MOOSEHEART MAGAZlNE 20 Toledo’s Proud, Glad, Welcome (Continued from page 5) fair for the Toledo Lodge as it is a civic event for all classes of people and all manner of interests within the city. Old-fashioned Team Work Toledo has an unusual civic spirit. It is perhaps the one city in America where every child in the streets knows the location of the Museum of Art and loves to go there on Fridays and Saturdays and Sundays. That’s a simple thing to write; but a situation of bright promise in our American cities. During the war Toledo, throwing all other interests aside, plunged heart and soul into the campaign for the sale of Liberty Bonds. Not once, nor twice but three times —on each of the great Liberty Loan campaigns, the City of Toledo was first among cities to go over the top for the sake of the boys in France. Toledo is very proud of the old-fashioned teamwork that gets things done first; there may be talk afterwards but at least the “Panama Canal” gets built. It is customary as all know to have the retail merchants of a city, the manufacturers and the moneyed men contribute to a convention fund. These amounts run from $100 subscriptions to thousands. That’s the old way. It hasn’t been tried in Toledo. And that’s the other story where new history is being written for convention management. The Big Job Underway “The workingmen of the Moose will run this convention, provide its finances,” said A. L. Rafter, the Dictator of Toledo Lodge No. 713. “It can’t be done,” the merchants said. “A budget on a business basis will do it,” Mr. Rafter remarked, and he started the machinery in motion. Placed in charge of finances, De-Witt Fisher, Secretary to the mayor of Toledo, immediately assumed the enormous responsibility. He met with the Rotarians, the Kiwanis, the Exchange, the Lions and other business and luncheon clubs. He met the advertising clubs. He talked to social and fraternal organizations. He interviewed bankers and financiers and the Rafter-Fisher plan bloomed to full strength; was adjudged good, and accepted. A budget has been laid out, calling for expenses in excess of $50,000. They may run as high as $65,000. The outgo of the budget sheet is balanced on the other side by an income sheet. For in Toledo, the Moose will control the carnival, the concessions״ the boxing matches, the baseball and other athletic events—in fact every revenue producing enterprise in the city during the days of the convention. Unusual Tribute to Moose “Yours is the greatest plan we have ever heard,” the Chamber of Commerce and the Retail Merchants’ board agreed. “It’s the highest kind of tribute to the vitality and purpose of your Moose organization. It sets a new standard in the history of conventions.” And it’s a plan that will send everybody back to their homes in whatever section of these broad states, contented and satisfied and happily disposed toward Toledo as a city where hospitality is as warm and lovely as a mother’s smile and where life can indeed be enjoyed. To make sure of the success of the convention a publicity and news bureau was organized. This bureau has called for the establishment of sub-committees in every lodge of the country. These all send their news to Toledo where it is sent out in blankets of information to cover all the country with the story of Moose and MOOSEHEART and the advantages of giving the entire family the vacation time of years at Toledo. important enough to attract national attention. Dozens of the top-notch fistic champions of the country have signified their willingness to give the Moose a show that will rival the Dempsey-Carpentier go for national interest and excitement. The details of the boxing carnival will not be known until a week or so before the convention opens. Here are the Ladies! The Women of Mooseheart Legion will have a very important part to play in this Toledo meeting. Degree teams are coming to Toledo from widely-scattered sections of the country. The women will find themselves delightfully provided for. The Toledo Chapter has secured a four-story clubhouse within a block of the Toledo Moose Temple. Within this clubhouse, women unaccompanied will find all the atmosphere of cordiality and freedom they’d find in their lodge rooms at home. During the day there will be opportunities for visiting in the parlors and writing rooms; a ballroom will provide entertainment during the evenings and furnish a splendid hall for the exemplification of the ritual by the degree teams. For team effort and individual excellence, prizes totaling $1,500 in cash are being offered this year. The women’s programme will be very full and complete—parties, luncheons, automobile rides along the picturesque Maumee, moonlight excursions on Lake Erie with bands playing and the night’s coolness making sleep refreshing when' Milady reaches her quarters back in the busy city. The Frolic of Frolics For the men’s Legion, there is planned a party historic in the history of the Legion. Someone has said that the Frolic on Thursday night will be one of those affairs that ends the day after the morning of the night before. The famous Indianapolis and Fort Wayne Legion teams will be in charge of the work on the floor. There you have the story of the Frolic! Rather lose a year of life than miss this Legion roundup. And the boys are “hep” to its possibilities to judge from the comments in letters at Toledo headquarters. Carnival in Streets So much for entertainment, for magnificent street parades; for gorgeous and brilliant night pageants on the river; for the merry jostle of thousands of funmakers in the streets of the Carnival that will be held all during the week by the Toledo Moose; for the boxing contests; the baseball events. So much for the moonlight rides and auto trips and the excursions for as low as $9 a round trip to Niagara Falls and the Niagara Frontier. There is another side in which every Moose