/ЛООЗЕНЕЛЯТ МЛОЛЯШЕ 6 at Mooseheart NO WASTE IN SHEET METAL SHOP The sheet metal shop where 34 MOOSEHEART students are learning the trade, produces many most useful articles, including funnels for use in MOOSEHEART and also for garages, bread boxes, garbage pails, water buckets, dish pans, flour cans, mixing pans, measures—quart, half-gallon and gallon—dust pans, dippers, milk cans, biscuit cutters, cooky cutters, ice box pans. The students also make many special articles. J. A. Brandt and W. E. Mosher, who are in charge of the work, aim to prevent waste of material and the small pieces are used for making biscuit and cookie cutters and similar small articles. Mr. Brandt before coming to MOOSEHEART was with the Rankin School of Mechanical Trades in St. Louis, and was also with the U. S. Army in Prance, with the shop ordnance department. 8ALTSM0RE WANTS MOOSEHEART STONE Edward Hughes Glidden of Baltimore, a member of the Association of International Architects, writes to Robert Havlik ,engineer and chief of the MOOSEHEART construction department, and asks if he can get a large supply of MOOSEHEART granite stone., which he describes as “beautiful artificial stone,” for a large building he is to erect in Baltimore. He asks if the stone can be made in MOOSEHEART and shipped to his city or whether it would be better to ship the machinery to Baltimore and make it there. ROGER BA8S0N VISITS MOOSEHEART Roger Babson of Wellesley Hills, Mass., the noted statistician who gets $1,500,000.00 a year for his services, joined the Moose several weeks ago and has since visited MOOSEHEART and is one of its best boosters. The Moose is the first fraternal order he ever joined. After he saw MOOSEHEART he told Director General James J. Davis that he learned why the house in G street, Washington, isn’t so attractive to him. FOOTBALL PLAYERS DIG DITCHES MOOSEHEART students are taught the dignity of labor. Wayne Wallace of Watertown, S. D., who attends the University of Illinois, and John Meikle of Dawson, N. M., who attends the Carnegie Technical Institute at Pittsburg, Pa., worked as laborers at MOOSEHEART during the summer vacation. Both play football with their universities and the work they did at MOOSEHEART this summer hardened them. PLAN ROAD BUILDINC SCHOOL The MOOSEHEART officials are aiming to establish a school to give instruction in road building to disabled soldiers. It is planned to give them actual experience by building permanent roads in MOOSEHEART. The road builders say that there is always a shortage of foremen who are qualified. There is no such school any place. MOOSEHEART TRACK TEAM WON EVERY MEET The Mooseheart High School track and field athletics team won every meet this year, including the annual Kane County classic with eight teams competing, the triangular meet with Aurora East High and Elgin High, also with Elmhurst College and Lewis Institute of Chicago. THE 47 WEEKS SCHOOL YEAR Prof. Albert Bushnell Hart, a member of the Mooseheart Board of Governors, and an instructor in Harvard University, says that a major cause of the great success of the MOOSEHEART school system is the school season of 47 weeks. THE PENNSYLVANIA BABY VILLAGE The Pennsylvania Baby Village being erected by the Pennsylvania Moose lodges, will be completed by the time of the 1922 Convention. SIXTY-FIVE WIDOWS AT MOOSEHEART There are 65 widows at MOOSEHEART with their children. TO COMPLETE STATE BUILDINGS All State buildings now under construction will "he cornilip+prl hpfovp the 1922 Convention. Month’s News EX- GOVERNOR LOWDEN TALKS ON MOOSEHEART “The Loyal Order of Moose will become one of the most powerful instruments of patriotism in the country,” said Hon. Frank O. Lowden, a former governor of Illinois, who was the leading candidate for the republican nomination for President, until the 1920 convention became deadlocked, while addressing the Iowa State Convention of Moose Lodges in Burlington, Iowa. He further said that the Moose is a great Order today and told of his many visits to MOOSEHEART and of his vital interest in the City of Childhood. He said that when he saw the original plans for MOOSEHEART, he could hardly conceive of such a wonderful arrangement which contemplated the education of hand and brain and which would be directed by the best thought in vocational training. “But,” he added, “I have seen the ambitions of that time realized and the school in MOOSEHEART is one of the outstanding• educational institutions of our country today. “One thing is certain,” he declared. “The visitor to MOOSEHEART is sure of inspiration and a renewed faith in the future of our country.” He told of the bright-eyed children who are receiving the very best of an education and he paid high tribute to the officers and members of the Loyal Order of Moose for making this great city, home and vocational school a possibility. Mr. Lowden further said that it also affected the community and added that he had seen new principles of living applied; new principles of patriotism, and a direct community suirit as a direct result of MOOSEHEART. MOOSEHEART CEMENT POSTS Wilmington, _ 111., has a new state highway bridge which is to be embellished by MOOSEHEART concrete posts made in the MOOSEHEART cement plant. Eight posts have been ordered on recommendation