15 BeforeYou Pay Try Them First "We can read fine print easilly” ON TRIAL FREE Spectacles Send No Money Not one penny in advance —just fill in and send coupon below for the finest and most durable spectacles you ever saw. We will ship them to you by return mail and you pay nothing until you try them and convince yourself that they are right. Fit Guaranteed Our large size 10 kt. gold filled "New Vision” spectacles will make it possible for you to read the smallest print easilly or thread the smallest size needle. We will prove this to your satisfaction before you pay. We fit accurately 95 people out of every 100. We Trust You You have nothing to lose. We take all the risk. Try them 10 days before you send us a penny, then if satisfactory remit oniy $2.85—a ridiculously low price for high grade spectacles. If not satisfactory in any way just return them to us. With every pair we include an excellent case free. Send in coupon now—enjoy sitting back in your chair, and reading in comfort without straining your eyes. MIDWEST SPECTACLE HOUSE 3430 W. Roosevelt Rd., Chicago Mail this Coupon Today Midwest $pectacle House Dept. 48 3430 W. Roosevslt Rd., Chicago Please 'send me as per your offer one pair large size 10-kt. gold filled "New Vision” spectacles for which I agree to pay $2.85 in 10 days after I receive them if satisfactory. If not just what I want I will return them to you. Be sure to answer the following questions. Name.................................. Post Office.,.................State......... How man: ,.years us! R. R... How old NO MONEY □OWN Send Your Name and We Will Send You a HEXNITE GEM Sendtno money. Simply select the style ring you want by number, state the finger size and we wiil send you, charges prepaid, a Beautiful Hexnite Gem» mounted in solid gold and weighing almont one carat. When it arrives, merely deposit $4.50 with the postman, then wear the gem for ten days. If you or your friends can tell a Hexnite Gem from a diamond, send it back. If you decide to buy it, send only $3.00 monthly until $16.50 is paid. Write for 32-page catalog showing hundreds of wonderful bargains. Address Dept. 611-B. The HEXNITE CO.,116 Nassau St., NewlYork BLANK CARTRIDGE PISTOL PRICES ‘ 50c. _ Well mad© and _. ffective; modelled on latest type of Revolver; appearance alone is enough to scare a burglar. When loaded it may be as effective as a real ... ... . _ revolver without danger to life. It takes standard .22 Cal. Blank Cartridges obtainable every- , _ where. A Great Protection Against Burglars, Tramps and Dogs. Yon can have it lying about without the danger attached to other revolvers. . —— , _ PRICE SOe Postpaid: Better make and superior duality for Sl.OO. Blank Cartridges .22 cal., shipped express 50c per 100. LIBERTY SPORTING 600DS CO., Bos 782. Dept. 33} CHICAGO Cut out this ad and mail It to os, with your name and address (no money); and we will send you our FAMOUS KARN AK RAZOR by return mail, postpaid. You may use the razor for 30 days FREE; then if you like it, pay ue $1.85. If you don’t like it return it. SEND NO MONEY• ¿!ORE COMPANY. Dept. 485 St. Louis. Mo, MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Talks to Lodges By GEO. N. WARDE, General Dictator Genuine Imported $5.00 To/o Delivered FREE ger amount of sick benefit than $7.06 per week but not to exceed $10.00 provided that a greater amount than $1.35 per beneficiary member be placed in th ebeneficiary fund. Since the passage of that law a great many lodges have amended their by-laws eliminating all free medical attention and have substituted therefor increased sick benefits. In every instance where this has been done a renewed interest has been shown in the lodge by the membership thereof and the indications are that in the very near future the lodges having physician service will be few, indeed, or if any at all. Social Activities of Members Increasing The social activities of the lodges are multplying everywhere and the general high character of the entertainments and varied other functions show splendid results not only from the enjoyment of our members, but for the non-members of the community that are privileged to attend them from time to time. It is apparent in most instances that the loyal, active