MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Ford Given FREE Senior Lodge. By the way, have you noticed the change in the “big ten”? Compare the present list with the one for last month and note how the average membership of each Lodge has increased. Incidentally, Vallejo Lodge No. 102 is one of the newer Lodges and has already crawled up into 10th place. There are a good many other Lodges who are in the 80’s but not quite strong-enough to get into the leading few. Governor Bone of Alaska Visits Mooseheart Hon. Scott C. Bone, the new Governor of the Territory of Alaska, visited at Mooseheart, July 4, and before he left he was a member of the G"and Lodge of Protection, No. 13, L yal Order of Moose, with his dues paid for one year. He was so interested in MOOSEHEART and the great and successful work being done for the conservation of childhood, that he said he would try to carry out the MOOSEHEART method of conservation of childhood in Alaska. He has charge of all the eleemosynary institutions in the Territory. He reveled in MOOSEHEART life, and enjoyed seeing children as far as his eyes could re־ch— children swarming here and there, surging waves of children, babies in swaddling clothes, boys of the hobbel-dy age, and groups of children, form six to eighteen years, their eyes all saying, “Oh, we have such a good time and such good care and attention.” He told Secretary of Labor and Director General James J. Davis, “Now I know why that house on G. street, Washington, D. C. doesn’t have the attraction for you, one would think it would have. He said that no audience had the vivid life of the MOOSEHEART groups and that their beautiful expectancy, their responsiveness, and their naturalness were like a company of happy dancing flames and that their lovely happiness will always be a part of his life. He visited Moose lodges in Alaska on his way to the capital and one telegram shows how he was received: by Juneau Lodge. “Hon. James J. Davis. “Fine greetings by Moose. Big reception and banquet. Cordial regards. “Scott C. Bone.” His appointment to the governorship was not based upon his political service as director of publicity for the National Republican Committee, but wholly upon his knowledge of Alaska and Alaska’s needs. How does a man keep from grinning at the fellow with the new style trick mustache ? It must be a gift. (Continued from page 8) er of Moose, has donated $25 to the Oregon Mooseheart Building Fund which will be erected at MOOSEHEART by the Oregon Lodges, Loyal Order of Moose. (From “The Moose”, Portland, Oregon.) APPRECIATION JAMES J. DAVIS Then branching out As Moose-man scout, The story makes one ponder. He raised the L. O. O. M. From certain doom To heights of fraternal wonder. MOOSEHEART his dream, The morning gleam, Disclosed the wondrous story, And now forsooth The orphaned youth Proclaim him MOOSEHEART’S glory. But now kind fate To the Ship of State Has called James J. to Labor. Long be his ride And no ill betide, Tho’ we lose him as a neighbor. —JOSEPH A. BOWERS. “Jim” Davis’ life Was full of strife As boyhood’s days were counted, But “Sunny Jim” Was full of vim When the ladder’s rungs were mounted. As tin mill boy He had small joy, But faced conditions bravely. With panic’s squad The south he trod The story’s told naively. And when at last Hard times had passed, On Hoosier soil he rested. With lots of work As city clerk His mental powers were tested. opening paragraph of a long newspaper clipping received recently in which Medicine Hat’s Junior Moose social was given great publicity. Portland, Lodge No. 19, Junior Ord- Latest Model with Electric Starter and Lights Don’t buy a Ford. Join our I « Drive Your Own Car great Auto Club and win Grand i • ItHtviw Prizes including Ford Touring I Car! Can you make out two | words spelled by figures in picture? The alphabetis numbered —A is 1, B is 2. etc. What are the two words? Other valuable prizes and hundred sof dol- ' lars in cash given. Everybody . wins! So easy you will be surprised. We have already given You GRUBE TRAVELOGUE Have you been up in Grand Rapids and met Brother Popma, Governor of Junior Lodge No. 60 ? Traveling in the summer time is uncomfortable at its best but the refreshing enthusiasm of the Grand Rapids Seniors and Juniors was sufficient to carry me through my Michigan trip in spite of the intense heat. Brother Popma is an ideal Governor and is rapidly bringing No. 60 to the top of the “big ten”. From Grand Rapids it is only a short jump to Edmore and Saginaw. In the former town not much could be learned of the Juniors as most of them have had to seek employment elsewhere, although regular Lodge meetings will be held in the Fall again. Saginaw is a new Lodge and the interest that Governor Eastman has created indicates that the Saginaw Seniors appreciate how important a Junior Moose adjunct is. Down in Jackson I had to talk to the Governor “over the phone.” The Junior Dictator is a live wire and has many plans for a large Lodge as soon as the cool weather permits more frequent meetings. Going through Toledo on the way to Norwalk, Ohio, brought back many pleasant memories of the recent Convention. Governor Costello of Norwalk had a big meeting arranged and a candidate present. His