16 6000MILE CORD vs,1“ TIRES Sensational sale of high grade, reconstructed tires. These cord k service tires are heavily rein-k forced with genuine new Miller ' (geared to the road) treads a3 ־llustrated. Bought direct from factory at smashed prices, and guaranteed for 6000 miles• Do not confuse with so called mu№v\ ■ patched or double tread tires. Send No Money Pay only after examination at expi^ss office. Unwrapped section for inspection. I If not fully satisfied, with the tremendous bargain value, return shipment and we will refund your money promptly. 28x3” $ 7.90 32x45" $13.50 8.23 33x44" 14.25 9.43 34x45' 14.75 10.23 35x4515.60 ־ 11.10 36x45 16.00 12.35 33x5" 16.50 12.73 35x5' 17.00 . 13.00 37x5' 17.50 , standard-make TUBE FREE With each tire ordered Write today. Be sure to state the size r - and whether S. S^cr.C• L, are ,wanted. Deduct if full cash with order Ea»lemBublierCa.,Dept. 88B 531S. FtoriaSt.,Chicago , 30x3" 30x34' 32x34® 31x4" 32x4' 33x4” , 34x4' C,DC,CiTube& Г 1% ELU Reliner 6000 MilesGuaranteed Send No Money Don’t send a cent—just your name and address. To convince you of the superior construction and remarkable value of our dependable, practically x ”״ will send you absolutely tree a m״!»״״ make Inner Tube and Reliner with every tire ordered. Don't miss this chance to cut your tire cost in half. No such values anywhere on such liberal terms. Pay only on arrival—tires sent subject to Inspection. C״v1 ״ Prices Include Tire, ijaV C 5 Tube. Reliner. Size Tirée Size Tires 28 X 3 $ 6.95 34 X 4 $11.25 30 X 3 6.95 34 X 4У2 12.75 30 X 3*6 7.95 35 X 4% 12.95 32 X ЗУз 8.75 36 X 4У2 13.25 31 X 4 9.95 35 X 5 13.95 32 X ± 10.25 37 X 5 14.50 33 X 4 10.9Ü ] Order Now name, address and size and number of tires wanted—state whether s.s clincher, plain or non-skid. Order today to get these low prices—pay only on arrival. NOTE: If you wish to pay cash in advance deduct 5 per cent. LONG-MILEAGE TIRE & RUBBER CO. 8453 Michigan Av., Dept. 150» Chicago, 111. 6000 MILES .GUARANTEED Inner Tube Free Here is the limit in tire bargains. 6000miles—or more-from our special reconstructed double tread standard tires, and a practically puncture proof, standard make inner tube FREE with a purchase of one of our standard make reconstructed tires. We Risk All—You Nothing Your satisfaction guaranteed. See the Saving Inner Tube FREE SIZE PRICE SIZE PRICE 80x3 .,....$6.45 34x4 .$10.45 80x3*4...... 7.35 34x4*$.11-95 32x3*4. 8.40 35x4}$־.12.25 81x4 . 9-45 86x4*4.....12.50 82x4 .. 9-90 85x5 ..... 12.75 83x4 .10.25 37x5 . 12.95 Free Reliner With Each Tire UfrUATArlaifV Send $2.00deposit L.., Write I oaay! for each tire ordered. Balance C. O. D., subject to examination. 6% discount allowed i f cash is sent with order. Specify whether straight side, clincher, non-skid_ or plain is wanted when sending in orders for these tires. SUPERIOR TIRE & RUBBER CO. 79 East 31st St. Dept. 75 Chicago, III. INNER СОГГ TUBE ■ l\tti 6,000 Miles Guaranteed PÉfi SEND NO MONEY !Here is the greatest tire ifer ever made Never be-oresuch low prices. Brand new Inner Tube given Free with every one of our !special reconstructed double tread tires guaranteed for 6,000 miles. We ship at once on approval. Pay only when convinced. LessThan Vi Price 28xS .96.15 34x4 .91095 80x3 . 6.95 83x4)6. 11.15 30x3)6. 7.85 84x4)6. 12.5« 82x3)6 . 3.90 36x4)6. 12.95 31x4 . 9.95 86x4)6. 13.75 82x4 .10.40 85x6 . 13.95 83x4 .10.75 37x5 . 14.5« ..so Free Reliner with each Tire 1,¡t.Tn'iau No money now—juet ..(Нс I Quay your name andnum-r of tires wanted. Pay on arrival. MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE In the House of Glass (Continued from page 11) beyond that of eating, he found that the hotel where he had stayed formerly could not furnish him a room until six that evening. So he looked up another. After tossing about on the bed for a couple of hours, he slept the remainder of the afternoon, an un-refreshing sleep, that made him more tired than ever when he woke, and the dinner hour was nearly past when he went down to the dining room. Although not many people were there, there was the usual orchestra and dancing. It was a hotel that was noted for both, and the whole atmosphere jarred him so that he ate without looking about. The dancer was at her best. As always, she danced alone, and that night she was dancing an original dance, something she herself had devised and called the “moth dance.” She would flit about the room and, like a moth, drop gracefully before someone on one knee and smile and flit away . Usually, the man