is interested. It is a sign of the day’s rapid movement toward MOOSEHEART as the settlement of the problem of the orphan child; its forward-pointing experiment in the solution of today’s grave economic problems in the proper development of children into useful, purposeful men and women who must take their rank tomorrow among the citizenry of the nation. It is an indication of the support the Moose everywhere will have when there are not one but five MOOSE-HEARTS—a new one in the north, another in the south, another in the east and still another in the west. The Moose, men recognize, has become a national symbol of vigorous law-abiding, constructive, democratic citizenship. Toledo peculiarly typifies that trend toward Moose citizen-membership. The Moose convention within its streets is not now so much an af- —---OLD KENTUCKY------ HOMESPUN TOBACCO Cream of the Finest Crops Direct to You Mellow as Moonlight-Fragrant as the Rose —SEND—■fSsiate NO MONEY- RIPE, RICH, OLD-FASHION LEAF The choice of Kentucky’s finest crops direct from our farms to you. This FAMOUS OLD KENTUCKY HOMESPUN is no more like the manufactured tobacco than day is like night—free from chemicals and all other adulterations that undermine the health, that conceal imperfections and delude the sense of taste. Grown and nurtured in Kentucky’s finest soil, cut at the proper time, carefully selected, aged and mellowed for chewing and smoking. Like old wine in the cellar, its rich, rare fragrance permeates the air. Cured and “sweated״ by the same method as employed in the early days, the method our grandfathers used in preparing tobacco for their own use—every trace of harshness leaves it—nothing to “bite” your tongue, or parch your mouth; nothing to tire your taste. No fancy packages, no decorations—just QUALITY and lots of it. Throughout the country—North, East, South and West, men have tested this fine old tobacco and spread the news of its inimitable quality. ^ Grown right here in the greatest tobacco producing district in the world. We bank on it you have never tasted a finer flavored, more satisfying tobacco in all your life. Give the old “cob” a treat—“load ,er” up to the brim. Cut off a “hunk״ as big as your fist and slip it between your teeth. Smoke or chew, it will give you the keenest joy since the days of Old Bourbon. “I have used the best tobacco they have in Canada, England and Ireland but have never tasted any as good as your Old Kentucky Homespun.”—J. P. O’Connor, Gold Beach, Oregon. “I am a retired physician, 82 years old. Have used tobacco ever since I can remember. I chew but do not smoke. None gives me such satisfaction as Old Kentucky Homespun Leaf Tobacco. It is not only the most pleasant and agreeable but goes further than any other kind and produces no ill elfects.”—S. S. Sutton, Kirby, Ark. “Your tobacco is every thing a person can desire. Even my wife enjoys its pleasant aroma in the house־”—A. C. Evering, Grand Center, la. “The tobacco came in good shape and I like it fine. Have been imposed upon long enough by the makers of high priced, doped up trash called tobacco.”—C. L. Gates, Morrisviile. Vt. REDUCE YOUR TOBACCO BILL 75% We are growers of tobacco and sell none but our own crops, therefore exempt from all revenue tax. _ We pool our crops, placing them in our warehouses and share equally all the expense of conducting our business, thus our expenses are reduced to the minimum. This co-operative marketing plan eliminates all middlemen; you deal directly with the growers, thereby effecting a saving to you of 75 per cent or more. READ THESE MONEYSAVING PRICES Wo Рву Postage $ 2.98 5.85 11.40 5 pounds Ю pounds 20 pounds SEE HOW SIMPLE IT IS TO MAKE THE OLD FASHION CHEWING AND SMOKING TWIST. Com-plete Instructions on Making the Twist, Granulated Smoking, etc., sent with each order. F'g-5 5 pounds of oup tobacco wBti make SS sacks of smokingf op 65 chewing op smoking twistsm Which do you prefer? The high-priced manufactured tobacco that has been adulterated, sweetened, chemically treated, or otherwise “doped” in order to minimize the amount of real tobacco used, or do you want the Old-Fashion Kentucky Home-spun that brings to you the cream of Kentucky’s famous harvest in all its natural goodness? JUST SEND THE COUPON-NO MONEY TRYnTHEe TOBACCo’l*0׳DAYS“and'¡™it doesn’t please you—if it doesn’t suit your taste—if it doesn’t save you money—back it comes and every cent of your money will be returned without quibble or question. YOU RISK NOTHING. Sign and mail the coupon today and enjoy the tobacco treat of your life. TOBACCO GROWERS ASSOCIATION OFKYÄ&’SS TOBACCO GROWERS ASSOCIATION of KY., Warehouse K-1 Mayfield, Kentucky Send me....................pounds'of Old !Kentucky Homespun Tobacco by parcel post prepaid. I will pay the price of $.....on arrival. If not satis- fied after a 10-DAY TRIAL, I will return the tobacco and you will refund my money. Name.... Address. (State whether chewing or smoking, strong, medium or mild.) GIVEN ►away FordAirbd qOLVE this puzzle, win Ford Auto votes free. The letters of the ° alphabet are numbered; A Is 1, B Is 2, and so on. The figures In the little squares to the left represent four words. (20 Is the letter “T”.) What are the four wordB? Can you work It out? If so, send your answer quick. Surely you want this fine, new Ford auto. Send no money. I have already given away many autos. You can own an auto. SEND ANSWER TO-DAY We not only give away this Ford auto, but hundreds of dollars in cash and scores of other valuable prizes. Bicycles, Guns, Watches, Talking Machines; something for everybody. Everyone who answers this can have a prize. There are no losers, n v m * Nothing difficult to do. Everybody wins. Someone gets this new, latest model HO 10■ Want It? Ford Auto free. Electric starter and lights. Do v^uwautiti Write today and be first. FORD WILLSON. 141 W. Ohio Street, Dept. 304A Chicago. III.