Juniors have the privilege of the club rooms only twice a week hut they surely make use of their opportunity. The place was crowded. Three Rivers, Michigan, No. 62, surprised me. We always thought that they were having difficulty in getting new members but I found almost forty members on the rolls. By personal interview with each resident member we managed to arrange a special meeting when many important plans for a double-the-membership campaign were outlined. The boys have unconditional use of a mighty pretty club house belonging to the Senior Lodge. I always like to get hack to a Lodge a second time and I had my first opportunity when I visited Mishawaka Lodge No. 42. Governor Willard has finally received the unanimous support of the Senior Lodge officers and a thriving Lodge is assured. From Mishawaka it is only a few hours’ ride to the sixth largest Junior Lodge in the country—Fort Wayne No. 12. It is hard to see just why they are such a success but one is inclined to believe it is because so many of the graduate Junior Moose attend the meetings of the Juniors just as regularly as they attend the A school girl of 14 y not Send answer today Ford Willson, Mgr., 141 W.OhiOSt., Dept. ?046 Chicago, III Send No Money; I Trust You I have good news for you men and women whom weak eyes rob of happiness and success. After a life of study and experience, I have discovered a safe and scientific way to select Spectacles by mail, no matter where you live. Folks everywhere, on farms, in factories, Bankers, Lawyers, Doctors, storekeepers and toilers now wear my Spectacles. Now I have finally been persuaded by suffering humanity to give my discovery to people everywhere. maims Have Weak Eyes and Don’t Know Et If this print you are now reading blurs; if your eyes feel tired, or water; if you have to hold reading matter too close to your eyes or very far away; if you have headaches or feel sluggish and nervous; if you can’t do things you used to do; then your eyes need my spectacles. So remarkable is my discovery that even doctors come to me for help. down and put on my glasses and see with what ease and comfort you can read, work and sew clearly at a distance or close up by daylight or lamplight. Notice how well you can again read the finest print in your Bible. Try them out fully ten days and nights, free. Wear them around the house, out-of-doors, at church, out hunting and everywhere else you go, and in the evening you will have no trouble any more to tell your horses from cows and other livestock way out in the pasture, as far as the eye can reach with a pair of my large size perfect vision Spectacles. Note how easily you can again read signs blocks away, or recognize friends long before you pass them. Don't Send a Penny Sit right down this very minute and fill out the coupon below and mail it now. At once! I will send the glasses to you myself, by return mail. Send no money-just send the coupon. Don’t put it off. Special This Week If you send th.e coupon at once, I will make you a present of a handsome velveteen lined, gold lettered, spring-back pocketbook Spectacle case which you will be proud to own, free. Send the coupon now, try the glasses for ten full days at my risk and expense. Send no money. Do this now for your eyes' sake. Dr. lames W. Young Wears My Spectacles That prominent physician and surgeon of Tompkinsville, Md., writes: “I received the glasses. You couldn’t have suited me any better had I been there myself.״״ Read v*hat David Crocker says about my perfect vision Spectacles;— ׳׳Best Spectacles I ever bought. I was going blind before I got them. Now I can see to do the very finest work with them. I had seven pieces of steel cut out of my eyes at one time, and the doctors said I would go*■ blind. My eyes would hurt me awfully, but they don’t since I bought Spectacles from you. Thank God, I won’t lose my eyesight, as long as I buy Spectacles from you. Your friend, "DAVID CROCKER, Utica, Pa. "Larengo Co., R. F. D. 1." Your sight is not as good as it was perhaps because you wore your old spectacles too long, or did not get a pair when you needed them, so you must get glasses at once. Don’t put off any longer—stop that eyestrain and eyepain at once. I Will Help Your Eyes Absolutely Free -When you come home from work, and your tired eyes burn and ache, sit Chicago Spectacle House, Dept. A7491462-64-66 W. Madison St., Chicago, III. Without one Penny of Cost to me this coupon entitles me, postage prepaid, to one pair of your 10 K. Goldfllled, Large-size “Clear True Vision” spectacles complete, also fine leatherette velvet-lined, spring-back pocketbook spectacle case, without a penny of co6t to me, so I can put them on and try them out honestly and completely under your offer for 10 full days free test. This free trial is not to cost me one penny. If I like the glasses you send me, I will keep them and pay you $2.95 only. But if I do not want to keep them (no matter what the reason) I will return them, to you without paying you a single cent for them or for the privilege of trying them. Do not fall to answer the following questions: How old are you?..........How many years have you used glasses (if any)............. 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