7 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE $50 to $200 a Week If you are making less than $100 a week, write to me at once and I will show you how you can more than double your income. You can be your own boss—you can work wherever you please—two hours a day—three hours a day—six hours a day—and make from $2.00 to $6.00 for every hour you work. No Waiting-No Delays If you will mail the coupon at once I will explain how I will arrange things so that you get your profits the same day you earn them. If you make $30 in one day you will have that $30 in cash in the evening of the same day. No Capital Required I don’t expect nor ask any of my representatives to finance themselves. You don’t have to invest any money and you don’t have to put up any capital. You will be surprised when you get my letter and find out the wonderfully liberal offer that I will make to you. Experience is not necessary. Some of my most successful representatives who are now making from $50 to $200 a week never had any previous experience of this kind. They started in just like I am offering to start you, and they soon discovered that this was the easiest, pleasantest way they ever heard of to make big money. How to Get Started Just send me your name and I will tell you how to start on this proposition, even if you can only devote one or two hours a day to it. Later on, when you find how much money you can make and how delightful the work is, then you can put in your full time. I have paid thousands of dollars in cash to the readers of this publication who are now my representatives. They realize what a wonderful opportunity it is. As soon as you join our organization you will have an opportunity to become a member of the Comer Thousand a Month Club and will be offered thousands of dollars in cash in addition to your regular income. Don’t Delay Don’t wait until someone else gets in ahead of you. Just mail the coupon and I will send you all the details of my offer. I will show you how you can have a. permanent, profitable, honorable and pleasant business that will bring you a bigger income than the average merchant, doctor, lawyer or banker. Don’t miss this chance. Tear out the coupon and mail it to me right away. Remember that this may be the one opportunity that you have been waiting for and that you don’t have to send any money nor risk a penny. C. E. Comer, THE COMER MFG. CO. Dept. V-128, Dayton, Ohio | Mail This Now! THE COMER MFG. CO., Dept. V128, Dayton, O. Please tell me how, without investing any money, I can become ycur representative and make from $50 to $200 a week. I understand that I will not be under the slightest obligation and that you will send full ■ details without cost. Name_________________________________ Address______________________________ J P. O__________-______________________ State----------------—--------------- Inside of 30 days you can own a thriving, prosperous business without investing any money. You can be one of the big money-makers in your community. If you will mail the coupon at the bottom of this advertisement I will start you immediately on the road to success. Simple as А В C I am one of the largest manufacturers of high-grade raincoats in America. Other firms sell their coats through stores. These stores make tremendous profits. I don’t sell anything through stores. In ел егу community I appoint a representative and this representative has the same opportunity for making money as a merchant would have, but he doesn’t have the merchant’s expense. He doesn’t have to rent a store nor hire clerks nor take any risk. All the profit he makes he keeps for himself. He don’t take any chances. People would rather buy this way, for it saves them money. They know all about Comer Raincoats. They know they are big bargains. It is a common thing for one of my representatives to make $20 in a single day. They often make $30 or $40 in a single day, and every dollar they make is net profit. I \vant you to act as my representative and all you need to do is call on my customers and send me their orders. It is the most pleasant, dignified and profitable work that anyone can do. Build a Business for Yourself I don’t want you to think that this is any temporary proposition. You will soon find after you get started that your business grows week by лл'еек and month by month. Every year’s business is bigger than last year’s, and when you become known as the Comer representative business will roll in just for the asking. How Much You Can Make That depends entirely on how much time you devote to this proposition. You can make any\vhere from $50 to $200 a week. There is no limit to how far you can go. I not only furnish you vyith all the information you need, but I tell you where to go, what to say and how to make the money. Notice! The Comer Manufacturing Company is the largest business of its kind in the world. Any man лу1ю becomes a representative is assured of fair, square, honest treatment and will ha\'e reason to be proud of his connection with the company. —— ■ $876 Profit forOneMonth’sSpareTime I offer you the same proposition I made to Rowe, This man is a baker and only uses his spare time, and yet bis profit in one month as a representative of the Comer Manufacturing Company was $876. $825 a Month Andrew B. Spencer, of Pennsylvania, is an insurance man who represents us in spare time. We paid him $625 for one month’s spare time. A Woman’s Record Some of our representatives who are making big profits are women. Mrs. Margaret McCoy has an income as our representative that makes that of the average man look like small change. She has made as high as $14 profit for one-half hour's work. Customers Overjoyed “One night I spent one-lialf hour in a home in Portland. In that half •hour I sold $100 worth of coats. Very easy and simple. September 28th I spent twenty minutes and my profit was $13.50. Customers are overjoyed with their coats.׳'—R. W. Krieger (Conn.). 6 Orders in a Bunch “Enclosed find the result of first day’s efforts. I did not know it was so simple. All I did was to pull out my book and hand it around to men. with the result I got six orders.״'—J. J. Steish (W. Va.). $2005 in 6 Months $2,005 cash for six months' part time is the record of C. E. Ray of New York. He only devoted his spare time to this work and added $13 a day to his income. 5 Orders in Two Hours “Enclosed find five raincoat orders, amounting to $50. Upon my word of honor, I made this profit in one hour and forty-five minutes by my watch. The more Comer coats I sell the easier they are to sell.״'—T. A. Earle (S. C.). No Trouble “Enclosed find orders I took .this evening. Had no trouble after I showed the samples. In fact two people sent for me to come and see them.’״!--׳. W. Robert N.Y.).