23 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Puritan Pattern Co., Batavia, Illinois CATALOGUE NOTICE Send 15c in silver or stamps for our Up-to-Date SPRING & SUMMER, 1921, CATALOGUE, containing over 500 designs of Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Patterns, a CONCISE AND COMPREHENSIVE ARTICLE ON DRESSMAKING, ALSO SOME POINTS FOR THE NEEDLE (illustrating 30 of the various, simple stitches) all valuable hints to the home dressmaker. ¿1/s yards of 27 inch material. Price 12 cents. 3591—Ladies’ Dress. Cut in 7 sizes : 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust measure. A 38 inch size will require 3% yards of 54 inch material. The width of the skirt at the foot is 2 yards. Price 12 cents. 3601—Boy’s Suit. Cut in 4 sizes: 2, 3, 4, and 5 years. A 4 year size will require 1% yards of 24 inch material for the blouse and 3 yards for the trousers. Price 12 cents. 3617—Ladies* House Dress. Cut in 7 sizes: 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust measure. A 38 inch size will require 6V2 yards of 27 inch material. The width of the skirt at the foot is about 2 yards. Price 12 cents. 3620—Girl’s Dress. Cut in 4 sizes: 6, 8, 10 and 12 years. A 10 year size will require 3% yards of 27 inch material. Price 12 cents. 3628—Girl’s Dress. Cut in 4 sizes: 6, 8, 10 and 12 years. A 10 year size requires 4% yards of 27 inch material with bolero, without bolero Z1/•¿ yards will be required. Price 12 cents. 3605—Ladies’ Apron. Cut in 4 sizes: Small, 34-36 ; medium, 3840־; large, 4244־; extra large, 46-48 inches bust measure. A medium size requires 31/¡ yards of 36 inch material. Price 12 cents. 3616—Ladies* Dress. Cut in 7 sizes: 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust measure. A 38 inch size will require 5% yards of 44-inch material. The width of the skirt at the foot is 214 yards. Price 12 cents. 3613—Girl’s Dress. Cut in 4 sizes: 4, 6, 8 and 10 years. A 6 year size requires 1% yards of 36 inch material. Price, 12 cents. 35993606־—A Smar Costume. Blouse 3599 cut in 7 sizes: 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust measure. It requires 3 yards of 36 inch material for a 38 inch size. Skirt 3606 is cut in 6 sizes: 24, 26, 28, 30, 32 and 34 inches waist measure. A 28 inch size will require 3 yards of 44 inch materia lif cut lengthwise of the goods. The width of the skirt at the foot is about 3 yards. Two separate patterns, 12 cents for each pattern. 3598—Child’s Dress. Cut in 3 sizes: 2, 4, and 6 years. A 4 year size will require 3% yards of 27 inch material. Price 12 cents. 3592—Misses* Dress. Cut in 3 sizes: 16, 18 and 20 years. An 18 year size will require 5 yards of 40 inch material. The width of the skirt at the foot is 2 yards. Price 12 cents. 3626—Junior’s Dress. Cut in 3 sizes: 12, 14, and 16 years, A 14 year size will require In Ordering Patterns sign your NAME and ADDRESS very plain and be sure to give SIZES you want. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS—Write your name and address in full. Send 12 cents in cash or two-cent stamps for each Pattern you want. Address order to PATTERN DEPARTMENT, PURITAN PATTERN CO״ Batavia, Illinois. Send money, if possible, but if more convenient, send two-cent stamps. Mooseheart Legion for Men and Women (Continued from page 10) 106 to take charge of the institution and installation ceremonies. The affair was a pronounced success, and if every Chapter could be instituted and the work exemplified as thoroughly as was done in this instance, there would be no such thing as the failure of any Chapter. Supervisor Kohl and the good women of Davenport Chapter No. 106 are to be congratulated for their splendid work. question of being able to take care of their patrons. The last social function netted a sum sufficient to secure fezzes for each and every officer of the Chapter. Iowa City Chapter No. 509, Women of Mooseheart Legion,. was recently organized by Supervisor Leo E. Kohl who made arrangements with the Degree Team of Davenport Chapter No. No. No. No. TEN LARGEST LEGIONS No. 11—Mecca ........................................... 2068 No. 3—Philadelphia...............................!!!!!!!.2044 ׳ No. 27-—Hoosier Heart................................. 