MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 22 Progress on Home for Aged Southern and Western cities, any one of which would be possible to close up before next winter. Any of these properties have improvements now in existence sufficient to meet the present needs. Definite admissions to such a home and colony have not been made except it has been agreed that as a policy that separation of husband and wife will be avoided as much as possible; that the Legions offer this service to the Moose making all Moose eligible; and that the members of the Women of Mooseheart Legion shall be eligible themselves even though they are not wives of Moose. In the interim while this plan is being worked out, the Grand Regent is in co-operation with the Moose-heart Governors continuing the service for those aged already at MOOSEHEART and the expenses thereof are being borne by the Treasury of the Regents of the Legion. The policy of the Supreme Council in the whole program has been not to move too fast, because experiences in the purchase of MOOSEHEART have taught all concerned that an idea of this kind develops if given time. National Bureau of Athletics Secretary of Labor, James J. Davis, announces that he favors the establishment of a national bureau of athletics. He says call it recreation bureau, if you wish. Anyway he is going to ask that the National Government provide a way for stimulating an interest in clean athletics, so that everyone could participate in or witness the kind of sports they like. He suggests that Federal^ Judge K. M. Landis, high commissioner in baseball, might be willing to give up his salary of $50,000 a year and work for the same pay as a Cabinet Officer. “The great hall of our democracy,” Secretary Davis says, “is the baseball park, the foot-ball field, the playgrounds and recreation centers.” “The abandoned babe found in an ash-can in an alley,” he further says, “can become the champion home-run hitter and gets his picture and name in all the newspapers and magazines. Athletics is our greatest leveler. If a football player makes a run the entire length of the field and scores a touchdown and wins the game, no one asks about his ancestors.” He also contends that people will be more happy, if they are given a chance to enjoy their pet sports, and that with universal interest, clean sports would rule, and further that with the minds of people occupied with the sports they like, there would be less discontent and unrest. The solution to many problems, he says, is to have people happy and contented. “If I get a matter of controversy to settle between two forces who are stubborn, I may ask them to play a game of baseball. I’ll wager that when the men get together on the baseball diamond, controversy will be ended because they will learn to know each other and trust each other after they have rubbed elbows and have been athletes together. The Loyal Order of Moose is an acknowledged philanthropist of the world today. It is based on the greatest and most sincere standard. There is no sectarianism, no politics—all are banded together regardless of social position, into one great Brotherhood. Every red-blooded man should join the Moose.—Macomb, 111., Journal. MISSING Manville Schlaefer, 19 years old, member of Rockville, Conn., Lodge No. 65, J. O. 0. M., has been missing from home since March 16. Height, 5 feet 8 inches; light complexion; wears glasses. A number of requests have come to the Supreme Secretary’s office from inquiring members as to the progress being made on the plans for the home for aged. Time and expense can be saved by making the answer general to the Order. The present status of the matter is that the Supreme Council has voted a home and colony for aged to be established in some portion of the United States where the climate _ is gentle in the winters. This action is consequent to an offer by^ the Legion and Chapters to set aside their contribution of $1.00 a year each for that purpose. At the present time that means an income of approximately $60,000.00 a year. Consequently the plant when established would be modest at the outset until the growth of the Legion and Chapters would merit an extension. It is, however, the opinion of the Supreme Council there would not be much demand for such service for a number of years because of the comparative youth of our members. Considerable effort has been spent during the winter trying to find the proper location and the Executive Committee has at this time twenty-five or thirty different offers from Two Live Rabbits FOR YOU S-OW B-LL What is the mother rabbit’s name? Fill in the blank spaces above and you will have her name. Try it. Write Uncle Dick and tell him the name of the mother rabbit, and he will tell you how you can get two real live Rabbits Free. They