17 MO OS ENEART MAGAZINE DR. QUINN AT HIS PIANO-From the famous sketch by Schneider, exhibited at the St. Louis Exposition. a Funny Way Men and women who have failed by other methods have quickly and easily attained success when studying with me. In all essential ways you are in eloser- touch with me than if you were studying by the oral Jnethqd —yet my lessons cost you only 43 cents each—and they include the many recent developments in sc entitle teaching. For the student of moderate means,, this method of studying is far superior to all others.: ami even for the wealthiest student there is nothing better at any price. You may be certain that your progress is at all times in accord with the best musical thought of the present day, and this makes all the difference in the world. My course is endorsed by distinguished musicians, who would not recommend any Course that did not maintain the highest musical standards. It is for beginners, or experienced players, old or young. You advance as rapidly or as slowly as you wish. All necessary music is supplied without extra charge. A diploma is granted. Write today, without cost or obligation, for 64-page free booklet, “How to Learn Piano or Organ.” FEEE BOOK COUPON QUINN CONSERVATORY, Studio MH30 598 Columbia Road, Boston 25, Mass. Please send me, without cost or obligation, your free booklet, “How To Learn Piano or Organ," and full particulars of your Course and special reduced Tuition Offer. Name I Teach Piano So people Told Me When I First Started in 1891. But now, after over twenty-five years of steady growth, I have far more students than were ever before taught by one man. I am able to make them successful players of the piano or organ in quarter the usual time at quarter the usual cost. To persons who have not previously heard of my method, this may seem a pretty bold statement. But I will gladly convince you of its accuracy by referring you to ,any number of my graduates iu any part of the world. There isn’t a state in the Union that doesn’t contain many plhyers of the piano or organ who obtained their training from me by mail. Investigate by writing for my 64-page booklet, “How to Learn Piano or Organ.” My way of teaching pi :׳no or organ is entirely different from all others. Out of every four hours of study, one hour is spent entirely away from tho keyboard !«*:inii-ig something about Harmonv and The Laws of Musie. Th s is an awful shock to most teachers of the “..id school." who it: II think that learning piano is solely a problem of “finger gymnastics." When you do go to the keyboard, you accomplish twice as much because you understand what you are doing. Within four lessons 1 enable you to p ay an interesting piece not on Ivin the original key, but in all other keys as well. I make use of every possible sc'entific help—many of which are entirely unknown to the average teacher. My pr. tented invention. the COLOR()TON'K, sweeps away playing diffi-culr es that have troubled students for generations. By its use. Transposition— usually a “nightmare” to studonts—becomes easy and fascinating. With my . fifth lesson I introduce another important and exclusive invention, QUINN-DEX, Quinn-Dex is a simple, hand-operated moving picture device, which enables you to see, light before your every movement of my at ,.re keyboard. You actually see the fingers move: Instead oi having to icpro-duee \our teacher’s finger movements from MEMORY-— which cannot be always accurate—you have the correct models before you during every minute of practice. The COLOROTONE and QUINN-DEX save you months and years of wasted effort. They can be obtained only from me a!־d there, is nothing else, anywhere even remotely like them. Marcus Lucius Quinn Conservatory of Music Address Studio MH30, 598 Columbia Road, Boston, 25, Mass......... HereisARealJoblbffòu! Help find them. MISSING Past Dictator, Marc Anthony of San Francisco, Cal., Lodge No. 26, has not been heard from since he went to the World War. Secretary Frank C. Tracey says that there is a matter of an estate awaiting him in San Francisco. He adds that the lodge has received many reports of his whereabouts, but has not been able to find him. MISSING Brother Harry C. Conley, a molder by trade, who was employed in a turbine plant in or near Philadelphia, Pa., is being sought by Brother Robert B. Platt, 4618 Penn St., Frankfort, Philadelphia, Pa. He frequently visited the Moose Lodge at Broad and Master Sts, and his sister has a summer home in Beach Haven. He is a native of Baltimore, Md., and most likely became a member of the Lodge of that City. Brother Platt says that it will be to his advantage if Brother Conley Communicates with him. MISSING • Brother Loenz Schmidt, of Avon-moe, Pa., Lodge No. 37, has been missing since June 30, 1921. His dues are paid to December 31st, 1921. When last heard of he was in Mt. Clemons, Mich. His description: 52 years of age: 5 feet, 9 inches! 