11 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE I I - ^ ®mmmmmT? WVWKg Brings this Complete A1 • |V . Aluminum Set 42-Piece 392-Page Book FREE Yes, madam, Hartman gladly sends this splendid set of Aluminum ware for only $1.00 down. Use it SO days on Free Trial—and then—if you don’t say it is the best and most complete aluminum set you have ever seen at anywhere near the price and the world’s greatest bargain, send it back and we will refund your money and pay transportation charges both ways. If you keep it, take nearly a year to pay. You don’t risk a penny. Send the CprE1 Bargain rifEC Catalog This great free 392 - page Catalog shows you how to make any home more beautiful and more comfortable and how to save money. Hartman Furniture & Carpet Co. 3913 Wentworth Ave., Dept. 3628 Chicago, III. Enclosed fa SI .00. Send the 42-piece Aluminum Set No. 414CCMA19. I am to have 30 days' free trial. If not satisfied, I will ship it back and you will refund my $1.00 ׳ pay transportation charges both ways. If I keep it, I pay $1.60 per month until full price, 12.96 is paid, remains with you until final payment is made. I ,ij I Big Savings! It gives you the opportunity to secure the choicest styles and amazing bargains in Furniture, rugs, linoleum, stoves, ranges, watches, silverware, dishes, washing machines, sewing machines, aluminum ware, phonographs, gas engines and cream separators, etc.,—all sold on our easy monthly payment plan—30 days* free trial on everything. Post card or letter brings 392-page Bargain Book Free by return mail. ** Let Hartman Feather Your Neat** Sanitary, Beautiful Guaranteed First Quality This mirror-like aluminum ware glistens like silver—a pleasure even to look at. Finest quality made. Cooking done quickly because it takes up the heat so rapidly. Safeguards health because it does not rust or chip. So good that we guarantee it for life. If it ever rusts, -----------------cracks, chips or peels, we will gladly send your money back. This complete set, made from heavy gauge pressed 1steel aluminum, absolutely seamless, consists of: Nine-piece combination double roaster with 2 outer shells; inside«pudding pan; 6 custard cups with perforated cup pan holder. (Two outer shells make an excellent roaster A/po■/ ¡u f°r chicken, steaks or other meats. Using perforated inset and small ***'*"'"W ** pudding pan, it is a combination cooker and steamer. The three pans Year tO PaV are a*so usec^ separately over the fire as a cake pan, bake dish, pudding . " pan, or for any purpose where open pans are used.) 7-cup coffee percolator with inset (2 pieces); 6-quart preserving kettle; 2 bread pans; 2 pie plates; 1-quart and 2-quart lipped sauce pans; I ladle; 2 jelly cake pans with loose bottoms (4 pieces); 1 castor Shipped from Chicago Order No. 414CCMA19. Complete set 42 pieces. Bargain price, $12.95. Pay only $1 now. Balance $1.50 monthly. ,,.........Box No.. B. F. D...... Town..................................State.. ,.Color.. Occupation,. 1 FURNITURE & CARPET CO. < 3913 Wentworth Aye., Dept. 3628 Chicago, III. | ’s, Chicago Copyright 1921, by HARTMAN