13 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE sort o’ hombre. Oh, I guess he wasn’t quite so bad till he got married. Tied up with a yellow-haired actress that got stranded in Conchas with a show company.” “What makes you think he’s the robber ? ” “The robber wore a red mackinaw; Harry wears one too. And Harry and ־‘s wife was seen riding out to- (Continued on page 15 ) Got several thousand. Was wounded, and we think he made for these mountains. Thought maybe you’d seen him.” “What’s the fellow’s name?” Sneddon parried. The sheriff answered slowly: “We’re not sure, but—■Well, it looks bad for Harry Olson. Know him ? He’s Matt Olson’s boy. Matt’s got a ranch down by Conchas. Harry’s been in a number of scrapes lately. He’s a bad Address Post Office^.,State All-Wool Serge Dress Send only $1.00 with the coupon for this stunning dress. Money back if you ask for it. Don’t be too late. Sup-ply limited. Send coupon now. 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We can also give per-manent employment to those willing to work outside of the order. If you are earning less than $1200 yearly, let us show you how to make more. NOVELTY CUTLERY COMPANY, 991 BAR STREET, CANTON, OHIO Introduction Offer—Full sized pie of this knife mailed for . and this advertisement. For 25 cents extra your name knife. will Built for 6000 Miles Service—Standard adjustment to gove Our dependable process of reconstruction doubles the life of the tire ; represents a saving which you cannot afford to miss. A New Standard Tnbe Free With Each Tire Ordered 30x3 ..$6.80 31x4....$10.10 32x4K. .$12.00 36x4ji. .$14.00 30x3K.. 7.90 32x4___ 10,45 33x412,40 35x5 .. 14,35 32x3 y,.. 8.85 33x4,,,, 10.90 34x4 >4.. 12,90 37x5 ., 14.80 s.s. <)r Clincher 34x4,,,, 11,25 35x4 yi.. 13,15 Orders shipped same day received. Send $2.00 deposit with each tire ordered, balance C. O. D. Tires shipped subject to your examination. State whether SS or CL, plain or Non-Skid is desired. All same price. By sending full amount with the order you can save 5 per cent—our special cash with order discount, !RACINE TIRE SALES CO«״ Dept, 1029 2108 So, Racine flve.״ Chicago The Red Mackinaw By PAUL EVERMAN Without a word Sneddon carried her to the hunk in the corner. Then he stepped softly away and lowered the wick of the greasy oil-lamp till the room melted into vague shadows. A steady succession of exhausted breaths soon told him that his. visitor was asleep. Wonderment obsessed him. Who could she be ? And why had she come at so late an hour, in such dangerous weather? His neighbors he had not sought to know. He had seen a hunting camp far up in the canon, knew vaguely of a silver mine fifteen miles or so away, of a goat ranch farther up the range. Could she have come from one of these places? Perhaps. He resolved to question her the next morning----- Sneddon sat up with a jerk and rubbed his burning eyes. The stove was gray with cold. Incipient light struggled at the window. He sprang up. Had he been dreaming? The girl! — where was she? There had been a girl—a girl in a red mackinaw. But now— No, the bunk was empty. He was alone. Hurriedly he stepped outride. He searched the canon as far as his eyes could see; turned and looked hopefully through the canon’s mouth and out upon the broad stretch of mesa. But no; she was gone. II. An hour later Sneddon took down his rifle and started up the canon—a broad, compact figure, unshaven and crudely-clothed. The girl was near— something told him; and he would find her. At last he stood before the hunting camp, a low cheerless structure of logs, only slightly larger than his own. He pried open the door and searched the place thoroughly, but found no signs of habitation. Noon, and he was back to his cabin, chilled and disappointed from his arduous trip and its puny results. His astonished eyes swept the room and found his stock of provisions piled haphazardly on the floor. He made a hasty inventory. Some bacon, beans and dried corn were missing. , In an ugly temper he seized his rifle and made for the door. A swift thought calmed him. He pulled his chair to the stove and sa’ down, warming his stiff hands gratefully. The girl!