MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE :he Lodges From Here and There velt Auditorium in MOOSEHEART, It was a James J. Davis class and the Director General attended. The lodge now has nearly 4,000 members. Farmington, 111., Lodge No. 1571, at a recent meeting initiated 52 can-dates. This lodge with a membership of 370 has erected a magnificent temple, costing $75,000 and is operating the Moose motion picture the--atre. Williamsbridge, N. Y., Lodge No. 1596, recently purchased the magnificent home of the Y. M. C. A. The building contains club rooms, gymnasium, four bowing alleys, one of the largest halls in the upper Bronx and many other assets. Pittsburgh, Pa., Lodge No. 46 at a recent jubilee paid honor to F. C. Bein’nauer, who was the third member of the Lodge. Former Mayor Joseph Armstrong was the first and the late Congressman-at-Large M. M. Garland was second. Lima, Ohio, Lodge No. 199, had great success with their “Made in Lima” exposition, representatives of all articles that are manufactured in that city. They also issued a special eight page newspaper, to give publicity about the Moose and MOOSE-HEART. Brandon, Man., Canada, Lodge No. 870 and Brandon Chapter No. 442 paraded to the Salvation Arm;v citadel on a recent Sunday evening and attended divine service. The service was somewhat of a memorial nature in honor of the memory of Brother Stratful. New Orleans, La., Lodge No. 477 displayed an unselfish interest in humanity’s welfare through tendering their services to the New Orleans Lodge of Elks to help insure the success of the Elks’ Hoo-Rah for the benefit of the Touro Infirmary Building Fund. Niagara Falls Lodge No. 838,"in addition to having a fine club house, has a fine hotel for the accommodation of members of the Moose who visit there. /They can accommodate 175. Their dining room is one of the finest in the city. They also have an information bureau. Wilmington, Del., Lodge No. 184 had a delegation of 44 to the Toledo Convention and all came to MOOSE-HEART. They had a minstrel troupe with them and gave their show in Toledo and also in MOOSEHEART for the children. Dictator Maurice Walsh was with them. Rochester, N. Y., Lodge No. 313 has its annual fair to raise money for welfare work done by the Moose Aid League. During the last year the league did work costing $10,000. No financial aid is accepted from one not a member of the Moose. The Lodge has 8,500 members. Clarkdale, Ariz.-, Lodge No. 695 at a recent meeting heard the story about MOOSEHEART told by Mrs. John Langdon, who visited the City of Childhood. She was enthusiastic in her praise of MOOSEHEART and praised the place and the methods used. She said that none could see it without being imbued wfth the Moose spirit. Follansbee, W. Va., Lodge No. 205 on April 2, celebrated its eleventh anniversary with a banquet in honor of the charter members. The Lodge was instituted in 1910 with 63 members and on April 2 they had 395 members. One of the members of the (Continued on page 14) city park there. The Lodge is also having a monthly magazine published at MOOSEHEART. Lynn, Mass., Lodge No. 261 put on a big July 4 celebration in connection with the eleventh annual convention of the Loyal Order of Moose Lodges of New England. Bernard O’Donnell of Beverly, Mass., was elected president of the New England Association of Moose Lodges. He is commissioner of industrial institutions for boys in Essex county, Massachusetts. Reading, Pa., Lodge No. 155, will spend $150,000 in making alterations on their present headquarters and one feature will be an auditorium to seat close to 5,000. It will be a community house for the entire city. Johnston, Pa., Lodge No. 48, is adding an extra floor to the Moose building. The extra floor will contain 30 rooms, to be rented to members who wish to live there. The addition will make the building four stories. Aurora, 111., Lodge No. 400 initiated a large class on July 17 in the Roose- $25,000, and improvements to cost $12,500 are being made. Pittsburgh, Pa., Lodge No. 46 recently unveiled a bronze tablet with the names of the 512 members who served in the World War, Eau Claire, Wis., Lodge at a recent meeting heard a splendid address on MOOSEHEART by Dictator Ben O’Hara of Milwaukee, Wis., Lodge. East Moline, 