument at one-quarter the regular retail price. AGENTS MAKE MONEY making and selling these instruments. Write today for full details and our FREE OFFER. Address;- M0DERN PHONOGRAPH SUPPLY CO. 626 Springer Building! 313 So. Clinton St. CHICAGO, ILL BUY L.0.0.M, EMBLEMS Also Jewelry, Diamonds, Watches, Silver & Novelties Direct by Mail FROM JASON WEILER & SONS, BOSTON AND SAVE ONE -THIRD ON RETAIL PRICES As America’s leading Emblem Makers and Diamond Importers, Jason Weiler & Sons of Boston, Mass., save you through, their wholesale and retail departments, both tihie and money. You save one-third to one-half in buying direct from us. We prepay express or mail charges. We guarantee safe delivery and absolute satisfaction or your money back for the asking. And the publishers of the Mooseheart Magazine endorse our guarantee, our methods and merchandise. 6678. This] No. 31223. This . de- : solid gold Moose solid button in the . .. , ®.® new tooth style. *1 exactly the' H lustra tion shows 1 size PricoT S exact size. Price. I $1.25. ! $1.50. 6678 31223 No. 6687. SOLID GOLD MOOSE RING iu the new octagon style, with beautifully designed raised Moose head. Very special value. Price $6.00. 6687 NEWEST L. 0. 0. M. CHARMS No. 31223. This handsome gold-filled charm. Moose tooth ^ style. Illustration shows exactly style and size. Very special at $3.00. No. 31231. This is ono of the somest solid gob Mooso charms have ever produced. RichLv engraved border. Tooth style, illustration shows exact design and size. $10.00 O u r free catalog shows many other styles. 3UJi 31223 Write for a copy. BUY DIAMONDS DIRECT From Jason Weiler & Sons— America’s Leading Importers, and Save 20 to 40% on Regular Retail Prices. This % carat diamond is of exceptional brilliancy and perfectly cut. It is mounted in a men’s style, 14k solid gold, tooth style setting. Money refunded if this ring can be duplicated elsewhere for less than $150.00. ill] Of] % carat $ 11! .00 Our price direct to you. .*P111 ■uu We also place on sale the following list of diamonds mounted in various styles of ladies’ and men’s 14k gold, platinum and white gold settings. Prices vary according to style of mounting: % carat_____$31.00 I 1 carat_____$145.00 % carat_____$50.00 1 Yz carat---$217.00 y> carat_____$73.00 2 carats_____$290.00 % carat____$108.00 | 3 carats_____$435.00 Our free catalog illustrates all the latest style!¡ in ladies' and men's rings, brooches, earrings, diamond mounted watches, pendants, etc. All the Latest in L.O.O.M. Emblematic Jewelry in this Free 164-page Catalog WRITE FOR FREE CATALOG of Jewelry — Diamonds — Watches — Silver-Pearls _ Toilet Goods — Leather Goods — Umbrellas — Clocks — Cut Glass — Fountain Pens — and Hundreds of Other Articles, A Wonderful Assemblage for the Christmas Gift Buyer to Select From ¡BIG EASTMAN CAMERA REALLY GIVER MÊ Eaey to cake Large. Clear P’ctures 2 ?4 x 3 H ■ Snapshots or Time Exposures. Fully Guaranteed. Free for selling only 24 Pks Biuette, our Famous Wb*u Bluing at loc or 86 Pks Sachet Perfume at 10c. Or» der choice. Both Easy to Sell. Chicago Bluing Wk•. 1620 SunnyaW• Ave., Dept. 413 Chicago, III.