19 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE i Send only $1.00 and we will ship you this handsome 6-Piece Library Set. Only $1.00 down-then $2.70 a month, or only $29.90 in all. A positively staggering value on this special, reduced price offer. Send the coupon below and have this massive set shipped on approval. Then see for yourself what a beautiful set it is. If you do not like it, return it in 30 days and we will return your money together with any freight charges you paid. All you have to do is to send the coupon with ' « $1.00. This magnificent library set is not shown in our regular catalog. The value is so wonderful and the demand so great that there aren’t enough to go around, so send today—sure. This superb six-piece library set is made of selected solid oak throughout, finished in rich dull waxed, brown fumed oak. Large arm rocker and arm chair are 36 inches high, seats 19 x 19 inches. Sewing rocker and reception chair are 36 inches high, seats 17 x 17 inches. All four pieces are padded, seats upholstered in brown imitation Spanish leather. Library table has 24 x 34 inch top, with roomy magazine shelf below, and beautifully designed ends. Jardiniere stand measures 17 inches high, with 12 inch top. Clip the coupon below, and send it to us with $1.00, and we will ship you the entire six piece׳-, subject to your approval. No C. O. D, Shipped knocked down to reduce your freight charges considerably. Easy to set up. Shipping weight about 175 pounds. Order by No. B6259A. Send $1.00 cash with order, $2.70 monthly. Price $29.90. No discount for cash. Special Reduced Price Offer—Ac# MS2WI 6 Pieces !................a. _♦ STRAUS&SCHRAM Dept. A321 West 35th Street, Chicago Price, down, at last! Rock-bottom prices for yon. You can now get this wonderful 6-piece library set direct from our own factory at the lowest price since before the war—and for only $1.00 down, a year to pay! This set i3 such a wonderful bargain at this special reduced price, that we / ? _ — ** —־ S. J OWJ. cw pwj . . ill- ov v uouviru trUUUOLlUl Uai^aiU at Hilo LC v / C- C- i Ci I 1 C. V ^ ' nave reserved the limited number we have on hand for new customers only. The set is not shown in our regular catalog. We haven’t enough to supply everyone. First come, first served. Order your set on this low price offer now■ Remember, thirty days’ trial in l.ncta nnn nntVlinn 1 -p non *- —1 — _1 , ,1 i-____I _____r. t your own home. Costa you nothing if you aré not entirely pleased. Send at once S Suite. I am to have 30 days’ free trial. If I keep the suite, I will pay you $2.70 monthly._ If not satisfied, I am to return the suite within 30 days and you are to refund money and any freight charges I paid. □ 6• Piece Library Set, NO.B6259A, 529.90 Ee$sy ®!!fill ftllllMm /i Open an account with us. We trust honest people any- ^ sSio where in the United States. Send for this wonderful bargain _Jny m / Name ♦♦ k♦ St.,R.F.D. or Box No.. Shipping Point..... along with $1.00 to us now. Have this fine library set shipped on 30 days’ trial. We will also send our big Bargain Catalog listing thousands of amazing bargains. Only a small first payment and the balance in ...-... 1U1 uim mmucilui uaifjaiL shown above, or choose from our big catalog. One price to all, cash or credit. No discount for cash. Not one penny extra for credit. Do not ask for a special cash price. We cannot offer any discount from these sensational prices. No C. O. D. 30 Days’ Trial Free Bargain Catalog monthly payments for anything > you want. Send the coupon to- ♦ day—now. Don’t delay. / p CHICAGO, ILL. / If you ONLY want catalog put X in proper box below. O Furniture, Stoves and Jewelry □ Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Clothinfl Send for it. Shows thousands of bargains in furniture, jewelry, carpets, rugs, curtains, silverware, stoves, porch and lawn furniture, talking machines, women’s, men’s and children’s wearing apparel. Send coupon today. Our guarantee protects you. If not perfectly satisfied, return the article at our expense within 30 days and get your money back — also any freight you paid. Could any offer be fairer? A321 West 35th Street STRAUS & SCHRAM B״* AGENTS MEN or WO ME Make $8to $12 a day this summer. Sell Concentrated Soft Drinks—Non-Alcoholic. Enormous demand-wanted everywhere. Delicious, refreshing summer drinks for the home, picnics, parties, fairs, ball games, etc. Every popnlar drink—Orangeade, Lemonade, Wild Cherry, Strawberry, Apple Cider, many others. Concentrated form—small package—makes 80 glasses—less