MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 14 Beautiful Thin Watch Guaranteed *4.85 Almost like a SILVER DOLLAR it wears in the pocket. Here Is your only chance to get a watch you can be proud of—a perfect time-keeper. Itis fitted in an UP-TO-DATE VERY THIN MODEL CASE, stamped and GUARANTEED by the factory; 7-JEWEL movement; fully tested and regulated. Really it is an aristocrat among watches. Satisfaction Guaranteed. HIGH GRADE GOLD filled chain to match with R4 *a*!««!* each order. REMEMBER, this Special Offer is for m. short time only; send your name and address today and pay on arrival only $4.85. ELGIN SUPPLY CO., 2320 CMcago in. Bspt.47 Chicago, HI. without a Puncture Wonderful invention. Insyde Tyres—Inner Armor for automobile tires. Positively prevent punctures and blowouts. Guaranteed to give double tire mileage, any tire—old or new. Over 1 00,000 Satisfied Customers Easily applied without tools. Just slip inside casing before replacing tube. Will not heat or pinch. Use over and over again. Old worn-out casings will give 3 to 5,000 miles more service. Low priced. Agent9 wanted in every county. , American Accessories Co., B-ISS3 Cincinnati,()- FORD CAM GIVEN Solve This Puzzle. Wir. Fine Prize The figures represent corres-pon ing letters in the alphabet. Figurelis A,2is * в I 9 |I4| 5 |I4 5 !231 3 I I 118 I. three words. What are the To Men, Women, Boys and Girls All can share in these EASY-TO-WIN prizes. Send the three words on a slip of paper with your name and address. Besides the Auto I am going to give away Phonographs, Bicy' is, Gold Watches Silverware, etc. and cash rewards. Rend your answer. Act quick. Duane W. Gaylord, 537 S. Dearborn St., Dept. 25 !Chicago J Stenographers« Is В® Is ЖМ Correspondents л т Ц/ mil Good punctuation gives power and clearness to business letters. Good punctuators draw rf®e№ more money. The free Cyclopedia shows how. Vest pocket size. Interesting, simple, no j technical rules, examples for every case. By f head Professor Manly of the University of / Chicago. A post card brings yours free, f Also Free Catalog of Home Study Books. 1 10k FJ. Drake & Co., 1041 Michigan Av., Chicago 4=1 !TO rr diamond r rt EL E.jrin g offer Just to advertise our famous Hawaiian fm. diamonds—the greatest discovery , the world has ever known. We will send absolutely free this 14k gold f. ring, sot with a l-2k Hawaiian im. diamond—in beautiful ring box postage paid. Pay postmaster $1.48 C. O. D. charges to cover postage, boxing, advertising, handling, etc. If you can tell it from a real diamond re*׳־im and money refunded. Only 10,000 given away. Rend no money. Answer quick. Send size of finger. KRAUTH & REED, Dept.jno Masonic Temple, Chicago Build This Phonograph Yourself TREMENDOUS SAVING IN COST Easy , fascinating work, with our SIMPLIFIED PLANS. We furnish blue prints, diagram*, motor, cabinet pieces, ready-built horn etc. Y ou don’t need to be a cabinet maker. A few hours assembling; and you will have a fine instrument at one-quarter the regular retail price. AGENTS MAKE MONEY making and selling these instruments. Write tor av for full details and our FREE OFFER. Add! MODERN PHONOGRAPH SUPPLY CO. 621 Springer Building 3 So. Clinton St. CHICAGO, ILL BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Mailed free to any Address by the Author H. CLAY GLOVER CO. Inc., 118 West 31st Street - New York fTO 1717 Wonderful Book £ JLj Tells how to learn I birds, animals, qa ---־*־*—eki'. heads and tan s Learn by mail. A necessity for hunters' and nature lovers. Quickly learaed by mc_ and women. Fascinating. Success guaranteed Decorate your home and den with splendid arl Make big profits from your epare time. Write today for illustrated book. It'll delight yor PATENTS Send sketch or model for preliminary examination. Booklet free. Highest references. - Best results Promptness assured. Watson E. Coleman, Patent Lawyer, 624 F St., Washington, D. C. $13.95 Goodyear Raincoat Free Goodyear Mfg. Co., 1269-R Goodyear Bldg., Kansas City, Mo., is making an offer to send a handsome raincoat free to one person in each locality who will show and recommend it to friends. If you want one, write today. Special Notice to Lodges -By- George N. W arde, General