MOOSEHE/IRT MAGAZINE 16 *375-ONEDÂY Ira Shook, of Flint, Did That Amount of Business in 1 Day —making and selling Popcorn Crispettes with this machine. He says in letter dated March 1, 1921: 4*I started out with nothing, now have $12,000.00 all made from Crispettes״” Others have amazing records: Gibbs says: *‘Sold $50X0 first night!,r Erwin’s little boy makes $35.00 to $50 00 every Saturday afternoon. Meixner reports $600.00 business in one day. Keilog writes: **$700.00 ahead first two weeks.’* Master’s letter says: *‘—sold $40.00 in four hours.** During March, 1921, Turner was offered $700X0 clear profit above cost of his investment to sell. There is — lots of money—in Crispette•. Times to difference for most of these records were made in 1921—were made while people are crying hard times and are looking for jobs! Location makes no difference It’s common for Crispette machines to make $10.00 to $25.00 profit daily in small towns! 1 Start You In Business Write me—•get my help. Begin now. Others are making money selling Crispettes. You can, too! You don’t need much capital. Experience not necessary. I furnish everything—secret formulas, equipment for shop or store, full directions* raw materials, wrappers, etc. Splendid chances galore everywhere! Crowded streets, amusement parks, concessions, wholesaling and stores! $100022 Month Easily Possible Crispettes are a delicious, delightful confection. People never get enough. Always come for more. Raw materials are plentiful and cheap. You make enormous profits. Trade grows by leaps and bounds. It’s an easy, pleasant and fascinating business. Send post card for illustrated book of facts. Contains enthusiastic letters from men and women who have quickly succeeded. Tells how to start. Explains most successful methods. Gives all information needed. It’s Free! Write Now! Address ¡LONG EAKENS COMPANY 1050 High Street Springfield. Ohio A' ceived, written, perfected, sold. How many who don’t DREAM they can write, suddenly find it out. Iiow the Scenario Kings and the Story Queens live and work. 11 ow bright men and women, without any special experience, learn to their own amazement that their simplest Ideas raav furnish bri.liant plots for Plays and Stories. How one’s own Imagination may provide an endless gold-mine of Ideas that ' bring Happy Success and Handsome Cash Royalties. How new writers get their names into print. How to tell if you ARE a writer. How to develop your “story fancy,” weave clever word-pictures and unique, thrilling, realistic plots. How your friends may be your worst judges. How to avoid discouragement and the pitfalls of Failure. How to wxn! This surprising book is absolutely free. No charge. No obligation Your copy is waiting for you. Write for it now. Justaddress AUTHORS’ PRESS, Dept. 3!2 » AUBURN, NEW YORK 95 C.O.D. Elegant Thin Watch $2. Send No S QQxts 7 = ‘ Money .......................inuwniwfg^^Guaranieed This 1921 model Men’s or Boys* popular 16 size perfect time keeper for only $2.95. Solid Sitveroid thin model case, open face, stem wind and set, position adjustment, fully tested. A written guarantee with every watch. Present given with each watch. CONSOLIDATED WATCH CO., Dept 37 .I60N.WellsSt.,*JilicagO IACE CURTMMS ______r/L LATEST DESIGNS Fine lacey Nottingham Curtains— new Blue Bird and floral basket design-latest style. Yours for selling only 12 boxes of Mentho-Nova Salve at 25c. A wonderful ointment for cuts, burns, catarrh, etc. Return the 63.00 and curtains are yours prepaid, or choice of Dishes, Community Silver, Rugs, Si'k Hosiery. Wsists, Petticoats, etc., all shown in our 24-page book. B.g Cash Commission. Order now. U. S. SUPPLY CO., C־?t.766 Greenville, Pa. 10 YEAR WATCH CDCC( Hing,Chain and Scarf Pin I llkB■ 1 American Watch—Guaranteed f r 10 years, ^ ineatmodel,fancy back; alsoflneC> ain,Lover s \ Knot Scarf Pin and Ring set with fine stones. We give all 4 pieces for sellings only 20 pkgs. of fancy Tost Cards—i easiest of all to sell—at 15c a package. ■ ALL SENT POSTPAID. Order post card« today. SUN I.1FC. CO. DEPT.936 CHICAGO( !BIG EASTMAN CAMERA REALLY GIVEN AWÄf Easy to take Large, Clear P'ctures 2H x3j{. Snapshots or Time Exposures. Fully Guaranteed. Free for selling only 24 Pks Bluette, our Famous Wash Bluing at 15c or 36 Pks Sachet Perfume at 10c. Order choice. Both Easy to Sell. Chicago Bluing Wka. 1920 Sunnysido Aye.. Dept. 413. Chicago. III. BOYS AND GIRLS EARN XMAS MONEY Write for 50 sets AMERICAN CHRISTMAS SEALS. Bell־ for 10 ets. a set. When sold send us $3' and keep $2. NEU BECKER BROS., 961 East 23rd Street Dept. 10. Brooklyn, N. Y. Women’s Legion Notes (Continued from page 12) MOOSEHEART