17 учо osEHEsm т !ляйлгтв The Junior Order of Moose LetMe SendYou Tortoise She// ф Glasses^' (Continued from page 14) meeting there is a general distribution of various articles such as ties, socks, cigars, candy, etc., according to the numbers in the members’ hands. It’s a success, Juniors! Try it! There is no copy-right. small lodges for just the same kind of help Philadelphia gave to Phoenix-ville. We grow by helping one another. Office Glouster (Ohio) Lodge No. 61. Be-for it reaches its first anniversary it proves its value to the Senior Lodge by graduating its Secretary, George Jennings. He is taking an active part in the Senior Lodge thus cementing the friendly feeling existing between the two Orders. This Lodge is determined to send a prize winner to Toledo, serving notice on the Lodges m their class “to watch out for Glouster.” For many year people have been ! coming to me from ever! part of Chicago on account of my wide reputation for supplying glasses that fit. I am now offering the benefit of this wide experience to 2people everywhere. No ___ mattre where you I positively guarantee to give you a perfect fit or there will be no charge whatever. I promise to send you a pair of glasses that will enable you to see perfectly and satisfy you in every way, or you will owe me nothing. They will protect your eyes, preventing eye strain and headache. They will enable you to read the smallest print, thread the finest needle, see far or near. SEND NO EVIONEY I will not accept a single penny of your money until yon arc satisfied and tell me so. Simply I! ii* a.n^ ma,l the coupon below giving me all the information I ask for and I will send you a pair of my Extra Large Tortoise Shell spectacles, for you to wear, examine and inspect, lor ten days, in your own home. The glasses I send are no» to be compared with any you have ever seen advertised. They are n8 + ״??r ™cles be.ing sold a(־ retail ai׳ from ?12.00 to $15.00 a pair. You will find them so scientifically ground as to enable you to see far or near, do the finest kind of work or read the very smallest print. These Extra Large Size Lenses, with Tortoise Shell Rims are very becoming and your friends are sure to compliment you on your improved appearing?;, ■3.ere aie”° “ifs” or "ands” about my of?e;• I trust you implicitly. You are ®iS°|e+.JYd8,® do no i give you more • real satisfaction than any glasses you have e! e! worn, you are no! ou♦ a single penny. I ask you, could any offer be fairer? SPECIAL THIS MONTH Sdso°me'Velrete“ Llnld״ sSring Bad? Pocket Book Spectacle Cm- wlucli you will bf proud 5° °S?., Sim and mail the coupon NOW Di Ritholr 1)11137 Madison & Laiim Sts Station (' Accept This Free Offer Today “ StaBtlon° C-. cSoMIU.iS°a & 7“:*־! SGr!(i me j,'D prepaid parcel post a pair of taele־ ETl wiiVarge 1?i1“86 Shell Cold Pillea Soec-pj¿ are S STu/glaS Bin? aПÍ?C060<, 1 1״--“”״a How old are you?__________ How many years have you used glasses (if any)_ Name Zanesville (Ohio) Lodge No. 67. Governor Gay, graduate Junior himself, had so much pleasure in the old organization that ho and several others are reviving the Juniors here. Complete robes and drill team uni-forms are part of the paraphernalia the Lodge owns, and several of the new members are anxiously waiting for the opportunity to make use of them again. Circleville (Ohio) Lodge No. 101. Many of the High School boys in the membership. Athletic teams are being organized to compete with neighboring lodges. Competition with another young men’s dub in town is causing the Juniors to step out and grow. Young America enjoys the competitive game. Get your Lodge into a race with somebody else, and you will find many young men that will want to get into your game. Barnesville (Ohio) Lodge No. 73. This Lodge is doing things in big league fashion already. After their recent installation of officers, they had a fine lunch, and the interest the boys take in the Lodge as a whole promises big things later. The comfortable, _ “homey” club house of the Seniors is open to the boys at all times. The big hills surrounding the town are not too steep for the boys to climb, when coming to meetings, which speaks well for the officers and Governor in providing an interesting meeting each time. Governor Harry R. Woodall of Quaker City Lodge No. 32 (Philadelphia) has been appointed chairman of the Press Committee at the coming Toledo Convention. He would like to get in touch with all Junior Moose Governors in attendance at the convention. THE GRUBE COLUMN Field Representative Robert Grube of the Junior Moose Department is journeying through Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and further East visiting Junior Lodges. His mission is chiefly inspirational. The Junior proposition is as yet too young to develop any troubles, discord, jealousy or anything else that hinders the growth of the Junior Lodges. With the splendid roll of the hundred and more Governors working the Junior proposition we are quite sure it will be a long time before it will be necessary to solve difficulties, allay troubles, adjust differences or anything of the kind that clouds Lodge life. What our Junior Lodges need now is detailed instructions as to the general conduct of the Lodge and suggestions for featuring various activities that shall be attractive to young men to join the Order. From letters received from Mr. Grube he is evidently very successful in the specialty of his mission. His paragraphs concerning the lodges that he has visited follow: Piqua (Ohio) Lodge No. 17. Piqua recently had a great Moose night and