than 1 cent a glass. Always ready— any time—just add water. Guaranteed under U. S. Pure Food Laws. AGENTS. COINING MONEY-Woods made $16 first day; Quinn took 115 orders in two days. Over 100 # profit. Sell to soda fountains, soft drink stands, stores, etc. 250 other hot weather sellers. The big season is on—get busy. Territory going fast. Complete Outfit of "Zanol” Products furnished-sample case free. Just a postal today—now. American Products Co. 5293 Amcr. Bldg. Cincinnati, Ohio TWO FORD CARS GIVEN APRIZESD On August 31st, 1921, I am going to give away a new Ford Touring Car, fully equipped, with electric lights and starter, to some one who answers my Ad. and is the most successful in carrying out my simple instructions. In this contest I # will also give away a new Model Ford Roadster, fully equipped and thousands of dollars in Cash Rewards, Motorcycles, Bicycles, Gold Watches, Diamond Rings, Phonographs, etc., etc., and in case of a tie I will duplicate the prize tied for. GET 1,000 VOTES In the picture are a number of hidden faces. See how many you can find. Some are looking right at you, some turned sidewise. You will find them upside down and every way. Mark each face you find with a pencil and mail to me with your name and address. If you find as many as five of the hidden faces I will enter you in this contest with 1.000 ־־"votes to your credit and send you full particulars. The two ^ leaders will get these cars. Why not you? Write today SURE. W. BEACH, Contest Mgr., Dept. 566 Spencer, Indiana News of the Lodges (Continued from page 15) Seventy-five members of Jacksonville, Fla., Lodge No. 455 costumed as Simon Legrees will make the trip on horseback. An Alabama delegation, dressed as members of the Ku Klux Klan, also will come on horseback. Officers and the drill team of Sitka, Alaska, Lodge No. 1350 have started by dog team on the first lap of their journey that will bring them to the Moose convention in Toledo, according to word received by Mayor Cornell Schreiber of Toledo. Peabody Lodge No. 1450 has organized a new degree team and marching club of 32 men and are holding weekly rehearsals under the direction of Brother W. H. Grady. They are expecting to pick off a prize at Lynn where the New England Field Day is to be held July 2, 3. 4, On June 1st Farmington (Ills.) Lodge No. 1571 will dedicate their new $70,000.00 home. The ceremonies will start at 10:00 A. M. The day will be complete with banquet, dancing, speaking, etc. Supreme Lodge officers will lie in attendance. The lower floor, which is a theatre, will house the activities of the day. Leo J. Schunk, secretary, on behalf of the lodge, extends a hearty welcome to all Moose to partake of the activities. Four Pennsylvania Lodges of Moose, Doylestown, Sellersville, Quakertown and Lansdale, have formed a quadrangular league to promote a better fraternal and civic communion. It is the broadening of a fraternal spirit enjoyed for several years by the Lansdale and Sellersville lodges. It was decided that each lodge must entertain the other lodges at least once every year. They will have a huge picnic, a twilight baseball league, an official Moose publication and other features. ENDOWMENT POLICY Aurora Moose Sets Aside a Thousand Dollars for the Mooseheart Ten Million Dollar Endowment Fund. F. A. Thelen of Aurora Lodge No. 400 has purchased a thousand dollar endowment policy from the Equitable Life of New York for the benefit of the Mooseheart Endowment Fund. Under Bro. Thelen’s plan this costs him $63.90 per year and he is assured that MOOSEHEART will ultimately get the money and that his estate cannot be encumbered after his death. The policy was made payable to the Endowment Fund, Mooseheart Governors, Supreme Lodge of the World, Loyal Order of Moose. If 99,999 other Moose would do the same thing the Director General’s Endowment Fund would be an accomplished fact. Ray D. Harden, Secretary of Fairmont, W. Va., Lodge No. 9 is a multiple Moose, judging from his many duties and activities and his great success of the work. In 1915 he was elected Secretary of No. 9 and since then the membership has been increased from 287 to over 1,000. He has been made a Past Dictator and a Life Member by his Lodge. Supreme Secretary Rodney H. Brandon appointed him deputy grand regent of Monongahela Legion No. 53 and Supreme Dictator Darius A. Brown appointed him D. D. S. D. of northern West Virginia. The West Virginia Mooseheart Memorial Building Association elected him secretary and he reports collecting $13,000 for the fund.