MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 2 Moose to Get The Dotted Line- -The International Drive for the 500,000 Candidates Before Thanksgiving of, ignorance- and poverty, if they g׳o to MOOSEHEART, the School That Trains for Life. Moose are doing their bit for childhood, that future generations cannot force children into sweat shops. MOOSEHEART is in response to the needs of the day, and the result of applied intelligence; of understanding and service. It is the temple of childhood, the haven of opportunity, the essence of human service. The Loyal Order of Moose determined to consecrate their power, energies and activities to the idea that every boy and girl is entitled to at least a high school education and a vocation or a trade, and MOOSEHEART was founded. The Loyal Order of Moose is the only organization in all the history of men that has been able to say, that if death comes into your home and leaves dependent children we will be able to take your child, care for it, feed it, educate it, teach it a trade, give it a high school education, and send it forth to do its share in the world with a trained mind, a skilled hand and the love of God and man in the heart. The business of the Loyal Order of Moose, through MOOSEHEART, is: making children happy—and then good citizens, and save them from a life of poverty, ignorance, vice and crime. An awakened world kneels at the cross of MOOSEHEART, the City of Childhood. MOOSEHEART stands for a new world, a common brotherhood, social justice and salvation of childhood. Get at least one member and aid to perpetuate MOOSEHEART where there are now 1,035 fatherless children. Show your appreciation of the great success of the brain-flash of Hon. James J. Davis, who while working in an iron mill from the time he was 11 years of age, conceived the idea of MOOSEHEART, and caring for, training and educating fatherless children, by getting at least one candidate. The Loyal Order of Moose loaned Director General James J. Davis to President Warren G. Harding when he summoned him to serve in his Cabinet as Secretary of Labor, and as a great part of his time is required with governmental duties, every member owes it to him, to aid in doubling the membership of our Order. are not needed to enlist red-bloode.l men in the Moose, who know that they are responsible for the destiny of their children and also of their neighbors. Amoiig the three or four million cradles now rocking in the land are some who will have an unhappy childhood. Become a factor in the LoyaJ Order of Moose program for the progress of human happiness, by getting at least one candidate to become a member of the Defending Circle, with nearly 600,000 Moose who sign a contract that they will protect and educate his children after he dies. Get a man to think of his children’s tomorrow! He will be glad to become a member of the stout arm of the Moose. Tell him that the greatest crime is to die without leaving his widow and children without financial protection. It is easy to get a candidate. How could any heart be hard enough to withstand the appeal of a soft, snuggling, little body, or the feeble grip of tiny little fingers, of a smiling pink child ? Hardpan men, hustling along intent on their own affairs, take fleeting glances at a youngster being chuck-chucked by motherly looking old women and relax their iron faces momentarily. Get your friend to join the Moose and he will be grateful to you when he realizes how sweet and sacred is knowledge that he has done his duty for his family. MOOSEHEART is the greatest insurance and the greatest of all human engineering institutions. Fathers cannot escape death but their children can escape the terrors James J. Davis of his good work in building our Order and in founding and carrying to success MOOSEHEART—our unique city, wonderful home and successful vocational school. To make this drive a success every Lodge must double its membership. Every member can and should get a candidate and aid in perpetuating MOOSEHEART, which is a living, breathing, dazzling monument to human service, in the way of conservation of childhood. Every Moose has at least one friend who is eligible for membership in the Moose and to whom you should mention the dazzling uncertainty of life. No argument or eloquence are needed to get him to join this Order and give impetus to the greatest of all programs for the conservation of childhood. Mention to him babies, clawing whiskers, pulling hair and twisting-noses and of getting up at half past two o’clock in the morning and singing rock-a-bye, and that if he joins the Moose his wife and his children can go to MOOSEHEART and there get care, training and an education and learn a trade or vocation, and as a result avoid the pit of ignorance and poverty. Let him know that when his eyes shall be turned to behold the Sun 'for the last time in Heaven, and his face fades from this earth, his children will never be haunted with fear of ignorance or poverty. MOOSEHEART, the great and unrivaled, is where mothers are with their fatherless children on their knees and their arms about her neck and it lights the torch of hope in the midnight darkness of their lives. Mellifluous and honey-tongued words ¿UmillililllUimilllllllClll№Mmil[lll!IIIIIIIIIUIIIIIillllll[llMlllllllllt]MimillMI[]IIIIIIIIIMIC]lllllllllll!i]HIIII!ll!liClll!lllllllll[]lllllilllll!UIHmi£ | Instructions to Lodges regarding James J. Davis Campaign. g 1 Thanksgiving Day, November 24th, will be the date