feels her loss keenly. She was an ardent worker and devoted her time to the service of the children, and her kindly disposition endeared herself to all. Her illness laster through a period of several months, much of which time she was cared for in the MOOSEHEART Memorial Hospital, where everything possible was done for her. A sister, who was with her when the end came accompanied the body back to her for-ner home at Chester, Pa. Lethbridge Chapter No. 328, has furnished an example which might be profitably copied by other Chapters of the Women of Mooseheart Legion. One of their members earned three dollars, and with this capital started to make potted meat which she sold to other members at fifty cents per pound. She was soon able to contribute twenty-one dollars toward the purchase of regalia for the drill team and also made a purchase of a magnificent doll, which she named “Faith.” This doll was dressed by other members of the Chapter and then offered for adoption at twenty-five cents a chance, which resulted in a net gain of seventy three dollars. The doll was eventually sent to MOOSEHEART, for the benefit of one of the nurseries here and the total profits of the Chapter amounted to the neat little sum of ninety-four dollars. Legionaire Mrs. G. E. Wood, Senior Regent of Chapter of No. 13, Women of Mooseheart Legion from Eugene, Oregon, recently visited MOOSEHEART and upon her return the Chapter and Moose Lodge held a joint meeting to listen to her report. Legionaire Wood, was of course, very enthusiastic regarding her visit and the great work that is being carried on, and the audience declared that her report was the best they had ever received in regard to MOSEHEART. At this joint meeting the members of the Chapter pledged their support to the movement to erect a Women’s Building at MOOSEHEART, and both branches of the order pledged their support to the complimentary movement for new members in honor of our Director General and Secretary of Labor, James J. Davis. The Moose movement in Eugene, Oregon, although far removed from MOOSEHEART is not lacking in enthusiasm nor loyalty y///////////////y//////^ Pomona, Cal., Lodge No. 650, held a big initiation during August. Before the lodge ceremony, there was a big parade headed by Mayor Thomas R. Ovington, followed by bands, bugle corps, members, candidates and floats. One band of 22 pieces composed of Moose who are in the U. S. Navy and stationed at the submarine base at San Pedro. Director General Davis’ Labor Day Speech (Continued from page 8) the arts or in the professions, or whether nature has meant them to be humble workers, they step into either work in life with an equipment that means success. Give Veterans Preference “It is a poor country that cannot free our soldiers from worry. Let me urge employers to give these veterans preference in these days of pinch. They left their jobs to fight; we must not now make them fight for jobs. “The great American productive machine, its own boast and the wonder of the world, has slowed down to a pause. Yesterday a hum lies forgotten in the silence of today. But a country so full of riches in brains and_ character cannot long remain idle.’ A people so lusty as ours as full of energy and enterprises cannot long remain asleep.” 100 “Points’Tor Correct Answer If your answer is correct you wi 1 be given 100 "points” toward the free Buick or $1000. You can gain 25 more “points” by “Qualifying” your answer, that is, by proving that you have shown a copy of our paper, THE RURAL five f Samples free when we receive your answer. The final 25 "points” will be awarded by 3 independent Judges on the handwriting (10) ; neatness and style (10); spelling and punctuation (5) of answers received. 150 “Points” Wins Buick or $1,000 The answer gaining 150 “points,” the maximum, will win the Buick or $1000; second highest wins $200 Phonograph and so on down list of 25 prizes. In ease of tie, duplicate prizes will be awarded. Contest closes ]November 30th, 1921. No Cost—No Obligations We have given away over 150 autos and have Winners in every state. Fern Hawes, Atlanta, 111., Bud Rice, Muscoda, Wis., Clarence Weiting, Marlin, Tex., are recent auto winners. You may be the next $1000 winner if you try. The Rural American is owned by a $2,000,000 Publishing Company, so you may be sure that everything is “on the square.” You will not be asked to subscribe to the Rural American in order to win,—this is not a “subscription contest.” There are no further requirements than those stated in this announcement. It will be easy to win; send in your answer at once. Puzzle Editor RURAL AMERICAN, 59 News Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. NOTICE Write your answer on one side of sheet of paper, your name and address in upper right hand corner. Write nothing else on that sheet. Mail your answer at once,—you may win free Buick or $1000 in cash. The biggest watch offer ever made—NO RED TAPE—NO WAITING. Simply send $2 and receive the watch. Pull seven-jeweled Elgin, in stylish octagon case, guaranteed 20 years. 