member who bears not only his own burden but the burden of his brother, the. inactive member, can be found at these entertainments teaching, preaching and practicing the cardinal principles of the Order with the resultant effect of not only solidifying his lodge, but attracting to it the attention of th best people in his community. Our Proffers of Assistance Readily Accepted The efforts of this office to assist the Dictators of lodges in carrying out the laws of the Order, have, within the last year produced surprising results. Much closer attention is given by them to important rules which mean so much to the lodge in getting-grounded and able to operate within the laws of the Order. Our proffers of assistance, have, with but one or two exceptions, met with kindly reception and I sincerely trust that the time is not far distant when I may have the most hearty co-operation of the Dictator of every lodge in trying to have his lodge ■operate at all times as within the laws provided. Dues Increase The most progressive lodges have voluntarily increased membership dues to $12.00 per year minimum. I am of the opinion that this is the resultant of advocacy for this movement by Director General James J. Davis, for a number of years. It registers the confidence and trust the members have in their lodge, the Order and their ambitions for its future. Nominating Law is Proving a Success The information received in my office clearly indicates that the new law for nomination of lodge officers has met with general approval by the lodges and that much, if not all, discord resulting from the old methods has been eliminated. This bespeaks much for the new law and fortifies the position of the proposers of the same in their contention that it would minimize the discord, be a step in the right direction and in the line of propress. There may be a few lodges here and there that have not fully realized the splendid safe-guard that this new law surrounds the lodge. However, I believe that with one more trial they too will appreciate its very grave importance. Many Lodges Acquire Property for Homes A great deal of attention is being given by this office to the request of lodges to purchase real estate and for the building of lodge homes. I have been careful to protect at all times the funds of the lodge against unsound investments of this nature, believing it to be to the interest of the membership that the funds necessary for such investments should come voluntary from the membership of the lodge in question rather than from th treasury fund, thus protecting the obligation of the lodge to the member by having on hand at all times a sufficient and unencumbered beneficiary fund. This method of having the individual member carry the obligation to meet payment for property stabilizes the lodge and gives better security to the Order. I am prepared to say that this plan has met with approval where it has been suggested and tried out. Lodge Resources The amount of dubs collected by our lodges is governed principally by local donations and to some extent by geographical conditions. A number of lodges have raised their dues above the minimum amount specified by the General Laws, in order to create a building fund to purchase a home or to pay off the indebtedness thereof, which could not be otherwise paid for. In granting dispensations to operate and equip club houses, I believe that the dues of the members be raised to a sufficient amount to take care of the necessary over head expense incurred thereby. Lodges Increase Sick Benefits The last Legislative Convention provided that lodges might pay a lar- Write quick for this amaz ing bargain. Only !