for the initiation i | of the James J. Davis Class. However, it is suggested to the Lodges that | § they initiate their candidates as heretofore at regular intervals and also = = hold a meeting for initiation on Thanksgiving Day, at ivhich time telegram g = will be sent to Secretary of Labor Davis containing the number of candi- 1 f dates initiated during the campaign. = 1 All dispensations for open charter and the distribution of initiation i 1 fees are entirely within the jurisdiction of the Organization Department s g as heretofore. The Executive Committee is, of course, furnishing the g s Lodges with certain data and will also follow up from Mooseheart by a § i system of correspondence all pledges made by the members and the ap- s g plications of new members received. It is important that the Secretaries 5 | fill out the weekly report blanks and return them to the Executive Com- 1 = mittee. = 5!IIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIlllllllllt!limil!UllO!!IIIIIHIIItllll!!l.IHIIIIIIIIIIIIE]lll!llll!IIIC]llllllllllllt]|||imillllEl!lllllllimC]|||||||!lll|[]|||lllllllllc|• The drive to get 500,000 candidates for the Loyal Order of Moose by Thanksgiving Day, which was begun Sept. 1, is already a success, judging from the early returns. The drive is being conducted in compliance with the terms of the resolution adopted by unanimous vote at the Thirty-third annual Supreme Convention, held in Toledo! Ohio. The sense of the resolution is that all Lodges initiate a James J. Davis Class on November 24. The Executive Committee of the Loyal Order of Moose is assisting to make this great campaign the kind of success it should be and what we feel it will be. This Committee sent to each Lodge a letter containing a copy of the resolution providing for the international drive to get 500,000.candidates, and also an outline of the general plan to be followed during the campaign. When the Executive Committee received from a Lodge an announcement that the Lodge had voted to carry out the wish expressed in the resolution, that every Lodge double its membership, they forwarded pledge blanks for each member to s\gn. The members then sign the pledge blanks and agree to get one candidate. The signed pledges are returned to the Executive Committee and a record made of the name of the member. It is then up to the member to get his candidate and deliver his application to the Secretary of the Lodge. He must send a report every week of the number of candidates, their names and also the name of the members getting them. In this way the members are given credit for fulfilling their pledges. The member who procrastinates and doesn’t get the name of a candidate on the dotted line will hear from the Executive Committee, urging him to fulfill his agreement. The dispensation for the campaign is granted to Lodges by the Organization Department, which also has charge of the initiation fees as heretofore. The attention of the Lodges is called to the banner offered for the purpose of advertising the drive. It is printed on waterproof material, 40 feet long and 36 inches wide. It is for display above a street. These will be of great worth in boosting the campaign. The purpose of this drive to double the membership of the Order is to show our appreciation to Brother News of the Lodges From Here and There monthly magazine published for them at MOOSEHEART. Racine, Wise., Lodge No. 437, and Kenosha, Wise., Lodge No. 286, made their annual pilgrimage to MOOSEHEART during August. New Orleans, La., Lodge 477, gave all the children of Milliken Memorial !Hospital, motor rides to an outing given by a woman’s organization. Gillispie, 111., Lodge No. 987, one of the most progressive, is a vital factor in the drive to get 500,000 candidates for the James J. Davis Class. Past Dictator Alec Campbell says the Lodge is always st׳ !ving to keep the name of the Moose and MOOSEHEART before the people. The Lodge has been having a nice growth. 4th, was a huge success. Trenton, N. J., Lodge No. 164, reports that more than 1200 attended their ninth Annual Outing. St. Louis, Mo., Lodge No. 1661, have leased the entire second floor of a building at 3830-32 Olive Street. Pottsville, Pa., Lodge No. 411, recently dedicated their new home. They also held a successful old-fashioned picnic. Cortland, N. Y., Lodge No. 1512 took possession of their new home, Sept. 1st. They will make a number of alterations in the building. Vineland, N. J., Lodge No. 434, one of the progressive lodges is having a Mendota, 111., is to have a Moose lodge, in response to the request of many there. Fort Wayne, Ind., Lodge No.. 200, reports an attendance of 5,000 at their Annual picnic. Allston, Mass., Lodge No. 1252, reports that their annual field day was a great success. Allston, Mass., Lodge No. 1252, reports 1,000 members attended their First Annual Field Day. Pawtucket, R. I., Lodge No. 377, reports a number of successful out-of-door entertainments for the members. The Westchester County, N. Y., Moose Association field day held, Sept. Fort Edward, N. Y., now has a Loyal Order of Moose Lodge. Woonsocket, R. I., Lodge No. 482, -reports many candidates. Vicksburg׳, Miss., Lodge No. 1294, has remodeled their rooms. Binghamton, N. Y. Lodge No. 923, had a most successful field day. Shelbyvillè, Ind., Lodge No. 958, reports initiating many candidates. Binghampton, N. Y., Lodge No. 923, will remodel their recently purchased home. Missoula, Mont., Lodge No. 556, is making plans for erecting a temple.