14 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE NEWS FROM THE LODGES HERE AND THERE (Con’t. from Page 10) soul of the individual.—James J. Da- It is absolutely impossible _ to go wrong in promoting the education and happiness of children.—James J. Davis. 'FREE Tube ־with Each 2 Tires Positively best tire offer of the year! All standard makes—and two for less than the usual cost of one! Our big volume means best tire values! No double treads or sewed tires. Thousands of steady customers everywhere are getting full mileage out of these £־e,s22 12,0 00 MIIiES You can see the mileage, in our tires. Order and prove it. But order now! This is a special lot, slightly used, selected for record-breaking sale. Supply limited —and going double-quick. . 2 Tire» Extra Tubes $11.95 $1.60 14.15 1.75 15.90 1.95 16.95 2.15 19.75 2.46 20.95 2.65 22.45 2.85 22.90 3:25 24.95 3.35 26.15 3.60 26.^5 3.75 1 Tir• $ 7.45 8.75 9.95 10.95 12.95 13.45 14.45 15.45 16.15 16.95 17.15 30x3 30x31-2 32x3 Уз 31x4 32x4 33x4 34x4 34x4 H 35x4 И 35x5 37x5 On® Free tube with «aehtwo tire* ordered SEND NO MONEY. Shipment C.O.D. Express or Parcel Post. Examine tires on arrival and if not fully satisfied return at our expenseand your money wi״bepror^tly ref uncled ..tat-^whether Straight Side or Clincher. DON T DELAY - ORDER NOW. ALBANY TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY 2721 Roosevelt Road Dept, j? 9 Chicago, Sllinoi* Ford Given Away EASY TO WIN-TRY THIS PUZZLE See the figures In squares below. A is 1, B is 2, C is 3, etc. Four words are there. What are they? 5000 Ford votes for correct answer. 7 ! 5 I 20 1 1 | G ! 15 I 18 ! 4 1 6 1 18 I 5 ! 5 New Ford Car Given Free. Many grand prizes free. Cash for all who try. Easy to win. Send no money Manager Wilson, 25 E Lake St., Dept. (14 Chicago ill /10 weeks' spare time. DRESS DESIGNING LESSONS FREE Women—Girls—15 or over, can easily learn V# Dress and Costtime Designing during spare moments. .■»-»■aHii IX TEX WEEKS t c7״PON J Dress ana Costume f Mail to Designers Frequently g Franklin Institute Earn t Dept. P634 $45 to $100 a Week / Bochester. N. T. !sample of lessons in m Their Own Homes . Dress and Costume Every woman who / Designing as taught, in now does plain sewing should take ! up designing. /Name Send Coupon Immediately »Address.: Pore DIAMOND I n U.L RING OFFER Just to advertise our famous Hawaiian im. diamonds—the greatest discovery , the world has ever known. We will send absolutely free this 14k gold f. ring, set with a l-2k Hawaiian im. diamond—in beautiful ring box postage paid. Pay postmaster $1.48 C. O. D. charges to cover postage, boxing, advertising, handling, etc. If you can tell it from a real diamond return and money refunded. Only 10,000 given away. Send no money. Answer quick. Send size of finger. KRAUTH & REED, Dept.; no Masonic Temple, Chicago We Pay $6 a Day AMERICAN ACCESSORIES CO., & 1463CINCINNATI, O. FOR SALE—Fresh names of the better class of ladies. All fresh July names, and have never been offered for sale. If you want the very best that can be had, fresh from the senders, get a few of these. Each name guaranteed correct and neatly typewritten. 50c per hundred, or $4.00 per thousand. Oriental Novelty Co., Box 11, Corpus Christa, Texas. Mooseheart Children’s Christmas Fund. The Lodge has a fine band, degree team and many other features which cause the Moose to attract attention. Every organization is divided into three classes -—WORKERS, JERK-ERS, SHIRKERS. To which class do you belong? Better get in line with the live wires and boost your Lodge.—• James J. Davis. ______________________ “Moose is the Greatest Order.”