Dictator 1 have received information that here and there a Lodge has been loaning Lodge funds to members and in some instances this has caused considerable trouble and some loss. The Dictator, Secretary and Treasurer of all Lodges should know that the laws of the Order positively forbid investments of this kind and that they have no right whatsoever to sign any warrant for such investments. Thtë law must be most carefully observed by all. A number of reports from Lodges received in the office of the Supreme Secretary show overdrafts in the general funds of the Lodges. This means that BENEFICIARY FUND MONEYS have been used to defray expense of Lodge operation. This is a serious violation of the General Laws and must not be allowed. The Dictator, Secretary and Treasurer will be held responsible for the general security of the beneficiary fund which can only be used for the payment of sick benefits and funeral expense. Do not try to stretch this law. All permits to operate clubs expired on October 1st. A proper resolution was mailed to all Lodges operating clubs on July 22nd. The resolution should have been presented at a regular meeting of the Lodge, adopted, properly signed and returned to this office, if your Lodge desired permit to continue the operation of the club. A few have not been returned at this writing. CLUBS MUST NOT BE OPERATED WITHOUT PERMIT. To do so will cause drastic action to be taken by this office. The General Laws governing clubs must be strictly observed and followed in every detail. junior Order of Moose Inventors Before disclosing your idea to others write for our “Evidence of Disclosure'׳ form. Send sketch or model of your invention for examination and advice. Ask for free boog “How to Obtain a Patent." Avoid dangerous delays. Highest referendes fulinisihed. Write today. Merton-Roberts & Co., 161 Mather Bldg., Washington, D. C. Large New Model Movie Machine REALLY GIVEN AWAY Have your own Movie Pictures at home. : Easy to operate and fully guaranteed. Given IP complete with Film, Generator and com- S6pks.Sachet Perfume at 10c. Order choice, Both in Big Demand and Easy to Sell. Chicago Bluing Works 1920 Sunny,id. Averni•, Dept. 613, CHICAGO literature the Supreme Office has sent out on this subject. Director General Davis was no slacker when he responded to the call of the President for his services. The hundreds of Senior Lodges are proving themselves as nonslackers when they rush their resolutions of acceptance and their pledge cards We have such confidence in our Junior Lodges that they will live up to the patriotism and loyalty of Director General Davis and the. thousands of Seniors in the same spirit of loyalty to Moosedom and enthusiasm for MOOSEHEART. Prove that You Are Real Moose Let us prove that we are apt students of Moosedom by our individual interest and co-operation in this campaign. The Loyal Order of Moose is constantly doing “big business” in Fraternal Society development. “Like father like son.” The fathers are hard at it in this campaign. We must prove that we are worthy of our “son-ship” by “hitting the line hard” with all youthful vigor. Its a great opportunity to prove the value of a Juior Lodge to every Senior Lodge in whose jurisdiction it is operating. Our success in this campaign will be a great “proof inspiration” to Senior Lodges who are not yet entertaining a Junior Lodge, to wake up and invite the youngsters into their fellowship. Every Junior who secures one or more members for his Lodge in this campaign will add success to the great cause of Moosedom. Another Opportunity for a Visit to Mooseheart All Juniors by this time should have learnt that a visit to MOOSEHEART is a great spur to individual activities. (Continued on next page) LetMeSendYou CHCtor trialâPâiï 4 ALL of Handsome Tortoise Shell $ QîassesÆ^f נ THE JUNIORS IN THE GAME The Supreme Officers of the Loyal Order of Moose have started a great enterprise in recognition of the honor conferred on the Order by President Harding’s call to Director General Davis to the Chair of Secretary of Labor, in the President’s Cabinet. Because this work will temporiarily deprive the Order of Mr. Davis’ great services, the Supreme Officers have started the project of honoring