s\oosEHE/mr млвлгтЕ Pure Aluminum . uaranteed SO Years Don’t miss out on this big bargain• Don’t put off sending for this Wonder set at this very low price. Make your kitchen work a pleasure Send this coupon now—today. jIURNITUR¿® L. Fish Furniture Co. Dept. 4016 Chicago Mail them to us today. Have this Wonder Pure Aluminum Set shipped to your home today for 30 days’ free trial in your own kitchen. If satisfied pay balance at only $2 per month. If not, return to us and we’ll refund your $i and freight charges both ways. One price to all. No special discount for cash from this advertised price. Remember, our supply is limited—so don’t delay—send the coupon NOW! L. FISH FURNITURE CO., Dept. 4016, Chicago Enclosed is $1.00. Send me your Wonder Aluminum Set No. A-175 on 30 days’ free trial. If satisfied I will pay the balance at $2.00 per month. If not, I will return the set to you and you! will immediately refund my $1 and freight charges both ways. No. A-175—$1.00 down. $2.00 per month. Complete price $19.85.j Name................................................ 2 ■ ■ Address....................................... j m PostOffice.........................State............ J If you only want Furniture, Rug, Stove, Phonograph, |—| £ Watch and General Household Catalog, put X lu bos LJ ■ Send coupon with $1.00 for this Wonder Pure Aluminum Set. Extra heavy weight 99.4% pure aluminum. Absolutely guaranteed. Seamless, sanitary, easy to clean. Guaranteed for 20 years. It will not flake, chip, peel or corrode—heats quickly and evenly and saves fuel. All pieces, except the pie plates and bread pans, are buffed and polished to mirror-like brilliancy. Shipped direct to you for 30 days״ trial on our special offer. The only way to appreciate this wonderful bargain is to see and use this set. Let us ship it to you right away. Only $1.00 down—then $2.00 per month—total price $19.85. Send coupon now] edge; and our special¡ 9 piece combination Roaster Set. This wonderful combination set gives you practically every utensil needed to do your cooking, roasting, ־iking and frying. While it consists of 9 actual pieces, these pieces are so formed and fitted that they can be converted into the following utensils: A self-basting roaster; a double boiler; cereal cooker or triple steamer; an egg poacher that poaches 5 eggs at one time; a muffin pan biscuit baker with 5 custard or jelly moulds; a bread or bake pan; a pudding pan; a mixing bowl; and a stew pan. The entire set consists of 27 actual pieces. Shipping weight about 15 pounds. Order by No־ A-175. Send for this set today. Thi• Wonder Set consists of:—1H Quart extra heavy paneled rice boiler (3 pieces); 6 quart extra heavy paneled tea kettle (2 pieces) with flat metal “stay placed” handle and cocobolo finished metal tipped grip: 9 cup percolator (4 pieces). Has welded spout and cocobolo grip handle; 3 quart extra heavy lipped sauce pan; 4 quart covered convex sauce pot (2 pieces), extra heavy, buffed and polished. Has “stay placed” handle and cocobolo finished grip; 1 quart lipped sauce pan; extra heavy gauge, rimmed edge, 2. 9-inch seamless pie plates; 2, 91/2-inch seamless bread pans with rounded corners; 10H״ inch extra heavy lipped fry pan with rimmed Money - Back Guarantee!