190'pounds; stocky build; black hair, tinted with gray, bald on crown. Baker and bartender by trade. When last seen wore close cropped mustache. MISSING Brother Louis Chates, alias James Gullo of Vineland, N. J., Lodge No. 434, left Vineland July 2, and has not been heard from. He is 23 years of age, weight about 155 pounds}, height 5 feet 2 inches, has black hair and is dark complexioned. His good wife is heart-broken and appeals to the brothers to aid her in locating her 1’usband¡ Toledo Convention Be anElectrical Expert Eam®l!ito®30 »Day Why hang on to the job that holds your nose to the grindstone? Why grope in the dark, or crawl, when you can jump to Success in Electricity—the most wonderful, fascinating, and “Big-Pay” profession in the world? Electricity needs men—wants you! Your Success Guaranteed Be a Big-Pay Man! You take no chance with me. I guarantee satisfaction, and agree, if you are not satisfied, to refund every penny you have paid me. And back of me in my guarantee, stands the Chicago Engineering Works, Inc., a Million Dollar Institution. Free Electrical Working Outfit To make your success certain, I give you tools to work with—a splendid, big Outfit of Electrical Instruments and materials. These are not toys, but real tools and apparatus, the kind you will use in every-day work. Save $45.50 by Enrolling Now The “short-cut” to “Big-Pay” is training. The , big field of today for the trained man is Electricity. Trained “Electrical Experts” earn $70.00 to $200.00 a week. Why Work for Less? Why, then, work for $25.00 or $30.00 or $40.00 a week? With a few months training under me, through my easily-learned, quickly-grasped, right-up-to-the-minute, spare-time, Home-Study Course in Practical Electricity you can fit yourself for one of these bigger jobs—one of these jobs that pay $3,500 to $10,000 a year. Act at once. Get my special offer. Write today, for my Big Free Book, “How To Become an Electrical Expert.” It’s the first step towards bigger pay. Yours for success, L.L.Cooke.Chief Engineer. ChIOAEQ BiEINEERIN6WilRKSl _______Dept. 90, 1918 Sunnyside Ave., Chicago. THE COOKE TRAINED MAN IS THE “BIG-PAY MAN” I Give You a Real Training As Chief Engineer of the Chicago Engineering Works, I know just the kind of training you need to succeed as an Electrical Expert. My course in Electricity is simple; thorough, and up-to-date^—no big words, no useless theory■— just plain, ■every-day English. Band Prizes The bands of the Moose Lodges which won prizes in the keen competition at thf Toledo Convention are winning renown, and their services are in demand. The following• bands won: Erie, Pa., First. Greater Chicago Lodge, U. D., Second. Norwalk, Ohio, Third. Tiffin, Ohio, Fourth. The bands played so well that it was a task for the judges to determine the winners. Erie heat Greater Chicago by only two points. Greater Chicago's band, under the direction of H. H. Whittier, organized less than a year, promises to be a contender for first honors at the next convention. Norwalk, Ohio, Lodge, has since the convention printed letter heads with a cut of their band, and the caption, “Winners of Third Prize at the Toledo Convention of the Loyal Order of Moose.” As a result their services are in demand. News Notes Waterloo, Iowa, Lodge No. 328, is going big and has been initiating candidates at every meeting. Joplin, Mo., Lodge No. 1228, with Judge E. H. Culligan as Dictator, Attorney Paul E. Bradley, Vice Dictator and W. E. Newton, Past Dictator, is sold on MOOSEHEART and Capt. Harry Glenn predicts that the lodge will become one of the best, on account of the splendid leaders. Missing Members. Russell Van Horn Member Antigo, Wis., Lodge No. 470. His description: Age, 27; dark complexion; weight 156; dark brown eyes; color of hair, brown-black. Large moose head tatooed on right arm. Upper right bicuspid tilted at angle. Ragged scar across top of head near back and not noticeable when hair is combed. This scar about three inches long. Address G. C. Gillette, Sec.. 933 Fulton St., Antigo, Wis. MISSING Brother George C. Adams, of Eureka, Cal., Lodge No. 636 is missing and Secretary Thomas H. Perry of 636, asks that anyone knowing of his whereabouts communicate with him. His description: about 55 years old; 5 feet 10 inches; weight 165; slender, blue eyes; dark hair; complexion, fair. Left Eureka about June 1st. MISSING Brother Charles A. Dunn, of Chester, Pa., Lodge No. 285, is missing and Secretary Alex J. McCloskey says that he was last heard from in October, 1920, at which time he was in Burnham, Pa. His description: 31 years of age; 5 feet, 10 1-2 inches; slightly bald; has a hoarse voice, as if he had a cold. If anyone has information as to his whereabouts they are requested to notify Secretary McCloskey. Military finish air rifle. Sell 8 boxes Men tho Nova Salve afe 2&C. U. S. Supply Co. Dept. 36 Greenville• Pa. ä DOLLARS IN HARES We pay $7.00 to $18.50 and up a pair and express charges. Big Profit. We furnish guaranteed high grade stock and buy all you raise. Use back yard, barn, cellar, attic. Contract and Illustrated Catalog Free׳ Standard Food & Fur Ass’n 409 F Broadway New York MOVIE MACHINE CPCC Have YourOwn “Movie” « «itt at home. Wonderful moving׳ picture machine. ׳ complete with gas generator and 3 sets assorted reels (96 views). Shows large clear pictures. Sent Charges Prepaid for selling 35 large colored pictures or 35 packages Fancy Post Cards each Order pictures OR cards TODAY. SATES MFG. 00. DEPT. 536 CHICACO TRIAL Let us send this fine Razor for 30 dayg free trial. When satisfied after using, send $1.85 or return razor. Order Today. JONES MFG. CO. 160 N. Wells St. Dept. 646 Chicago MOVING PICTURE MACHINE Fine moving picture machine with supply of films. Easy to operate, by oil or electricity. Free for selling only 12 ־ Mentho-Nova Salve, the won- ________enthol ointment for cnts.burns, itarrh, etc. Sell at 26c a box, return the $3 and receive this dandy premium. Satisfac-tion guaranteed. Order now. Hundreds of , toother premiums and big Cash Commission. U. s. Supply Co., Dep»,866 Si-MBvillc, Pa.