Inch Cap urkituR£^ MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Our Supply is Limited, Order NOW While This Special Offer Lasts! so send the coupon now! —a handsome 2 inch Post Satin Finished Brass Bed — 45 lb. Imperial Roll Edge Mattress and a Link Fabric Spring. An astounding offer which we are making for only a limited time. Send only $1.00 with the coupon and we will ship you this complete three-piece brass bed outfit immediately. Our supply is limited, therefore we urge you to send in the coupon today. This complete outfit is absolutely guaranteed. Order it shipped to your home today. Examine the outfit thoroughly. If at the end of 30 days you are not entirely satisfied, return it to us and we will at once refund your dollar and any freight charges you have paid. Tko C!m«itaar is fully guaranteed and of Mile Spring for a lifetime '־ ־ rail*|>pfa is one of the handsomest designs we have ever seen. It A I1C DCU has 2 inch posts, 4 inch caps, 1 inch top rail and % inch fillers. Bed stands 55 inches high at head end and 3C> inches high at foot end. Beautifully ribbon banded and satin finished. Guaranteed acid-proof lacquer, will not tarnish or wear off. The b