17 /ло ose нел R т лгяслгтв Made to order Tailored Neckwear. We have a strictly high-grade, guaranteed proposition for real salespeople, either sex—1 calling on business and professional men. Season from Jan. to Jan. Ask for Every Day Money Plan. The Better-Made Cravat Co., ïne. 305 Clinton Bldg. COLUMBUS, OHIO. r to Rides* Factory «a Saves $15 to $25 on the mod« el you select from 44 Styles, colors and sizes of Ranger bicycles. Delivered free on approval express prepaid direct from the Makers for 30 DaysFre «?Trial. We pay return charges If not satisfactory In every way. JgMonthstoPay £5״:״" once on our liberal year to pay Plan Any boy or ״irl can save the small monthlypayments. w״eela, chain«, parts 9 »3. and equipment at half —- *usual prices. BIG RANGER CATALOG FREE, with marvelous new prices. 80 day trial offer and terms. Ask for special Rider Agent plan to earn Cycl<> ■ Company itftVuU Dept.*,«, Chicago tlra־ FREE SIX CINNAMON VINES The Cinnamon Vine—The most beautiful, fragrant and easiest fume the air for a long distance No word can describe their delicious fragrance. Cinnamon Vines are perfectly hardy, thriving on all soils, in shade, wet or dry. No or blight ever trouble. No ter harms. Once planted grow a lifetime. They will quickly surround your windows arbors, and porches with of vines—-covered with shaped leaves and a prol of sweet-scented fiowers_____ ing them “prefect bowers of beauty.” They came irom China, the land of wonders. No lover of the beautiful should miss planting them. They will grow 30 to 40 feet in a single season. May is the time for planting. Half doxen of these fine Cinnamon Vines carefully packed and postpaid, together with a one-ycar subscription to our Magazine [The Household Journal] for only 85c—coin or stamps. Order today. Address Household Journal « libjLA nousenom journal Dept.jo Batavia, Illinois News From The Lodges Thurmond, W. Va., Lodge No. 1122 has 188 members and there are only 399 families in their town and every man eligible is a member of the Moose. The Lodge was instituted two years ago with 54 members. Utica, N. Y., Lodge No. 450 has 2,500 members. Nine years ago the membership was 324. Edward Bedford, for nine years its secretary, has resigned, as he will not be able to devote his entire time to the work, which will be required of the secretary when the Lodge moves into its new $80,000 home. When 111 Health or Hard Times Hit You, Don’t Lie Down It is the man who can “come-back” that is the man worth while It is said that about ninety per cent of men fail between the ages of 35 and 50 and very few evei* “COME BACK.” A good reason for many of these failures is plain. As man approaches middle age THE IRON IN HIS BLOOD IS APT TO THIN OUT and he then lacks the necessary iron in his body to give him the force, strength and vitality; the “IRON-WILL” and “iron determination” to carry him to success. In his own mind HE ALWAYS THINKS HE IS GOING TO “COME BACK,” but he is like a crippled deer that rises up on its four legs after being shot, only to fall back again. EVERY DOCTOR knows the tremendous power of an IRON WILL to pull a patient through a critical illness. With an iron will, it often seems that nothing can kill you. Without it, a patient sometimes speedily collapses and dies from an apparently trivial cause. “Come back! I’ll Help . You!” Lack of iron in your blood not only undermines your health and robs you of your bodily and mental vigor but weakens your WILL POWER. Without iron ALL THE “FIGHT ” COURAGE and “GO AHEAD” in you is taken out and you begin to think it is “all over”—there is nothing more for you in life. DON’T TRY TO “FOOL” YOURSELF INTO THINKING YOU ARE A KEEN 100% IRON MAN WHEN YOU HAVE REASON TO SUSPECT THAT YOU ARE NOT. Iron starvation of your blood may be the cause of all your troubles. How to tell is explained in the accompanying article. you do * go to this Manufacturer s Guarantee. .Nuxated Iron is not a secret remedy but one which is well known to druggists everywhere. Unlike the older inorganic iron products it is easily assimilated and does not injure the teeth, make the black, nor upset the stomach. Each tablet of genuine IsW Nuxated Iron is stamped as follows: 1 and the words Nuxated Iron are stamped into each bottle of tablets, so that the public may not be led into accepting inferior substitutes. The manufacturers guarantee satisfactory results to every purchaser or they will refund your money. It is dis- P E R C ENT IRON MAN. Or