MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE AN'"'® I Puphoktered^ Dackontâeafs ' fomfôrlafek Springj hk. Seats / 1Brings Ha Richlu Upholstered 7 Piece Suite Ml Quarter-Sawed and Solid Oak Throughout Send only $1.00 for this complete suite of library, parlor or living room furniture—seven splendid, massive pieces—so gracefully tapered in design. Use it 30 days, on free trial, then, if you don’t H say that it is even more than you expected, ship it back and we 3 return your $1.00 and pay transportation charges both ways. Wm m Over a Year to Pay Only by seeing this splendid quarter-sawed and solid oak suite can you realize how it will add to the appearance of your home. Only by examining it can you appreciate what a record-breaking bargain it is at our smashed price. Furniture like this — elegant, comfortable, massive — can be bought nowhere else at anywhere near the price nor on such liberal terms. mm . - ____TABLE, solid oak with top 24x36 in. Has nanusonte rUmetB rdniSni ashelf7in.wide. Height from floor 29 in. ARM ROCKER, solid oak with quarter-sawed top panel and rounded arm rests; seat 18x19 in. Width over all 25% in. Height of back from seat, 21% in. Bent elm runners. SIDE ROCKER, solid oak With quarter-sawed oak top rail; seat 16x14 in. Width over all, 17 in. Height, 33% in. ARM g— _______CHAIR, 37in, high and SIDE CHAIR, 36 in. high, with seat 16x14 inches. Table and chairs stand on noiseless glides. Backs and seats upholstered in durable imitation Spanish brown leather. Comfortable spring seats. TABOURETTE, 16% in. high with 10-inch top, w is solid oak. BOOK BLOCKS, heavy enough to support a a liberal number of volumes. Shipped (fully boxed, “knocked a down” to lessen freight charges) from factory in Central 9 Indiana, Western New York State or Chicago warehouse. I Order by Iso. 112CCMA5. Price $89.95. Send $1 new. Balance §3 monthly. f SET 1GI Ef IT Bargain Catai&g ili BRC Ba 392 pages of the world's greatest 11 Si m ifeig SfeSS smashed price bargains. Everything you need for the home—the pick of the markets in Furniture, rugs, linoleum, stoves, watches, silverware, dishes, washing machines, sewing machines, aluminum phonographs, gas 2BV Important! Do not confuse this fine Hartman suite with furniture which may look like it in pictures, but is inferior in construction and finish. Every Hartman piece is made to give lasting service as well as to have an elegant appearance. Note also the handsome upholstering, spring seats,ornamented backs, rounded arms and quarter-sawed oak in this special suite. See if any other house offers anything like this at near our price. ware, _ w engines j cream separators, etc. Everything sold on our easy monthly payment plan and on 30 days’ Free Trial. Post card or letter brings this 392-page Bar-gain Book by return mail, FREE. “Let Hartman Feather Your Nest״ FURNITURE & CARPET CO. 3913 Wentworth Ave. Dept. 3627 Chicago Copyright, 1921. by Hartman's, CSTcstO, ־ Town. Occupation. Color.