13 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE WRIGLEYS AFTER EUERV MEAL** WRIGLEYS Newest Creation 10 for B129 H delicious peppermint flavored sugar jacket around peppermint flavored chewing gum. Will aid your appetite and digestion, polish your teeth and moisten your throat UNITED WReGŒYSfc. .WRIGLEYS. шшлф* The Flavor Lasts Easy Money $75 to $200 Monthly All or Spare Time Moose Knife $1.00 Introduction Offer—Full sized sample of this knife mailed for $1.00 and this advertisement. For^;' 25 cents extra your name and address will shown A. P.: Your spare time he turned into dollars. We Want A SALES AGENT in duee transparent handle Pocket Knives and Raz-־ H r״״™T?rs» Wltb 1“is emblem ot the order on one side ? name and address number •on other side., Blades finest steel, handles handsome as pearl, clear as glass. mprnhAi• №mu״bre^able. Every knife is guaranteed to be perfect. Every manpnt Mnninvmon•^^ as M,I.nark of identification. We can also give per- earning1 less *than $1200 W1 lUn£ 10 work outside of the order. If you are NOvStv rTTTT PP v rnirn i xrv sbow you how to make more. NOVELTY CUTLERY COMPANY, 991 BAR STREET, CANTON, OHIO CRESS DESIGNING LESSONS FREE Women-----Girls—15 or over, can easily learn Dress and Costume Designing during their spare moments IN TEN WEEKS I Cut and Dress and Costume De- /_ Mail to signers Frequently Earn # Franklin Institute $45 to $100 a Week / B6iA Many Start Parlors /?0Chester, in Their Own Homes L bend me ONCE, f free sample lessons | in the subject here a checked. [ ] Dress | Designing □Millinery 1r t Ad dress., Every woman who now does plain sewing should take up designing. Hundreds Le Millinery by Mail * Ford Given FREE Latest Model with Electric Starter and Lights t buy a Ford. Join our great Auto Club and win Grand Prizes including Ford Touring Car! Can you make out two words spelled by figures in picture? The aiphabetis numbered —A is I, B is 2. etc. What are the two words? Other valuable prizes and hundredsof dollars in cash given. Everybody I C. ____...;i l iT__ wins! So easy you will be __ prised. We have already given away many Autos. Why not you? Send answer today. Ford Willson, Mgr., 141W. Ohio St., Dept. 8047 Chicago, III. Supreme Dictator Griffin’s Speech of Acceptance spread throughout the country. There we are educating the young in the path righteousness and usefulness and there is practically no limit to the amount of good that we can accomplish there. We should have the cooperation and assistance of every good man and woman who are interested in the welfare of humanity. _ “Our greatest aim is to render service for God, for Country, and for Home. Let us earnestly strive to make greater progress ’ during the coming year. I appeal to each and every delegate to assist in upbuilding our Order and let the slogan in every Lodge be, ‘Every member get a member.’ I am sure that you are convinced that MOOSEHEART is worthy of your support. Let us go forth from this Convention with renewed vigor and put some real enthusiasm into our Brothers back home, so that we may grow and prosper to such proportions that we can complete our present MOOSEHEART and then build one in the East and then one in the West and then one in the South and then one in the North, and may the doors be open not only to the helpless children of thè Moose but to every orphan child and eventually we will eradicate poverty and ignorance throughout the world. Brothers:— “I am indeed happy to receive this great honor, which you have conferred upon me by electing• me Supreme Dictator. I wish that I had the power to adequately express to you my feelings on this occasion, but I am conscious of my own inability. However, I can assure you, brothers, of the great gratitude that is in my heart. My only hope is, that I may be able to carry on the duties of my office as my illustrious predecessors have done in the past. I realize the responsibilities that go with this position and I trust that God will give me the strength and courage to fill the same as well as Supreme Dictator, Darius A. Brown, who has rendered such great service to the Order during the past year. “I received my first inspiration at the Baltimore Convention eleven years ago, when those big, noble hearted men, headed by our beloved Director General, James J. Davis, first submitted the resolution to aid the helpless children of our departed Brothers. “The work then begun has been, successfully continued and today at MOOSEHEART we have an Institution, whose beneficient influence has BROTHER JAMES F. GRIFFIN Member Bos Jrn, Mass., Lodge No. 34 SUPREME DICTATOR, LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE 1921-22. Elected at Toledo. GENUINE LEATHER COVER GUARNTEED FREE Cover, l TO BOYS Real Rugby Football , Strong, _Leather best Rubber Bidder. FREE for sell -g 82 pnckjf-ea of Bingo Perfumed ¿irn№X.Bti0cearh• trouble to Sr1*־.Writ:0 to-aay. Send no money. Extra present If you order now. Blnio Co, Dept. 446 ¡Binghamton, N.Y, EDEE Eastman Film Camera I It !■fa Popular size with handle and , view finder.fortimear.d snap- shot pictures. Just Order 12 boxesMentho-Nova Salve (the wonder Menthol Oinfc-ment.) Return JS3 and complete camera is yours. Or choice of Moving Picture Machine. Thin Model Watch or Flashlight. Wnte for good b today. We trust you. Address U.S. SUPPPLY CO. Dept. 935BreenviUe. Pa.