not want to ______ trouble eat more ^ spinach and other iron containing* vegetables for two weeks and take organic iron like Nuxated Iron with them and at the end of that time see for yourself how much more strength, power and endurance you have. Nuxated Iron positively helps enrich your blood and put iron into it. It often increases your bodily and mental vigor in two weeks time and quickly helps revitalize your wornout exhausted nerves. There is nothing like filling your blood with good old iron to give you the courage, strength and force to fight the battles of life. NUXATED IRON is organic iron like the iron in your blood and not metallic or •mineral iron which people usually take. The fact that you may have taken other forms of iron without benefit does not prove Nuxated Iron will not help you.—Try it on our guarantee below, is growing and Secretary H. fi. Cork says: “We are over the top and wa will stay there.” Bowling Green, Ky., Lodge No. 594 instituted on March 17, 1920, has in less than one year bought and paid for their own home. New Westminster, B. C., Lodge No. 854 reports progress and also that the social activities are pleasant and popular features. , Grand Rapids, Mich., Lodge No. 50 has formed a Marching Club qf 250 for the Toledo convention. This Lodge has 2,500 members. Stockton, Calif., Lodge No. 391 officers and drill team are receiving calls from many lodges to exemplify the ritualistic work of the Order. Stockton, Calif., Lodge No. 391 added almost 1,000 members during the year ended March 31. The Lodge is going to finance a baseball team. Spokane, Wash., Lodge No. 161 added almost 1,000 members diming the year ended March 31. The Lodge is going to finance a baseball team. Detroit, Mich., Lodge No. 160 reports a good growth. Antonio P. En-tenza, one of the members, is a member of the Supreme Council. Elmira, N. Y., Lodge No. 517 plans to remodel a part of the interior of its newly purchased club house, to make rooms for social purposes. The Iowa State convention of the Lodges of the Loyal Order of Moose will be held in Burlington, Iowa, ,Tune 6-7. Some of the Lodges plan to go on a special train. Cincinnati, Ohio, Lodge No. 2, with a membership of 3,100, is making a drive to get 6,000 members by Dec. 31. They had a mortgage burning celebration March 16. Milton, Pa., Lodge No. 171 is erecting an addition to cost $40,000. A third story will be built on the present structure and a three-story addition will be erected. Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada, Lodge No. 1073 reports many new members. Sixty-nine new members and 55 other applications in one month shows how they are growing. Medina, N. Y., Lodge No. 789 recently organized, was presented with a large American flag and a transparency to hang outside the lodge rooms by Rochester, N. Y., Lodge No. 113. WITHOUT IKON YOUR BLOOD ALSO LOSES ITS POWER TO CHANGE FOOD INTO LIVING CELLS AND TISSUE and nothing you eat does you the proper amount of good—you do not get the full strength out of it. In fact sometimes the more you eat the more you starve, as your digestive organs are unable to handle much food when your blood lacks iron and you often think you have stomach trouble, when it isn’t that at all. Simply eat less and take iron. There are 30,000,000,000,000 Red Blood Corpuscles in your blood and each one must have iron. DON’T TRY TO “FOOL YOURSELF” into thinking you are a man of “blood and iron” when you have good reason to suspect that you are not, anyway let your doctor decide. Get him to make a “blood count” of your red blood corpuscles and SEE WHETHER YOU ARE A 50 PER CENT: A 75 PER CENT OR A 100 Rochester, N. Y., Lodge No. 113, the second largest in the Order in membership, is striving to get 10,000 members. They report that their campaign ending May 1 was a big success. The Wisconsin-Illinois Moose lodges baseball league has been formed with the following teams enrolled: Platte-ville, Lancaster, Shullsburg and Livingston of Wisconsin and Galena of Illinois. Attica, Ind., Lodge No. 1482 has just closed a successful membership campaign. The members are enthusiastic and are anxious to help in every way to increase the membership of the lodge. JXA1 )1 R0 ENRICHES THE BLOOD-GIVES YOU NEW STRENGTH AND ENERGY Johnstown, Pa., Lodge No. 48 elected Brother Harry A. Hamor, Dictator He served in all the subordinate offices and hasn’t missed a meeting in three years. The Lodge is in its own building valued at 8150,000. I