won ׳«sr M3G&ZIME A MILITANT MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO CHILD CULTURE AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING No. 9 MOOSEHEART, ILL., SEPTEMBER, 1921 Vol. VII James J. Davis’ whole heart is in the Moose. Mooseheart and its service is his greatest joy. Every day which he spends at Mooseheart is of untold value to it and to onr Order, l et, in the midst of Mooseheart’s building, James J. Davis answers a call to Federal Service and sits today in the President’s Cabinet, Our loss is America’s gain. But who IS America? The great Moose family (in the United States) are all citizens as well as Moose. \\ hat we have lost of James J. Davis time as Moose, we have gained as Americans. Should we not, as Americans, repay the Loyal Order of Moose for its sacrifice? The Toledo Convention unanimously answered, “Yes.” Therefore, that each American Moose may as a citizen repay Moosedom for its sacrifice, each citizen will on November 24, 1921, or prior thereto, bring a new Moose into the Moose family. Your Lodge is passing a resolution to this effect. The Supreme Lodge thru its Executive Committee is offering full co-operation. There is no Moose who cannot save the children of his neighbor by extending Mooseheart service over them. Now is the time. Do it NOW! Speak to your neighbor. Prepare him. One million members by November 24, 1921!