would bend over and try to steal a kiss, but she always escaped first. Tom knew she was dancing and knew it was not Rosita. He had searched all over Havanna for her and this gayety merely annoyed him and turned like a knife in an old wound. So he did not look, hut there was one man in the room who did, particularly so. He had been imbibing rather too freely. Knowing he was watching her, she carefully avoided him, but there were others who watched her and admired. Her cream-colored skin, her contrasting black hair and eyes, the sweet expression of the mouth, her youth, her supple grace—all admired but Tom Stanton. It was with a feeling of pique at the neglect that she moved over toward where he was sitting with his back to her. In doing so, it was necessary to pass the man in evening clothes. He noticed with rage that she was not going to drop before him, that she was not even looking at him, and that she was passing him by. Just as she passed, he put out his foot and tripped her; then caught her as she fell, planting kisses on her lips. “Dios,” the girl shrieked, and á wave of silence passed over the room. It was one of Havanna’s exclusive hotels and that sort of a scene was en-tirely out of place. Everyone felt it, but no one seemed to move. It had been so sudden and unexpected. Tom had turned at the shriek and risen. Why, in the name of heaven, didn’t someone free her from _ the grasp of that man? In two strides, he was at her side and ^ separated them. The man reeled slightly and fell to the floor. He turned and looked at the girl. “Rosita!” “Oh, Tom!” He had almost to carry her to the door and as they went, there was a murmur about the room. There were those who had tried to capture the fair Señorita and had failed and this stranger----- “I could have managed him, Tom,” she said, as soon as they were outside. Then, she burst out with “You shouldn’t have come or tried to follow me. I will only ruin your life and your standing in business and society. I’m a half-breed.” She spoke under her breath quickly, but he comprehended it all. Leaning over and drawing one arm through his, he said, “You love me?” “Yes, of course.” Her eyes softened and there came into them a pitiful little expression. “Demasiado,” she added, in Spanish, it being the only word for an excess quantity which would entirely inflect her meaning. “Then,” he said, “you are my wife.” “I wish,” he grew desperate, “I wish I could chain you here. I have to leave tonight, but I wish I could chain you so that I’d know you were here.” He was somewhat beside himself, hut she turned eagerly. If he did, it would be a way out. “Chain me, Tom. Please chain me.” She lifted her wrists to him. It was such an odd little action, and there was not the slightest trace of fear in her movements, hut always the unexpected. With a rush of feeling, he took her wrists carefully and kissed them. “Rosita, I could forgive you once. It drives me almost insane, but I could forgive you this once, Pequena, if you promise never to speak to the man again.” “I love you, Tom,” was all she said. “You promise?” “I love you!” He dropped her hands and turned away and, although he was not satisfied, there was still no doubt from her actions and voice but what she loved him. . Tom left early that evening, but through some premonition, he did not remain in Westcott the specified time. Something told him he would find her gone, and for a few days, things turned in a sort of a kaleidoscope. The elder Stanton expressed his opinion strongly against^ Rosita. He never did have any faith in those foreigners, anyway. It was the one thing to antagonize Tom in her defense. Pity might have tortured him, but this merely swayed him in her favor. How could a woman play so falsely? He recalled that last scene time and time again and finally decided that he would have to see her once more and force her to tell him the truth. After that, he .would release her if she desired, but he must hear her say she wanted. Montego and that she did not love him. Then, he cursed himself for a fool. If she had wanted him, why had she left with Montego? Nevertheless, some months later Tom decided it was necessary to make a trip, a business trip, to Cuba, and despite the elder Stanton’s remonstrances, he went. Without effort on his part, he learned that Rosita had gone to her home and had tried to sell some land which she had inherited. In this she had_ failed as there was no market for it at that time. Then, she had disappeared somewhere. As he would not admit to himself that he was there