2 > è Dress is made in one piece ^aajB style. Front of blouse and sg&BP¿# skirt and patch pockets handsomely and elab- oP״ orate I y embroidered with Saxony Yarn in French Knot design. Front of blouse baa Pious Vest with button Here is post• £ tlvcly one or the «fo most wonderful x-i: values ever at• x tempted by anyone. This handsomely and elaborately emhroid• ered LI n e n e Wash Drees with its dashing style and trim lines Is irresistible at our smashed bargain price. Think of it— such a wonderful 'i* garment sent you 5; without one penny « in advance and for » half of what you SS ordinarily expect to ray for it. No wo■ pay for it. No woman who wants to be well dressed for summer can afford to miss this great bargain. Senil Mo Order Now Money We know you m will be so pleased with this for just y Dort Wait ”i STM address Tb־ win come tne areas —all delivery chargee paid. You pay post man the amazing gain price of $3 gain price of $3.49. Then,if you are not satisfied in every way —satisfied that you have a : truly wonderful bargain — send the dress back n:!d we will refund every cent of your money. Beautifully Embroidered with Saxony Yarn in French Knot Order by No, &Д44 with contrasting color. Pique cuffs have piped edgings. Three quarter length Bieeves. Girdle forming sash -defines wai3t line. Closing is at front. Nowhere will you re able to find such a stylish, high quality garment at anywhere near our low price. color you choose. But, you must rush in order as such a bar-rain will not last long. We pay all delivery charges. Dress comes in Harding Blue with Rose embroidery and trimmings; In Rose with Light Blue embroidery and trimmings. Misses Sizes, 14 to 20 years; Women’s Sizes, 84 to 44 inch bust measure. Be sure to give color and size. Order by No. 9A44, GORDON’S CLOAK HOUSE *'The Only Exclusive Mail Order Women’s Specialty House1* 3S8 W. Monroe St. Dept. 2601 Chicago, 181• DOWN almost year to pay This Beautiful Phonograph and Balance On Easy Monthly Payments Look at the picture of this 36-inch mahogany finished MARION Phonograph—the phonograph you have been waiting for. Wonderful tone qualities. Shelf for records. Plays all makes of records. One double record free. This MARION Mode! waa designed to sell for $05.00. Large production in our own plant enables us to make this wonderful introductory offer for a limited time only. We will send the MARION to any responsible person on approval for f State Conservatories. Sucessful 26 -------. , .-----—-------ryonng. All music free. Diploma granted. Write teday for 64 page Free book, “How to Learn Piano or Organ, M. L. QUINN CONSERVATORY, Studio MH26.598 Columbia Rd. Boston,25 Mass.