of the Illinois State Highway Department. They will be five feet, eight inches high, without the light department, which added will make the shafts seven feet, seven inches. They will be similar to the posts of the state highway bridge in Dundee, which were made in MOOSEHEART. WANTS TO FORM MOOSEHEART LODGE Director General James J. Davis, speaking at MOOSEHEART, a _ few weeks ago, suggested that Aurora and Batavia, 111., Lodges merge and form a Mooseheart Lodge, for the purpose of establishing the proposed MOOSEHEART chautauqua, building a bathing beach in the Fox River, aiding in the plan to build the MOOSEHEART hotel and doing many other things. Other distant lodges such as Elgin, Joliet and DeKalb, will be asked to become a part of the Mooseheart Lodge. ATHLETIC DIRECTOR RETURNS Ben Oswalt of Tulsa, Okla., who developed MOOSEHEART’S athletic teams, which won championships in football and track athletics, has returned to MOOSEHEART and is in charge of the athletic department. He resigned last December. GRADUATES WORK AT MOOSEHEART The boys and girls who have been graduated from MOOSEHEART and who are attending colleges and universities, were employed at MOOSEHEART during the summer vacation THE FIRST INTER-CLASS TRACK MEET The first annual Mooseheart High School interclass track and field athletics meet, held on Memorial Day, resulted as follows: Seniors, 84; Juniors, 34 2-3; Sophomores, 24 1-2• Freshmen, 21 5-6. ’ CHAUTAUQUA AT MOOSEHEART are being made for making MOOSE-HbAKl the chautauQua center of this country for the purpose of bringing the world to MOOSE-HEART. WANTS MOOSEHEART STONE FOR BANKS Two banks in Kane County, 111., have written tc the Mooseheart cement plant asking if they car furnish a large supply of MOOSEHEART granite Stone for buildings they plan to erect Digest of the ENDOWMENT FUND HAS $75.000 The $10,000,000.00 Mooseheart Endowment Fund now amounts to $75,000.00. The money is from Penny Collections received in Lodge meetings and from gifts of $5.00 or more from members. The $10,000,000.00 is to be used to safeguard MOOSEHEART and to insure permanence of the work here. Your gift will be used to help the children of deceased members of the Moose while the dew of youth is still on their brow. Think of it! The sum of $75,000.00 has been given and no intensive drive has been made. The money just trickles in every day or so from red-blooded Moose. Moose, who an account of their generosity, sprinkle protection to the children. Some of the members who have given, have written short letters with a sure touch, and they reveal their hearts, and show that they are possessed of joy and good and the love that dignifies. Their warm-hearted passages show that they are behind the Moose to destroy poverty and ignorance, by helping to give the children an opportunity. They want to help the bewildered, helpless children, who have been torn from the parent rock, and make of them useful men and women of tomorrow. IOWA LODGES TO HAVE STATE BUILDING The Iowa Lodges of the Loyal Order of Moose have started to raise a fund of $40,000 to erect an Iowa State Building in MOOSEHEART. Some of the money was raised at the Iowa State Convention in June at Burlington. General Dictator George N. Warde of MOOSEHEART was the principal speaker and he traced the history of the Moose organization from its formation as a little social fraternity, through its expansion as a national or-, ganization, beginning 17 years later, up to its’ growth today. He told of the great unselfish sacrifice made by the men who brought the Moose to the present plane and that the great work will be carried on. GOVERNOR OF ALASKA AT MOOSEHEART Hon. Scott Bone, Governor of the Territory of Alaska, visited MOOSEHEART July 4. He was so interested in the City of Childhood and the great results of the work, that he joined the Grand Lodge of Protection. He says he will try to carry out the MOOSEHEART plan of conservation of childhood in Alaska. SAYS “MOOSEHEART IS THE LEADER” Meyer Bloomfield, vocational training expert, who has been in every college where vocational training is taught, says that the U. S. government recognizes MOOSEHEART as the greatest of all vocational schools. He recently took a life membership in Boston, Mass., Lodge No. 34. GETS GOOD IDEAS FOR MOOSEHEART Prof. Albert Bushnell Hart of Harvard University and a member of the Board of Mooseheart Governors, has been on a tour of inspection of vocational and other schools, for the purpose of getting good ideas for MOOSEHEART to adopt for their school system. LEARN MANY USEFUL VOCATIONS All the girls at MOOSEHEART are taught housekeeping, cooking, domestic science, house management, millinery, dressmaking, industrial arts,_ music, public speaking, caring for children, nursing, designing and many other useful arts. SENT $210.00 OF GOLD DUST Nome, Alaska, Lodge No. 1412 sent $210.00 worth of gold dust for the Ten-Million-Dollar Endowment fund. It was the nroceeds of an annual entertainment for the benefit of the Endowment Fund. GAVE MINSTREL SHOW AT MOOSEHEART Wilmington, Del., Lodge No. 184 sent a delegation of 44 to MOOSEHEART during the Toledo Convention. They gave their minstrel show for the students."־ MOOSEHEART HAS 1,025 CHILDREN There are 1.025 fatherless children at MOOSEHEART.