on her account, he made no attempt to follow her, hut when he met Montego in Havana, he accosted him. Although he had seen him but once, not a feature of the man’s face had been forgotten. Rosita was not with Montego, but he had heard she was without money. Then, feeling he might to some extent recompense for the injury he had unwittingly done Rosita, Montego told Tom the whole story. When Tom learned of her ancestry, the shock was great, but it was not the kind of shock to in any way affect the family tree. As a matter of fact, with the months of uncertainty behind, he had forgotten there was one, and the discovery that Rosita was ־ true and that her love was great enough for such a sacrifice was overwhelming. He began his search then in earnest, but had no success in locating her. Prom one end of the island to the other he traveled, searching everywhere. He recalled she had a taste for sewing and on the strength of that inquired at milliner shops until he felt he was making himself ridiculous,—and she might even then be starving. Finally, he returned to Havanna, discouraged, and feeling the search was proving futile. Weary, almost beyond the state of sleep—certainly Auto Owners WANTED! To introduce the best automobile tires in the world. Made under our new and exclusive internal Hydraulic Expansion Process that elimi-nates Blow-Uut—Stone-Bruise— Rim Cut and enables us to sell our tires under a 10,000 MILE GUARANTEE We want an agent in every community to use and introduce these wonderful tires at our astonishingly low prices to all motor car owners. FREE TIRES forYOUR O WN CAR to a representative in each community. Write for booklet fully describing this new process and explaining our amazing introductory offer to owner agents. Hydro-United Tire Co. DEPT. 198 Chicago or Philadelphia Mr. Car*0wner Save Money! Buy Dependable Double Tread Tires. Guaranteed for 6,000 Miles Service Dependable Tires are.reconstructed oi the highest grade material and hardly ever blow out. Order today at these low prices. Size Tires Tubes 30x3. ...$5.50. .$1.60 30x3y2.. 6.50... 1.75 31x3]/2.. 6.75... 1.85 32x31/2•• 7.00... 2.00 31x4.... 8.00... 2.25 32x4.... 8.25... 2.40 33x4.... 8.50... 2.50 34x4. .. 8.75... 2.60 34x4V3.00 ...10.00 •.2׳ 35x434.. 11.00... 3.15 36x4y2.. 11.50... 3.40 37x5.... 12.75... 3.75 You’ll reorder like thousands of others—because these guaranteed tires “make good’’ everywhere— everytime. - Dependable tires are only guaranteed _,/ for 6,000 miles, but it is not unusual for Wthem to give 8,000 to 10,000 miles service. /Send $2 deposit for each tire ordered, ־ —gbalance C. O. D. subject to examination, r State whether S. S. or Clincher plain or non-skid. Send full amount and save 5% discount. Order NOW. DEPENDABLE TIRE & RUBBER CO. 3446 Ogden Ave. Dept. 103 Chicago Standard MakeTires PRE-WAR PRICES Right down to bedrock prices. And guaranteed 6000 miles service. 8000 not exceptional, because so slightly used. Standard makes. Posi-tivelyno‘*rebuilts’’ or doubletreads. Our satisfied customers everywhere. M, ,, Real values the reason. 65% SAVING Satisfaction GUARANTEED Reliner FREE wiiK Each Tire. Size Tires Tubes Size Tires Tubes 30x3 $6.45 $1.60 32x4*4 $ 9.35 $2.75 30x3*4 6.95 ’ ״c 00״־2 ** ° ^״R 32x3*4 7.45 31x4 7.95 32x4 8.25 33x4 8.50 34x4 8.75 2.8c 2.95 3.10 3.25 3.45 3.70 9.75 10.25 11.00 11.50 12.25 12.75 1.75 33x4*4 1.90 34x4*4 2.20 35x4*4 2.45 36x4*4 2.55 35x5 2.65 37x5 Send No Money I You don’t risk a penny. Pay only on / arrival of tires. Examine carefully and 7 if not satisfactory return tires at our ׳/expense. Your money will be promptly /refunded. State whether S. S. or Clincher ׳ wanted. Order Now. ROCKWELL TIRE CO. RoosmimS.id Fairfield ftve. Dept¿ D Ch.cago <РЛ00 BRINGS A Satisfactory M Tire Save One-Half Sire Tires Tubes Size Tires Tubes 28x3 $5 25 $1.50 34x4 $8.75 $2.60 30x3 5.50 1.60 34x4i 10.00 3.00 30x31 6.50 1.75 35,4) !1.00 3.15 3>*3f too 2 00 36*4^ 3 50•״f״ 32*** * 00 2 25 35x5 12 50 3 50 32x4 8 25 2^40 36x5 12.75 3.65 33x4 8 50 2.50 37x5 12.75 3 75 Special offer on “SATISFACTORY reconstructed double tread tires. Each tire guaranteed. Reliner free with every tire, also a new Miller inner tube at factory price. . i State size, also whether straight side, / clincher, plain or non-skid, bend only '$2 00 deposit for each, tire, balance / C O.D. subject to examination Orders shipped day received. Extra 10% *scount —׳- for full cash with order. Order NOW. SATISFACTORY TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY 2941 S. Michigan Blvd.,Dept. « Chicago,III.