—it was she who had taken his provisions. And, if so, she was near. He would yet find her. She was near—but where ? An afternoon tramp out the canon and upon the gray mesa brought no sign of her. Baffled, Sneddon trudged homeward, head low. _As he turned to pass the corner of his cabin, he found three men awaiting him. For a moment they scrutinized him deliberately, silently, with their hard keen eyes. They were rough, hardy men all, with scraggy drooping mustaches and square unshaven faces. At last one of them spoke, and it was then that Sneddon recognized him as Sheriff Kartell of Conchas, who once had ridden out this way in search of a party of rustlers. “Hello, Sneddon,” he said quietly. Sneddon started slightly at hearing his name. Presently Hartell demanded: “Seen anything around here of a fellow wearing a red mackinaw?” Sneddon shook his head, answering: “Haven’t seen anybody around here lately except a party of deer hunters that went up the canon about six weeks ago.” “Hm,” said the sheriff thoughtfully. “Well, we’re looking for a fellow wearing a red mackinaw—or at least he was wearing one. He stuck up the southbound Santa Fe Limited between Conchas and Leensburg Tuesday night. I. Sneddon’s reveries were interrupted by a sudden thump and bang at the door. Through flash-lit darkness, the groaning wind belched a slight stumbling figure into the room. ,Alone, as usual, he had sat throughout the evening and listened 'to the rage of the storm. Also, he had pondered his secret; a secret of a crime, a sentence, prison; a secret that had brought him out here to trap in the solitude of the West, where, at the mouth of a cedar-studded canon, he had tucked his tiny cabin, with a bright mountain streamlet cavorting at his feet and the gloomy opening of an adondoned drift mine, the Black Bat, frowning on the mountainside back and above him. Now he sprang up, startled. t “My God!” he muttered in amazement, as he saw that the newcomer was a woman. As she lurched nearer, he sprang to support her. Forcing the door shut with his body, he deposited his limp burden on the crude chair, unbuttoned the huge red mackinaw that enveloped her, and unwrapped the long woolen scarf that muffled her head. It was then that he discovered that she was hardly a woman, scarcely more than a girl; frail, wan, almost frozen. For a half hour or more he rubbed furiously to force life back into the blue, numb fingers. From a meager store of brandy he hurriedly poured a generous draught and placed it to her hanging lips. Presently, warmed to action, she pushed his ministering hands gently aside. She looked up appealingly. “I—I’m sleepy,” she murmured, a weary smile trembling on her face, now flushed from new-found warmth. «™me !Earnings With. this __ 25Cal.reguia^ tionblue steel I AUTOMATIC I !REVOLVERS Regular Price 22.30 י OUR PRICE While they last Keep one of these safety brand new revolvers in your home and be fully protected against burglars, thieves and hold-up men. It’s a terrible fright to wake up in the night—hear noises down stairs or in the next room—and realize your neglect has left you Wholly UNPROTECTED. Buy one of these revolvers and be always fully protected. Handsome blue steel, gunmetal finish. HAS DOUBLE SAFETY and is practically “foolproof” against accidents. Perfect grip, accurate aim. Rifled barrel, hard rubber, checkered grips, safety lever. Holds 7 cartridges. Small, compact, lies flat and will not bulge out pocket. Shoots the famous Colt Auto Cartridges. SEND NO MONEY Order to-day. We have no catalogue. Just send your name and address and say which revolver you want. No. 231 is 25 calibre. 7 shot. Regular fl»Q ״p price $22.50. Our price-------- t*׳• * d No. 631 is larger size, 32 calibre, 7 shots. Regular price $25.00. Our special price QQ Don’t wait. Order this bargain to-day. Write clearly your name, address and the Number of the Revolver you want to order. Send no cash. We ship by return mail. Pay Postman on arrival, our price, plus postage. Paramount Trading Co. 114 Maiden Lane, New York City