are the prettiest Rabbits you ever saw. Some are white with pink eyes, some are black and white, some red and some gray. Each one is tame and will make a dandy playmate for any boy or girl. Be the first in your neighborhood to get a pair of Uncle Dick’s Rabbits. Uncle Dick has a pair of Rabbits for every boy and girl so be sure to write and tell him your name and address TODAY, and he will send you his big FREE Rabbit offer. Address your letters to UNCLE DICK 64 Capper Building, Topeka, Kans. Earn $250 a mo., expenses paid, as Railway Traffic Inspector, local or traveling. Outdoors. Start at $110 monthly, position guaranteed after 3 months spare time study. Write for Free Booklet, G-75 Stand. Business Training Inst.. Buffalo. N. Y. $6 Starts You in Business £o Spark Plug Tester & Intensifier on display in store windows and collect weekly. Saves 22«X!• Retails 50c. $30 worth sent on receipt of $6. Balance, $2.60 my profiis in 15 days. Your profits $21.40. H C. PECK. 2154 N. Carlisle St., Philadelohia. Can You “Whip Your Weight In Wild Cats”—Are You A Strong Red Blooded American? That knows neither FEAR NOR FAILURE or a pale thin watery blooded man—WEAK, NERVOUS and IRRITABLE? Think of the IRON FORCE, the grim determination and the MIGHTY COURAGE shown by the man in this nicture A pale thin watery blooded man would have probably turned and fled and been devoured byC th?'be^ts,just as IsUCH A MAN IS OVERCOME AND DEVOURED BY REVERSES IN BUSINESS, HARD TIMES, by an attack of ill health or disaster of any kind. . With an IRON WILL, hacked by plenty of iron in your blood, you^ - - ' when you can no longer do your day’s work without being all fagged out at night or have pains across the back and your face looks pale . and drawn I do not wait ׳׳ until yougo all to pieces f and collapse in i a state of nervous prostration or until in your weakened condition you con-contract some serious disease, hut take some organic iron like NUXATED IRON at once to help enrich your blood and ,revitalize your worn-out exhausted ner-¡r ves. Organic Nuxated Iron often increases the bodily and mental vigor of weak, tired, wornout, nervous people in two weeks timo. It’s like the iron in your blood and like the iron in spinach, lentils and apples. You can even eat it if you wish. It will not blacken or injure the teeth nor disturb the stomach. It is entirely different from ordinary metallic iron which people usually take, and which is made merely by the action of strong acids on small pieces of iron. Beware of substitutes. Look for the word “NUXATED" on every package and the letters N. I. on every table . , , Your money will be refunded by ____the manufacturers if you do not obtain perfectly satisfactory results. At all druggists.( are ready to tackle any job—nothing can stop you—but without it, you worry, fret and “stew,” you are full of excuses and tales of bad luck but this does not bring home the “Cash.” Don’t try to “fool yourself” into thinking you are “a man of blood and iron” when you have good reason to suspect that you are not. Consider the SIZE OF YOUR BANK BALANCE and what SUCCESS you have had in life. | v In the West a few years ago, a strong keen red-blooded man who was always ready to face any danger, who never thought of FEAR OR FAILURE, was often referred to as a man who could “Whip His Weight in Wild Cats.” In those days historians even wrote of us as a nation of RED-A! three is said to suffer more or less from malnutrition or lack of sufficient nourishment which is caused NOT by lack of food but often by LACK OF SUFFICIENT IRON in the blood to enable us to GET THE STRENGTH out of our food. tissue but it can no longer carry oxy-gen to your brain. Without oxygen your brain becomes dull and heavy your memory poor; your will power weak ; you make bad decisions ; things always seem to turn out wrong; you are often overcome by an overpowering sense of fear and failure. All the “fight” and “go-ahead” in you is taken out—A MAN IS ONLY PART OF A MAN WHEN HIS BLOOD LACKS IRON. When you get up feeling tired in the morning, when you find yourself nervous, irritable and easily upset; FOOD IS WORTH NOTHING UNLESS YOU GET THE STRENGTH AND NOURISHMENT OUT OF IT. In fact it often happens that the more you eat the more you starve as your digestive organs are unable to handle much food, when your blood LACKS IRON and you often think you have stomach trouble when it isn’t that at all—SIMPLY EAT LESS AND TAKE IRON. OUR FOREFATHERS ATE COARSE FOODS; the husks of grains, the skins of vegetables, and fruits which are RICH IN IRON but modern cookery throws all these things away—hence the alarming increase in IRON STARVATION OF THE BLOOD and its attendant ills. Without iron your blood not only loses its JXA1 >! R0 M ENRICHES THE BLOOD-GIVES 11 YOU NEW STRENGTH AND ENERGY