MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 16 Mooseheart Legion For Men and Women (Continued from page 6) ---—-----------------------------------'----------7 T MSr Every Legionaire Should Read This \ If you find the number of your Chapter below׳, ash your Regent, Re- 5 corder, or Chairman of the Auditing Committee w hy you are no longer i a good Legionaire. If neither of them can tell you, write Rodney H. j Brandon, Moose heart. III., and he will. 37 — 90 — 118 — 164 — 241 — 260 — 285 — 293 — 309 1 j 354 — 368 — 381 — 408 — 418 — 443 — 459 — 481 — 488 j 492 — 250 of officers to fill the chairs, so that a regular whiz-bang meeting can be conducted. It is a splendid movement and legionaires of all cities, where there are enough should adopt the plan. Forwar’d Legion No. 191, conducted another of their successful Frolics at Watertown on July 17th at which a large class crossed the hot sands and a most enjoyable program was carried out. This Legion is especially fortunate in having an abundance of talent for entertainment within its own ranks. Quite a number of the most successful Frolics have been held since the Convention at Toledo, special mention of which will be made in a later issue of the magazine. Some of these Frolics were promoted and carried through successfully in a remarkably short time as a compliment to our Director General James J. Davis and his appointment to the Cabinet. It is gratifying to note that the majority of the Legions and also the Chapters of the Women of Mooseheart Legion are taking an active interest in this campaign and quite a number have already pledged to double their membership. Chapter and closes his letter as follows: “Our hope is high, our courage never greater, our loyalty unwavering, and our faith in humanity growing and our love for children is the devotion of our lives. We shall strive on to build a greater Lodge and Legion, increase the quality of our men, secure the co-operation of our excellent and faithfdi women and build for our children and those of our brothers a greater and bigger MOOSEHEART where all may be inspired to live better and give more freely to the end that the 'Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man' may be spread over all the world and make life richer, sweeter, more useful and teach us all truly that man’s greatest good is found in service to his fellow man.” MEN’S LEGION NOTES Fort Wayne Legion No. 18 is planing for a monster ceremonial in either October or November. They plan to have their largest class of candidates. They have 1433 members and are trying to double the membership. Bluffton, Ind., Legionaires have formed the Bluffton Legion Club, a branch of Fort Wayne Legion. They meet onc-e a month and have a set LIST OF THE LARGEST LEGIONS AND CHAPTERS Front the June 30th Report LEGIONS Membership No. 3—Philadelphia.............................2060 No. 27—Hoosier Heart ..........................1800 No. 11—Mecca................................. 1711 No. 18—Fort Wayne 1427 No. 1—Pittsburg ...............................1138 No. 7—Western Reserve..........................|003 No. 61—Rochester ............................ 916 No. 62—Progress ... .......................... 854 No. 15—Golden Gate ............................. 737 No. 137—Davenport......:A................ • ... 637 CHAPTERS v . , Membership No. 4—Philadelphia .............. ............. 685 No. 119—Rochester .............................. 370 ;; 1 No. 194—Toledo ..........-....................352 No. 18—Fort Wayne .............................. 335 No. 385—Camden ................................. 329 No. 11—Indianapolis ............................ 318 ! No. 77—New Haven................................ 274 No. 1—Pittsburg ........................ ..... 241 No. 17—Niagara Falls............ ............... 233 J No. 28—Hamilton ................................ 213 LECTRICITY The Short-Cut to Big Pay Electrical Experts Earn $3,500 to $10,000 a Year You, Too, Can Do It Your Success Guaranteed My course is hacked by an ironclad ”guarantee that insures your success and satisfaction. I positively will refund every cent paid me in tuition if you are not fully satisfied that’ it is the best investment you ever made. No other school will do this for you. Back of me in my guarantee stands the Chicago Engineering Works, a Million Dollar Institution. Free Electrical Working Outfit To make your success certain I give you tools to work with—a splendid big outfit of electrical instruments and materials. No chance for failure here! Save $45.50 By Enrolling Now By enrolling now you can save $45.50 on the regular low price of my course. But you must act at once. Write me today, for my Big Free Book, “How To Become An Electrical Expert.” It’s the first step towards bigger pay. Yours for success, How long are you going to putter along in your long-hour, small-pay, no-future job, earning $20 to $30 a week, when you can earn the same amount in a few hours as an Electrical Expert? Why drag along in this way when with a few short months of training under me, through my easily-learned, quickly-grasped, right-up-to-the-second, sparetime, home-study course in Practical Electricity you can quickly fit yourself for one of these big jobs, the kind that pay $3,500 to $10,000 a year? Take my Home-Study Course “short cut” to the tig pay job in the big field of today, Electricity. I Give You a Real Training As Chief Engineer of the Chicago Engineering Works, I know just the kind of training you need to succeed as an Electrical Expert. My course in Electricity is as simple, thorough and up-to-date that you can easily understand and apply every line of it —no big words, no useless theory, no higher mathematics—just plain, straight-from-the-shoulder, man-to-man English—the kind you and I use every day. L.L.Cooke,Chief Engineer. Chicâed Enbineerine Work! NCOftPO RATE D 1918 Sunnyside Ave., Chicago, Illinois ..MAIL THIS TODAY---------------------.... Dept. 99 L. L. Cooke, Chief Engineer, Chicago Engineering Works, Dept. 99 1918 Sunnyside Ave., Chicago, 111. Dear Sir: Send at once Sample Lessons, your Big Book, and full particulars of your Free Outfit and Home Study Course—all fully prepaid, without obligation on my part. Name Address 100 !THE COOKE TRAINED MAN IS THE “BIG-PAY MAN’