12 size, thin model. 30 DAYS’ FREE TRIAL You carry the watch for thirty days—you take no chances. If not satisfactory your deposit is returned to you. You do not risk a penny. $2 A MONTH Send only $2 and the watch come9 to you charges paid. Pay the balance $2 a month for 10 months. Price only $22. FVpp- Patalno’ Illustrates and describes over 2,000 items ־*־ a jh watches and jewelry. Send DIAMOND £r WATCH׳ CO, ROYAL 35 Maiden Lane - NewYork On December 31st, 1921, I am going to give away a new Ford Sedan, fuiiy equipped, with electric lignts and starter, to some one who answers my ad. and is the most successful in carrying out my simple instructions. In this contest I will also give away a new Model Ford Touring Car, fully equipped and thousands of dollars in Casb Rewards, Bicycles, Gold Watches, Diamond Rings, Phonographs, etc., etc., and in case of a tie I wili duplicate the prize tied for. WRITE ME QUICK-GET 1000 VOTES In the picture are a number of hidden faces. See bow many you can find. Some are looking right at you, so- j turned sidewise. You will find them upside down and every way. Mark each face you find with a pencil and mail to me with your name and address. If you find ad many as five of the hidden faces I will enter yon in this contest with 1 000 votes to your credit and send you full particulars. The two leaders will get these cars. Why not you? Write today SURE. D. W, BEACH, Contest Mgr.. Dept. 15^10 Spencer, Indiana Send No Money Don’t miss this chance to cut your tire cost in two and get a reliner with each tire FREE. We ship at once on approval standard Goodyear, Goodrich, Firestone, Mason and other adjusted tires in excellent condition rnd Your Money Back if you don’t like them. They can readily be guaranteed for 6,000 miles. So cure are we you will like these tires that wo request no deposit In advance. These are not sewed togethertsres known as the double tread and reconstructed tires. SEE THE$E LOW PRSCE5 Sizes Tires Tubes 34x4 $ 8.50 $2.50 32x4% 9.50 ״ 10.50 10.75 Sizes Tires Tubes 28x3 $4.95 $1.25 80x3 5.25 * " 6.25 6.75 7.75 7.95 8.25 80хЗИ 82x3^ 81x4 82x4 83x4 34x4^ 35x414 S6x4Jjj 35x5 37x5 Remember, a reliner Free with each tire. When cash is sent with order 6 per cent discount allowed. Examine—judge for yourself. If not *atisfied, return goods at our expense. Specify straight side, clincher, non-skid or plain wanted. CLEVELAND TIRE AND RUBBER CO. 31SO Michigan Avenue Chicago» lllfnol* Send No Money¡ 20% reduction over Summer prices. These rebuilt tires should give excellent service at prices that will prove attractive to every car owner. Size Price Tub® 80x3 $ 5.35 $1.35 80x3 И 6.10 1.60 82x3 И (SSonly) 6.35 1.70 81x4 7.35 1.75 82x4 17.55 1.80 83x4 (SSonly) 7.85 1.90 84x4 (SSonly) 8.10 2.00 82x4 И 8.30 2.10 83x4 И 8.35 2.15 84x4 И 8.45 2.25 85x4И (SSonly) 8.85 2.50 86x4 Уа 9.15 2.60 83x5 9.65 2.70 85x5 9.70 2.75 87x5 10.45 8.00 Send no money. Write us today and tell us how many tires you want and give the size. Also state SS or clincher. Tires will be shipped C. O. D. CHICAGO SALES СО» Dept* 518 3020 Michigan Avo., Chicago, lih AGENTS: $60.00 a Week Taking Orders (or Reversible Raincoat Two coats In one. One side black rain• coat—other side fine dress coat. Takes the place of an expensive overcoat. Guaranteed water-proof. Latest style¿ brand new. Not sold In stores. $12.00 a Day Guaranteed for 2 average orders a day ' No experience necessary. Nocaplt; needed. All you do is to take the ordei We deliver by Parcel Post, and do £ collecting. Your commission paid san day your orders are booked. Get start! at once. Work full time or spare tim Easyto get orders on account of tv coats for the price of one. Big seast now on. Send for sample coat to we m and to show customers. Thomas Mfg. Co., R-1Q28 Payton ,Oh] !0 YEAR GUARANTEE ft I If EM Wntchand Ring Ml » Ell . “ We positively give a genuine ' Stem Wind, Stem Set Watch, Beautifully Engraved Case, guaranteed time-keeper, for Belling only 25 of our Large, Beautifully Colored Art and Religious Pictures at 10c each. Order 25 pictures. We trust you. When sold, return money collected, and this Watch and Handsome Stone Set Ring are yours. It’s easy our way. GAIR MFG. CO. 1926 CHICAGO PHONOGRAPH FREE and RECORD