MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE STOP PAYING RENT NOW! ful six-room house located right in your own town or on your own farm, a neat picket fence around it, flowers growing in well-arranged beds, rose bushes climbing the lattice at the porch ends, sending their fragrance into your nice, cool bedrooms. Just picture this in your mind and then you will have a picture of what I want to do for you—Give you a home of your own, your very own to enjoy for the remainder of your natural life. You do not risk one cent, and it is a duty you owe to yourself, so send me your name and address quick—USE THE COUPON BELOW. This is the most wonderful offer ever appearing in this magazine. It is so liberal it is hard to believe, but it is true —every word is true. There are no strings to my offer and I will positively give away a beautiful six-room house just as promised in this advertisement. You can get a home FREE if you do as I say. Surely you have longed for the day to come when you could cease paying rent to a heartless landlord and call your home your own. I am now offering you the golden opportunity to FREE yourself from the clutches of the money-grabbing landlord, and at no cost to yourself. Just imagine now for a moment you had a beauti- I WILL EVEN ARRANGE A LOT FOR YOU Perhaps you do not own a lot—but don’t allow this to prevent your sending in your name and address. I will take, care of everything. I will arrange to buy a lot for you in your own town, or anywhere you may happen to want to live, and you can arrange to have the house built on the lot. You will be proud of the house—I will be proud of it, for it will be a monument of advertising for my business. This is where I get my reward and that is why I make this most marvelous offer—for the advertising it will give my business. It does not matter to me whether you already own a home, send your name anyway. You could rent it to some good family and have a certain income—an independent income, or perhaps after it is built, you would like it so well that you would want to move into it and rent out your old home. I have given away many houses, and will give away many more and as I have said before, you should send me your name and address TODAY. The houses I give away are substantial, well-built houses. Every stick of lumber, every lath, door and sash is of the very best material. I want you to know that I would not offer anything but the very best to be had. My reputation is at stake and as I am going to continue to give away houses to advertise my business, you may rest assured that everything will be first class. As you know there is a tremendous shortage of houses all over the country—yes, hundreds of thousands of houses. Right now is the time of all times when it behooves a family to own its own home. And never has there been a time when it was so hard for the average family to accomplish a home. The present high cost of building material, labor, etc., makes it almost impossible for the average family to build or buy a home. ^ So I urge you my friend to not let this opportunity slip by you. Send Coupon Today. NO MATTER WHERE YOU LIVE It does not matter to me where you may happen to live — you may be on a ranch, farm, a ten-acre garden tract, in a village or a large city, (just so you live in the United States), your chance is equally good of being presented with an elegent six-room home. Don’t sit back—don’t say “it is not for me”, or “no such luck could be mine”. You are only fooling yourself when you let such thoughts enter your mind. Set yourself right down now and send me your name and address before you lay this magazine aside. You have absolutely nothing to lose, and after you have received my big FREE offer and plans and pictures of houses, I know you will realize what an easy matter it will be NOTHING TO INVESTIGATE my for you to become the owner of a fine home. Stop piling up old rent receipts, and start TODAY saving that money each month. An offer like this may never come to you again. You will be proud of one of my houses. I will be proud to have one of them located in your vicinity. ---------------FREE HOME COUPON------------------------------- C. E. MOORE, Pres., Home Builders Club Dept. 262, Batavia, Illinois. Send me, absolutely free, full particulars and free plans and pictures of the Home offered in The Mooseheart Magazine. Name......................................................... Town......................................................... Street or R. F. D............................................ State . . . ................................................. It does not cost you one cent to investigate my wonderful offer — signing the coupon below does not ob ligate you in any way, and may be the means of your soon living in your own comfortable “paid for” home—FREE from worry. Wouldn’t it be a great relief and blessing to yourself and family to know that you no longer had to pay out a big part of your income for rent every month. Promptness is necessary. You should take no chances of someone getting ahead of you, for a gift of this value is not offered to’ you every day—perhaps may never be offered again. You will be doing yourself and family a great favor by-rushing the coupon in to me TODAY. WHEN I SAY FREE —I MEAN FREE I do pot want one cent of your money at any time and a big $200,000 corporation backs my offer to you. There is not a chance in the world of your being disappointed. I’ve said before and I repeat now—j ust mail me the coupon and I will rush you a set of floor plans and pictures. It’s the chance of your lifetime and you should take advantage of it immediately. RUSH THE COUPON or a post card will do—just say “I want one of your FREE houses”. Be the very first one to take advantage of this golden opportunity. C. E. MOORE, President Home Builders1 Club, Dept. 262, Batavia, III.