1793 No. 18—Fort Wayne ...................................... 1424 1—Pittsburgh..................................... 1025 7—Western Reserve ................................. 850 62—Progress.................................” ” 792 No. 137—Davenport..................................... 599 No. 165—Traehesoom.................................... 59g No. 61—Rochester ....................................... 572 TEN LARGEST CHAPTERS No. 4—Philadelphia....................................... 689 No. 18—Fort Wayne ....................................." 325 No, 119—Rochester.................................” ” j ” ’ 323 No. 385—Camden......................................... 290 No. 11—Indianapolis . .............................. . . . . . . 267 No. 1—Pittsburgh..................................!!!!237 !.׳!.׳ No. 17—Niagara Falls......................................234 No. 77—New Haven .......................................’ 232 No. 28—Hamilton.....................................!.!!!.' 210 No. 79—Waterbury..........................................198 A Minister Well Pleased the greatness of the institution, and can appreciate the matchless leadership which you are giving it. I shall never forget the stirring of my soul when they responded so eagerly to my sermon last Sunday morning, and I cannot efface from my memory that the best thing, and the glory of Mooseheart, is childhood’s possibilities. I went to study a home and school, but I found myself studying child-1 could not forget that behind each child were untold tragedies, but at Mooseheart they were forgotten. I the more fervently pray, “God bless Mooseheart’’. Again thanking you for the many expressions of kindness shown, and with sincere good wishes, I am Very truly yours, SAMUEL CHARLES JONES. Samuel Charles Jones, D. D., Minister of the First M. E. Church at New Martinsville, West Virginia, recently spent two days at Mooseheart, and when he arrived home wrote the following letter of appreciation and confidence to Superintendent Adams: April 14, 1921. Matthew P. Adams, Superintendent, Mooseheart, Illinois. My dear Mr. Adams : I hasten to write my appreciation of the many courtesies shown me while visiting at Mooseheart. How I enjoyed the boys and girls. The book into the “heart” of Mooseheart which you so kindly gave me I shall not soon forget. I am overwhelmed with Deputy Grand Regent Katie S. Tobin passes away. moned Dr. Noll of Philadelphia Lodge, who pronounced the condition as that of a stroke of paralysis. She became unconscious a few hours later and passed away at noon on Wednesday. The sad news was a distinct shock not only to the members of Philadelphia Chapter, but to those Chapters of which Mrs. Tobin was Deputy Grand Regent. At the funeral services many Chapters in Eastern Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jersey were represented by delegations of Legionaires. Mrs. Tobin will be sadly missed. She was the most active member of Philadelphia Legion and her whole heart seemed to be wrapped up in. Mooseheart. MAY SHE REST IN PEACE Mrs. Katie S. Tobin, Deputy Grand Regent, and a member of Philadelphia Chapter No. 4, Women of Mooseheart Legion, was suddenly called to the Great Beyond on Wednesday, May 11th. Legionaire Tobin was present at the meeting of Philadelphia Chapter Tuesday evening and appeared to be in her usual good health. She was busy during the evening completing arrangements for a delegation from the Chapter to attend the Toledo Convention. On her way home about midnight she was suddenly stricken, a stranger helping her from the trolley to her home. Brother William H. Tobin, Associate Supervisor, responded to a ring of the door bell and found Mrs. Tobin in a very precarious condition. He immediately sum- If you want one of the books, “TRULY A HOME AND MORE ” containing 232 actual views of Mooseheart, in addition to a short history of the Loyal Order of Moose and Mooseheart, “The School that Trains for Life,”send 50c to the SUPREME LODGE SUPPLY DEPARTMENT. MOOSPUR a rt tt t tmotc Name_______________________________ Street No.___________________ City 1.--------------------------------- I am a member of________________________Lodge No