— Mayor William Hale Thompson, of Chicago. “I belong to a number of Orders and I respect them all, but our great humanitarian Work in MOOSE-HEART, makes me feel, that this is the greatest Order that I belong to. The Loyal Order of Moose belongs fittingly into Chicago’s Pageant of Progress. It is a grand year for our Order. It is very fitting in the important position as Secretary of Labor that the President of■ the United States should come to the Loyal Order of Moose and pick our Brother to fill that Cabinet position. He will have tasks'; hut as you know, and I know that, every important question that comes to him, he will solve with the heart of a Moose.” SOME FUNNY ANSWERS “Bill” Biracree of Rochester No. 113 Gets Them From Candidates Prelate William Biracree, who_ is also chairman of the Investigating Committee of Rochester Lodge No. .113, gets many funny answers to the questions in the Health statements of candidates. Here are some of them: Mother died in infancy. An uncle died of cancer on his mother’s side. Father went to bed feeling well and the next morning woke up dead. Applicant does not know cause of mother’s death, but states that she fully recovered from her last illness. Applicant has never been fatally sick. Father died suddenly; nothing serious. Applicant’s brother, who was an infant ,died when he was a mere child. Grandfather died from gunshot wound caused by an arrow shot by an Indian. Mother’s last illness was caused by chronic rheumatism, but she was cured before death. LOST Past Regent's Gold Pin at Toledo during Convention. Please return to Mrs. Elizabeth Clark, 2803 Jane St., Pittsburgh, Pa., South Side. LOST Lodge Receipt—John Porter, 40 No. Wells Street, Chicago, 111. LOST Receipt No. 323, issued to Brother Aug. C. Stoll, Chicago Heights Lodge, No. 828. LOST Official receipt No. 1798 issued by Omaha Lodge No. 90, has been lost. Please return to R. W. Hutchison, Omaha, Nebr. The soul of the fraternity is only the held a clambake during August, which is said to have been the most successful ever held in that part of the country. There were 800 present, including members from Brockton, Taunton, Fall River and Newport, R.I. Brockton with 41 in their delegation won the silver cup for having the most visitors. Joseph Guadette, a member of the Order for six years says, “It was the best time the lodge has ever had. There was a program of many field day events for men, women, boys and girls. Supreme Prelate J. Willis Pierson of Dallas, Texas, says in speaking about the Loyal Order of Moose and MOOSEHEART, “No other organization has ever been able to pledge that if death comes it will take the dependent normal children of the members and care for them, educate them, teach them a trade, give them a high school education, and send them forth to do their share in the world, with trained minds, skilled hands and love for God and man in their hearts.” The Texas Moose Lodges made a splendid showing at the Toledo Convention with their beautiful float. It was the first time that the Texas Lodges have made a real showing, and every member is pleased to know that they are beginning to do big things. The lodges contributing to the fund for the float were: San Antonio, Dallas, Breckenridge, Fort Worth, Waxa-hachie, Ranger, Laredo and Eldorado. We know that much is going to be heard about the activities of Texas Lodges, on account of the way they are taking a hold of lodge affairs, which is causing men who are not members to get intei'ested in the Order. Santa Rosa, Calif., Lodge No. 453 at a recent meeting initiated 170 candidates in the C. C. Burt class. There was a parade and a banquet attended by 700 Moose. Three California Lodges, Oakland, Stockton and Richmond, gave public competitive drills. Oakland won the fancy and Richmond the military, with Stockton a close second. Harry W. Millspaugh, Asst. District Attorney Ross Campbell and A. Van Der Naillen, Grand Regent of the Western Division of the Mooseheart Legion, spoke and paid glowing tributes to the Loyal Order of Moose, especially on account of the greatest humanitarian work of all, which is being done in MOOSEHEART. San Pedro, Calif., Lodge No. 483 is initiating candidates at two meetings a month. They are campaigning to get 1,000 new members before December 31. J. B. Riordan, a Past Dictator of North Bend, Ore,, Lodge No. 1467, writes that No. 483 is getting many candidates from the battleships, cruisers and boats stationed there and also from the army division there. The Lodge plans to build one of the finest Moose homes. Director General James J. Davis visited No. 483 in February and he started a Lodge is Brother Charles Gailey, who fought under General Custer and was