{mlted lot, at this profit-smashing low price. Guaranteed $5.00 value for only $2.79 on arrival. SEND NO MONEY Just mail post-card or letter today for this handsome Toy9 Panama Hat. Beautiful drop crown style; flexible non-breakable brim; made of the finest Super-Tex; fine tough fibre, tightly woven. Looks and wears like a regular $12.00 hat. Heavy black grosgrain silk ribbon band, non-soilable sweat band, tremendous bargain. Send no money, pay only $2.79 on arrival. W© pay delivery charges, another big saving. Wp GnarantPA to.refund your money if you can match Wlc Uliaranicc this wonderful hat for less than $5.00. Save money by writing today sure before this astounding Offer is withdrawn. JuBt give your name, address and size. BERNARD, HEWITT & CO. Dept. ASS 900 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, Ilf. 1 Perfect hearing is now being restored in every condition of deaf-1 ness or defective hearing from ' causes such as Catarrhal Deafness, Relaxed or Sunken Drums, Thickened Drums, Roaring and . Hissing Sounds, Perforated, Wholly or Partially Destroyed ^ Drums,Discharge from Ears, etc. Wilson Common-Sense Ear Drum9 **Little Wireless Phones for the Ears9* require no medicine but effectively replace what is lacking or defective in the natural ear drums. They are simple devices, which the wearer easily fits into the ears where they are invisible. Soft, safe and comfortable. Write today for our 168 page FREE book on DEAFNESS, giving you full particulars and testimonials. WILSON EAR DRUM CO.. Incorporated 669 Inter-Southern Bldg. LOUISVILLE, KY. Smashed Tire Prices STANDARD TIRES Adjusted—Repaired Where Needed Don’t miss this chance to cat yourtire bills 50% and get Standard Make adjusted tires, all in excellent condition, and each selected by our tire experts. These tires are positively guaranteed not to be rebuilt nor re-treaded tires —no sewed treads. Ship on approval. WORLD’S LOWEST TIRE PRICES-SAVE 50% TIRES TUSES $12.00 $2.90 SIZES 34x4 SIZES TIRES TUBES 30x3 $ 6.00 $2.00 30x3« 7.00 2.26 32x3« 8.60 Zone 1921 This Canal Balboa Canal March 26th, Mr. James J. Davis, Pittsburgh, Pa. Dear Sir and Brother: Please find enclosed money order for $6.50. is a penny collection donation from two little Balboa Zone Girls, Helen Reynolds and Marie Jansen. Last week at Balboa, Miss Reynolds and Miss. Jansen gave a little show for the children, a small admission was charged, the six fifty was the receipts of the show. With kindest regards. Fraternally yours. J. P. GREENING, Seo'y. No. 1108 Ogdensburg, N. Y., Lodge No. 814 instituted last June with 60 members, now has nearly 200. Dictator M. B. May says: “All the Brothers enjoy the Mooseheart Magazine and they wish it was printed oftener than once a month.” On April 3rd Paterson, N. J., Lodge No. 553 held its annual memorial services in memory of members who have passed to the great beyond during the past year of which there were ten. The ceremonies were in charge of' Brother E. Francis Hart. 33x4« 13.00 3.00 2.40 34x4« 13.00 3.00 9.00 2.60 35x4« 13.60 S.10 10.00 2.66 36x4« 14.60 3.25 11.00 2.80 36x6 16,00 3.35 37x6 16.00 3.60 SEND NO MONEY EXAMINE TIRES FIRST Ardor Ilnur! Remember—we Ruar-”1UCI llvVY• antee you perfect satisfaction. Don’t pay a cent until you have examined tires on arrival. If not satisfied,send them back at our expense —we will refund your money without question. Write today and be sure of getting your supply of these Standard Make adjusted tires. Be sure to state whether Clincher or S.S. Tubes guaranteed f res!: stock American Tire & Vulcanizing Co. 2128 S. Michigan Ave.,Oopt. !20 Chicago, III, Send No Money 6000 Miles Guaranteed Greatest tire offer we ever made. Brand new inner tube and reliner free with every one of our special constructed double tread standard tires—practically puncture-proof and guaranteed for6,000Miles Service. This is your opportunity to save big money on good tires. Size Price Size Price 30x3 $6.95 32x4 $10.35 30x3M 7.95 3 3 x4 10.85 32x 33^ 8.75 34x4 !1.15 31x4 9 95 32x434 11.25 33x4K 11.85 34x434 12.65 35x434 12.90 36x434 13.35 35x5 13.85 _ 37x5 14.45 TlIvitA av dust send y°ar name, address, wWlllC and number of tires wanted. Pay only on arrival. If dissatisfied after examination return at our expense and your money immediately returned, state whether Non-Skid, Plain, Clincher, or S. S. Send today. Extra—10 per cent discount for full cash with order. NEW ERA TIRE COMPANY 300 N. Avers Ave., Dept.3886 - Chicago, Illinois FREETOBOYS AND GIRLS To advertise our tooth past we will give absolutely Free, Wrist Watches, Clocks, Cameras, Clocks, Safety Bazors, Knives, Fountain Pens and other valuable 'articles for selling only ten tubes of Eodene Tooth Paste. Send name and address today for list of Premiums and Tooth Paste. The Eodene Co., Inc., JFnirmnnt. W Va Ari v Ho nt