Page Nine MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE New Beauty Will come if you whiten the teeth ferments and forms acid. It holds the acid in contact with the teeth to cause decay. Millions of germs breed in it. They, with tartar, are the chief cause of pyorrhea. Despite the tooth brush, all these troubles have been constantly increasing. Attacks it daily Now dental science has found ways to daily combat that film. Many careful tests have proved them efficient. Now leading dentists everywhere are urging their adoption. The methods are combined in a dentifrice called Pepsodent. Each use attacks the film in effective ways. Then it keeps the teeth so highly polished that film cannot easily adhere. This pleasant test has shown to millions the way to prettier teeth. Also to cleaner, safer teeth. To countless homes it has brought new tooth protection. This is to urge that you find out how much it means to you. Combats the film One object is to combat the film— this viscous film you feel. Most tooth troubles are now traced to that. Film clings to teeth, enters crevices and stays. Old brushing methods did not effectively combat it. So very few people have escaped some troubles caused by film. Film-coats discolor, making the teeth look dingy. Film is the basis of tartar. It holds food substance which The delightful effects saliva. That is Nature’s neutralizer of the acids which cause tooth decay All these results come from every application. And the benefits show quickly. You will see and feel effects which the old ways do not bring. You will realize what they mean to you and yours. Make this pleasant ten-day test and watch your teeth improve. There are other effects now considered essential in view of starchy diets Pepsodent stimulates the salivary flow. That is Nature’s great tooth-protecting agent. It multiplies the starch digestant in the saliva. That is there to digest starch deposits, which otherwise may cling and form acid. It multiplies the alkalinity of the The New-Day Dentifrice The scientific film combatant, which brings five desired effects. Approved by modern authorities and now advised by leading dentists everywhere. All druggists supply the large tubes. Ten-Day Tube Free 627 THE PEPSODENT COMPANY, Dept. 181, 1104 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. Mail 10-Day Tube of Pepsodent to ........................ Only one tube to a family. A few days tell Send this coupon for a 10-Day Tube. Note how clean the teeth feel after using. Mark the absence of the viscous film. See how teeth whiten as the film-coats disappear. Then read the reasons in the book we send. Act now. Senator Capper and the Kansas Children In an address to the students in Assembly Hall the Senator said: “I have been Governor of Kansas and I am an United States Senator, but the greatest honor that ever came to me is my membership on the Board of Governors of Mooseheart. What a joy it is to see nearly eleven hundred healthy children, all whom have clean faces and are so happy and well behaved.” U. S. Senator Arthur Capper of Kansas, a member of the Board of Governors of Mooseheart, and Congressman Ira C. Copley of Illinois, were recent visitors to Mooseheart. The picture shows Senator Capper, Mr. Copley and Superintendent Adams of Mooseheart with the children from Kansas who are at Mooseheart. Mrs. Capper and Mrs. Copley accompanied their husbands. Judge Donges, Mooseheart Governor, Marries in New York (CONGRATULATIONS are being '־-',showered on Judge Ralph W. E. Donges, who became a bridegroom the first of October in New. York, Judge Donges married Mrs. Lillian Mosebach, who was a childhood playfellow and schoolmate of the judge in his boyhood days in Camden, N. J. Mrs. Mosebach is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Cromie of Camden. Mr, and Mrs. Donges went to the White Mountains for their honeymoon. They expect to reside in Camden. The wedding took place in New York, where Mrs. Mosebach resided after she became a widow, a little more than a year ago. Only the immediate families were present. The thousands of friends whom Judge Donges has made in his extraordinarily active life as Past Supreme Dictator of the Moose, Governor of Mooseheart, Member of the Executive Committee, L. O. O. M. Judge of the Circuit Court of New Jersey, Chairman Public Utilities Commission of New Jersey, Lieutenant Colonel in the U. S. Army and public servant in many other capacities, are rejoicing in his good fortune. John W. Ford Presides at Lansdale Dedication ׳"THE largest delegation of mem-־*־ bers of the Loyal of Moose ever assembled in the North Pennsylvania section from Bethlehem to Philadelphia, gathered at Lansdale for the dedication of the new home of the Lansdale Lodge, No. 1323. There were 2000 Moose present and more than 2000 other visitors. Fourteen Moose lodges paraded. Philadelphia had a contingent of 500 men, headed by their 74-piece band. John W. Ford, Past Supreme Dictator was the leader. The second largest delegation was the Lansdale Lodge with 400 men, led by Dictator Howard F. Boorse. The other lodges with marching representatives were from Sellersville, Quakertown, Bethlehem, Doylestown, Norristown, Jenkintown, Camden and Pottstown. Following the parade, the dedicatory exercises of the new Lansdale Moose home were held. Past Supreme Dictator John W. Ford, was in charge. Secretary Davis Calls Conference To Aid Immigrants Director General James J. Davis, in his capacity as Secretary of Labor in the President’s cabinet, has been holding important conferences in Washington on the reception of immigrants in this country. Mr. Davis is inquiring into all conditions at Ellis Island, New York, the great port of entry for immigrants to this country, especially with regard to the charge by Congressman Siegel of New York, that the laws restricting immigration are being administered in such a way as to cause needless suffering. President Harding wrote to Mr. Siegel that Secretary of Labor Davis would take the matter in hand. “I know that the Secretary of Labor is one of the most humane and sympathetic men in all the land,” wrote the President. “If there are conditions such as you suggest I feel confident that they are absolutely unavoidable under the law.” Mr. Siegel, who is a member of the House committee on immigration and naturalization, said that a conference had been arranged by Secretary Davis with him, Senator Calder, Assistant Secretary of Labor Henning, Solicitor of the Labor Department Theodore Risley and Commissioner General W. W. Husband. Cincinnati Football Game Cancelled The football game between Mooseheart and the team of the school of the Junior Order of American Mechanics of Tiffin, Ohio, which it was announced would be played November 19 in Cincinnati, has been cancelled. The expense of both teams travelling so far caused the managers to call the game off. There is prospect, however, of Mooseheart going to Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 3 for the post season game with the champion high school team of Georgia. This game is a fixture and is always attended by ten to twelve thousand spectators, and the travelling expenses of the team could be met easily.