honorably discharged two months before Custer and his men were massacred by the Indians. He and George Rogers gave Indian dances. New Bedford, Mass., Lodge No. 914 Learn AT HOME AIRPLANE ENGINEERING The great opportunity of the age. Tremendous salaries offered to men who have the training. During your spare time you can prepare yourself for airplane designer, contractor or manufacturer. Mechanical Drafting included in course. Fascinating study. Big positions waiting for you. Get your training now from Dayton, the birthplace of aviation. First Lesson Free Write now for the first lesson in the Dayton Aeronautical College Course. Mail coupon now. The first lesson is absolutely free and does not obligate you in any way. Dayton Aeronautical College ' Dayton Aeronautical College, Dept. 3, Dayton, Ohio. DeDt 3 * Send me free of any cost or ob- p!״ o ]igation First Lesson in Aeronautical / Engineering Home Study Course. Dayton, / / Name________________________________ Ohio / * Address________________________—------ Send No Money Don’t miss this chance to cut your tire cost i in two and set a reliner with each tire FREE. We ship at once on approval standard Goodyear, Goodrich, Firestone, Mason and other , adjusted tires in excellent condition and Your 1 Money Back If you don’t like them. They can readily be guaranteed for 6,000 miles. So sure are we you will like these tires that we request no deposit in advance. These are not sewed together tires known as the double tread and reconstructed tires. SEE THESE LOW PRICES Sizes Tires Tubes 28x3 $4.95 $1.25 30x3 6.25 1.60 30x3}¿ 6.25 32x3H 6.75 31x4 7.75 32x4 7.95 33x4 8.25 1.6( 1.75 1.95 2.25 2.40 Sizes Tires Tubes 34x4 $ 8.50 $2.50 32x4K 9.50 2 75 34x4^ 9.25 2.95 _ M , , 35x434 9.65 3.15 \\ 36x49.95 3.25 K1gl> \\ 35x5 10.50 3.45 Y>fRr> \\ 37x5 10.75 3.65 I Remember, a retinar Free with each tire.\Y When cash is sent with order 5 per cent discountY/®׳& / \ “ allowed. Examine—judge for yourself. If notY. satisfied, return goods at our expense. Specify \ straight side, clincher, non-skid or plain wanted. CLEVELAND TIRE AND RUBBER CO. 3150 Michigan Avenue Chicago, llfrnol• AGENTS: $42 a Week New hosiery^proposition for men, women and children. “7 All styles, colors and fancy stripes, ' including the finest line of silk hose. Guaranteed; One Year Must wear 12 months or replaced Free! A prospect in every home. Often sell dozen pair to one family. Repeat orders will make you a steady income. You can sell for less than store prices. Mrs. McClure made over $200 first month. Mrs. Perry made $27 a week in afternoons. Work spare time or full time. Anybody can ssil this guaranteed line. Thomas Mfg. Co., H-4020 Dayton, Ohio. __ _ _ _ ^5iiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiii)«iHiiiiiiimiiHiimrt3iHiiiiiHiiniiHHiiHHtjiHiiiiiHii»iiiiiiiiiiinHiMii(iiiiDiiiiiiimiiuiiiiiiiiHiiDiiiiiiiiiiiiniiii!i * I Every Moose Should Read This ■-- - DinniHf. Оччпч«• «knrl Military finish air rifle. Sell 8 boxe» * Menthe. Nova Salve at 26«. U. 8. Supply Ce. Dept, ö6 GreeaviU*, F*. | If you find the number of your Lodge below, ask your Dictator, Secre- | I tary, or Chairman of the Auditing Committee why you are no longer § 5 a good Moose. If neither of them can tell you, write Rodney H. Brandon, = 1 Mooseheart, 111., and he will. | | 796 — 531 — 302 — 647 — 1134 — 1231 — 1253 — 601 — 1102 | 1 1378 — 380 — 1247 — 1356 — 567 — 593 — 921 — 361 — 1446 | | 775 -г- 739 — 1232 — 208 — 761 — 1174 — 267 •9i|IIIIIII)lllllinilllI}llllllllllllt>IIIIIIMIIIinnilllWIII[3|imm№iniimiimiinilHllllllliE)llllflllMIIUliilllllllllCIIIII№ll№rillllllllllinillll«IIMI:.$ For Picnics, Bazaars and Celebrations. | Write for Wholesale Cat-| alog of Paper Hats with I Moose Emblem and other 1 Carnival Hats and Decorations. Made by Beistle Co., Shippensburg, Pa. EDCC EaatmanFilmCamera | IlLk Popular size with handle and ■ view finder,for time and snapshot pictures. Just order 12 boxesMentho-Nova Salve (the wonder Menthol Ointment.) Return $3 and complete earner« is yours. Or choice of Moving Picture Mar-chine, Thin Model Watch or Flashlight. Write for good• today. We trust you. Addreub U.rsUPPPirCO. Dept. SSSBreenvBte, H.