Governor M. C. Friend managed to lead out a much larger attendance than the Seniors supplied. Celina (Ohio) Lodge No. 71. Governor Stephen Bettinger and Secretary Edward Masonbrink are a fine team that ignores the general complaint about hard times and the difficulty of securing young men for membership because of non-employment. Portland (Ore.) Lodge No. 19 is given good space in “The Moose,” the official organ of Portland Lodge No. 291, L. O. O. M. From several notices we glean the fact that Governor E. M. Fryermuth is thoroughly on the job ofgetting his young men to double their membership, and win a Free Trip to MOOSEHEART or Toledo. “The Moose” notes: “Portland Lodge No. 19, J. O. O. M., gave a live wire stepping party Wednesday evening^ at Moose Temple that was a credit to the boys and a most enjoyable affair. The Moose Orchestra of nine pieces, led by Brother Prasp, kept plenty of music going and everybody enjoyed themselves.” If any Juniors do not know what a “stepping party” is please write for information to Governor Fryermuth. Columbus (Ohio) Lodge No. 95. The new Governor, B. M. Huff, with a new set of officers, has given the Lodge such an incentive to do big things that will put Columbus way ahead in the procession both as to numbers and efficiency in Lodge work . FREE Dress Designing Lessons Gill or Woman, 15 or over can caqilv foam DRESS and COSTUME DESIGN- * ING and MAKING in 10 WEEKS using spare moments. De- COUPON signers earn $¡>0 to JI00 WEEK. FRANKLIN INST. Hept *630׳. Rochester. N. Y. tX n Kindi* send me free sample lessons in Dress Designing and Making. Name_________________________________ Address------------------------ YOU’LL GET ALONG, JIM! about better understanding, day by day, between employer and employee, between the men who work and the men who pay. “We meet on a common level in the Moose Lodge—union, non-union, banker and artisan, Catholic and Protestant, Jew and Gentile. So we meet in the Department of Labor while James J. Davis is at its head.” Pretty $^io *APRONS ЛОГ׳ Just imagine, less than 80c each for these wonderful aprons. But you must write quick because they are going fast! $6.00 value. Biggest Cut Price Two of the four are apron . dresses of fine washable f percale, one is the * . very popular¿ sash style in v' pretty plaid patterns, the other L is a belted Q style in jf dark j bluet , figured^, patterns' Full / length,, f u 1 1 width. Neat f and becoming LI for street or j house wear. J The third f apron is the и prettiest you 4 — I—— ever saw. Latest ^ Polly Prim style in stunning! plaid and figured percales. The fourth is a water-proof kit-c h e n apron of rubberized w cloth. vJust the thing for cooking, ׳ washing dishes, bathing baby, etc. &ет1Шо₪&Ь@у Think of it! All four just as described for only $3.19. bend no money. Just send coupon below. You take no risk.' We guarantee satisfaction or your money back without question. Going fast. Write now! Sizes 82 to 44. (Extra sizes 46 to 62, $3.69). norma"ROBERTS״ЬСО:"״ “H Dept 335 200 N. Jefferson St. Chicago Send me «״״«» four aprons by mail. I will pay postman $3.19 and few cents for postage. (Extra eiaes, 46 to 62, $3.69.1 If not satisfied after try on, you agree to return my money. Bust size.. Name....................... Address........... тшшт Guaranteed Service * Standard Makes - Cut Your Tire Cost Less than half price! 6,000 miles of guaranteed service in every tire. Often up to 8,000. Original standard makes, slightly used. No rebuilts or double treads. Satisfied customers everywhere. Real tire values doit. TuIjc with Each Tsre Price Tire Price $ 7.45 82x41-2.. ..$12.00 33x4 1-2.. ...8.85 34x4 1-2.. 85x4 1-2.. ...13.50 36x4 1-2.. ...14.00 35x6 ..11.50 . 37x6 Tire 80x3..... 80x31-2.. .IS: Send No Money! Pay only on arrival of tires. Examine tires and if net satisfactory, return them at our expense, and your money will D6 promptly refunded. State whether S.S. or clincher wan ted ALBANY TEüîE & RUBBER CO. 2721 W. ROOSEVELT ROAD Dept. SS CHICAGO Dayton (Ohio) Lodge No. 35. Secretary Georgi of Dayton Seniors has promised to put the Dayton Juniors back in their pre-war class. What Brother Georgi promises is as good as fulfilled. So watch the Dayton Juniors go up in the scale of success. They have splendid club room facilities which will be a special inducement to the young men of the town. Hamilton (Ohio) Lodge No. 86 has a novel way of getting a good attendance at the meetings. Each member as he enters the Lodge room is given a check number. After the - —— uInitIIO Days gffi4 yonr ring and get it by Return Q»je<1 *1,*״»per. fire and sparkle. Stands all made fai ?P״d Go,d- extra heavy band /3 Diamond's fEE°?EJ^ft£OD.BglsL*?ffiSKStai ONLY Hival! Ring $12.60. Send today. Deposit $4.60 with when ring arrives. Wear a LIZNITE 10 days. Money w,th,a that time. If you keep it, pay $3 monthly. Include finger measurement—get yours today . Dept. 65® THE LIZNITE GEM COMPANY ^Houso of Quality and Price” 128 N. Wells St., Chicago Dictator and Supreme Councilman Willard A. Marakle has received from Secretary of Labor James J. Davis a letter in which he says: “I am here in Washington as the Secretary of Labor of all the people. Trade unionists, manufacturers, representatives of every type of wage earners, each and every one will get a square deal. “My ambition will be to bring FASHION says man should) not wear suspenders. SCIENCE Provides the WUNDERBELT An effective and comfortable device to support trousers, also a brace for the back. Send $1.00 with waist measure to J. P. VIOLETTE 81 Swindells St. Fall River, Mass.