111., Lodge No. 1627, have added 200 members as the result of an intensive and snappy drive. The Lodge is planning to either buy or build a home. In the. Moose Lodges there is lots of smoke caused by mortgage burning. Every week we get word of lodges where they light a match and then follows a puff. Vineland, N. J., Lodge No. 434, one of the progressive lodges, with a membership of over 1,000 is now having a montly magazine published at at MOOSEHEART. Fond du Lac, Wis., Lodge No. 281, had the honor of dedicating the new Home of Shamokin, Pa., Lodge No. 1149 THE 25 LARGEST LODGES, AS PER APRIL REPORT, WERE: Membership No. 54—Philadelphia, Pa........................25,020 No. 113—Rochester, N. Y........................ 8,464 No. 160—Detroit, Mich.......................... 6,362 No. 8—Buffalo, N. Y........................... 5,505 No. Ill—Camden, N. J........................... 5,489 No. 63—Cleveland, Ohio ........................ 5,404 No. 17—Indianapolis, Ind....................... 5,011 No. 70—Baltimore, Md........................... 4,406 No. 26—San Francisco, Cal...................... 4,150 No. U.D.—Greater Chicago, Chicago, 111........... 4,117 No. 46—Pittsburg, Pa.......................... 4,105 No. 164—Trenton, N. J.......................... 3,621 No. 155—Reading, Pa............................ 3,374 No. 66—Erie, Pa................................ 3,297 No. 200—Ft. Wayne, Ind......................... 3,084 No. 400—Aurora, 111. .......................... 3,064 No. 2—Cincinnati, Ohio ........................ 2,923 No. 625—Syracuse, N. Y.............:.............. 2,889 No. 211—Seattle, Wash.......................... 2,834 No. 1437—Hamilton, Ohio .......................... 2,598 No. 713—Toledo, Ohio ........................ 2,573 No. 233—Canton, Ohio........................... 2,519 No. 107—•Harrisburg, Pa..................... 2,391 No. 450—Utica, N. Y............................ 2,357 No. 161—Spokane, Wash. .. .......;.............. 2,316 News of Monroe, Wis., Lodge No. 754 has leased new quarters. El Dorado, Ark., Lodge No. 1056 has just been instituted. Port Huron, Mich., Lodge No. 158, is initiating many candidates. Hamilton, Ohio, Lodge No. 1437 is initiating many candidates. Springfield, Ohio, Lodge No. 536 reports initiating many candidates. Minneapolis, Minn., Lodge No. 38 reports initiating many candidates. Watertown, N. Y., Lodge No. 1150 reports initiations at every meeting. Pottsville, Pa., Lodge No. 411 will dedicate its new home on Labor Day. St. Paul, Minn., Lodge No. 40 reports initiations of many candidates. Pottsville, Pa., Lodge No. 141, dedicated the new Lodge home on Labor Day . St. Paul, Minn., Lodge No. 40, at a . recent meeting initiated 100 candidates. Okmulgee, Okla., Lodge No. .511 is raising money for the building of a home. Hagerstown, Md., Lodge No. 212, recently dedicated their new club rooms. Albany, N. Y., Lodge No. 909, will dedicate their new club house early this fall. Las Cruces,'N. M., Lodge No. .870 is having great success with Its athletic carnivals. Utica, N. Y., Lodge No. 450, will remodel their club house at a cost of $30,000.00. The Wisconsin State Moose lodges held a most successful Convention at Fon du Lac, August 26T28. William J. Moran of Rome was elected president of the New York State Moose Association. Seattle, Wash., Lodge No. 211 adopted resolutions against legislation abolishing Sunday funerals. Phoenix, Ariz., Lodge No. 708 had charge of the most successful July 4 celebration that city ever had. Lansdale, Pa., Lodge No. 1323 has purchased a church and it is being-remodeled for cl nii house purposes. . New Castle, Pa., Lodge No. 51, gave a big sum of1 money to the milk and ice:׳ fund for children and sick persons. Piqua, Ohio, Lodge recently dedicated its new club, and 875 guests attended. The lodge has nearly 1,000 members.. Capt. Terrel M. Jacobs of- Kokomo, Ind., Lodge No. 179 is playing this year with the Sells-Floto circus. He is a lion tamer. Stevens Point, Wis., Lodge No¡ !572, has organized a stock company of members for the purpose of erecting a Moose temple. Seattle, Wash., Lodge No. 211, has let the contract for the construction of the first unit of the new home, at a cost of $100,000.00. Jackson, Tenn., Lodge No. 166, recently purchased a home at a cost of