the Director General, by securing an immense “James J. Davis Class,” by Thanksgiving Day. The enthusiasm for this campaign has spread into the Women’s Legion and the fire of it burns with great fervor on the Junior Hearthstone.; We are getting fine response from Junior Lodges accepting the proposition to double the Moose membership by Thanksgiving Day. We have sent a letter to each Junior Lodge outlining the details of the campaign, requesting the Lodges to pass resolutions accepting the plan. In this letter we have followed the plan of the Senior Lodges in supplying every Junior Lodge that enrolls for the campaign with pledge cards equal to the number of members. These cards pledge the member to secure at least one new member for his Lodge before November 24th. They are signed by the member and returned to the Secretary of the Lodge. He in turn makes a record of these pledges and sends them to the office of the Supervisor of the Junior Order of Moose at Mooseheart. In this way the Supervisor has a complete record of ״ the progress of the campaign at least twice a month. Of course there are a few lodges that have taken no notice of all the U — For many year people have been i coming to me from every part of Chicago on account of my wide reputation for supplying glasses that fit. I am now offering the benefit of this wide experience to y people everywhere. No mattre where you live, I positively guarantee to give you a perfect fit or there will be no charge whatever. I promise to send you a pair of glasses that will enable you to see perfectly and satisfy you in every way, or you will owe me nothing. They will protect your eyes, preventing eye strain and headache. They will enable you to read the smallest print, thread the finest needle, see far or near. SEND NO MONEY I will not accept a single penny of your money until you are satisfied and tell me so. Simply fill in and mail the Coupon below giving me the simple, easy information I ask for and I will send you a .pair of my Extra Large Tortoise Shell Spectacles, for you to wear, examine and inspect, for ten days, in your own home. The glasses I send are not to be compared with any you have ever seen advertised. They are equal to spectacles being sold at retail at from $12.00 to $15.00 a pair. You will find them so scientifically ground as to enable you to see far or near, do the finest kind of work or read the very smallest print. These Extra Large Size Lenses, with Tortoise Shell Rims, are very becoming and your־ friends are sure to compliment you on your improved appearance. There are no “ifs” or “ands” about my liberal offer. I trust you implicitly. You are the sole judge. If they do not give you more real satisfaction than any glasses you have ever worn, you are not out a single penny. I ask you, could any offer be fairer? SPECIAL THIS MONTH If you send your order at once I will make you a present of a handsome Velveteen Lined, Spring Back, Pocket Book Spectacle Case which you will be proud to own. Sign and mail the coupon NOW. Dr. Ritholz, DR400, Madison & Laflin Sts,, Station C, Chicago, 111., Doctor of Optics, Member American Optical Association, Illinois State Society of Optometrists, Graduate Illinois College of Opthomology and Otology, Famous Eye Strain Specialist. Accept This Free Offer Today Dr. Ritholz, DR400, Madison & Laflin Sts., Station C, Chicago, 111. You may send me by prepaid parcel post a pair of your Extra Large Tortoise Shell Gold Filled Spectacles. I will wear them 10 days and if convinced that they are equal to any glasses selling at $15.00, I will send you $4.49. Otherwise. I will return them and there will be no charge. How old are you?------------------------------------ How many years have you used glasses (if any)—. Name------------------------------------------------ Post Office . R. R__________ State ------- Ford Given Away TRY THIS PUZZLE See the figures In squares below. A is 1, B is 2, C is 8, etc. Four words are there. W h at are they? 5000 Ford votes for correct answer. EASY TO WIN- '75 1־ I 20 I 1 I 6 I 15 118 1'4 1 6 1 18 1 5 1 S New Ford Car Given Free. Many grand prizes free. Cash for all who try. Easy to win. Sendno money. Manager Wilson, 25 E. Lake St., Dept. (59 Chicago, 111.