S3323I30; : S ' в№Ш¡ я я ; ?ШЁттЁЖ i! Vf-"1■ :־■ Щ тшт ШьШЁШт - . /*res. Santa Fe Watch Ç : : щштК тшш»0® .1 s Ш Ш '־ л . ШКёЫЫшшЯЁяё^ШЁШШяШиЁёёёёёёёёШ -*.л *J • - я■ м им . I’ve Hit Bottom! If my own brother was in the market for a dependable, high grade watch, I would advise him that he could not expect a better price than I am now making. I would say to him: Watches are much more likely to be higher than lower. “BUY NOW!” Do not make the mistake of those who will wait for still lower prices and will have to buy on a hi •her market. I guarantee that when you put a SANTA FE SPECIAL in your pocket, you will have a watch unsurpassed in accuracy and dependability and workmanship. It is the watchmaker's masterpiece: it is now being made by the most skilled workmen in the world; and The Price is Cut to Rock Bottom! ALONZO S. THOMAS, Pres. Santa Fe Watch Co. —IULIM 01$ /^,mo!/s$i SanfaTëSi* ИХ№ RAILROAD WATCH SantaTfeSpeeial * “ A rW0KTH THE STANDARD RAILROAD WATCH that is guaranteed for a life-time of satisfactory service. These watches are now in service on practically every railroad in the United States and in every branch of the Army and Naval Service. Thousands of them are distributed around the world. Your name or monogram and any emblem you may desire will be engraved in the case to suit your own ideas. Save One-Third to One-Half the price you pay for a similar watch made by other manufacturers. Most liberal offer ever made. Our “Direct-to-You,” low wholesale terms and Extra Special Distribution Plan is fully explained in the New Santa Fe Booklet just off the press. The “Santa Fe Special” plan means a big saving of money to you, and you get the best watch value on the market today. SEND YOUR NAME TODAY Clip the Coupon, fill out and receive the beautiful FREE 52-page, 4-color art watch book. All the newest watch case designs are shown. Read our easy payment offer. READ the so-called secrets of watchmaking and the jewelers’ trade—tells how we can sell railroad watches at practically half the price charged by retail jewelers. READ our great “Direct-to-you” offer. Don’t buy a watch until you have seen the “Santa Fe Special.” Watch sent for you to see without one penny down. SANTA FE WATCH CO. Dept. A-23 Thomas Building. TOPEKA, KANS. A Letter, Post-card or this coupon will bring my Beau tiful Watch Book FREE. MAIL COUPON TODAY A letter, post card or this coupon will bring* tny new Free Watch Book. SANTA FE WATCH COMPANY, Dept. A-23, Thomas Bldg., Topeka, Kans., Please send me your New Watch Book with the understanding that this request does not obligate me in any way. Name Address State . . .