12 МООвВНЕЛЯТ МЯСЯ ZIN E MOOSE HEAD 36026 Moose Cushions, the head handsomely executed in natural colors, with pure silk floss upon felt. Very lifelike. Back of felt. Edges deeply cut, making a heavy fringe. Each $4.00 Send All Orders and Make All Warrants Payable to RODNEY H. BRANDON Supreme Secretary Loyal Order of Moose Mooseheart, 111. Learn Piano This Interesting FREE Book free book Jshows how you can become a skilled ■piayer of piano or organ in your own H'lome, at one-quarter usual cost. Dr. SjQuinn.s famous Written Method is en-Hdorsed by 'ending musicians and heads »of State Conservatories. Sucessful 25 For beginners or teachers, old or yonng. All music free. Diploma granted. Write teday for 64 page free book, “How to Learn Piano or Organ, ׳ ’ M. L. QUINN CONSERVATORY, Studio MH 25,598 Columbia Rd. Boston, 25 Mass. Build This Phonograph Yoursell TREMENDOUS SAVING IN COST Easy, fascinating work, with our SIMPLIFIED PLANS. We furnish blue prints, diagrams, motor, cabinet pieces, ready-built horn etc. You don’t need to be a cabinet maker. A few hours assembling; and you will have a fine instrument at one-quarter the regular retail price. AGENTS MAKE MONEY making and selling these instruments. Write today for full details and our FREE OFFER. Address;- MODERN PHONOGRAPH SUPPLY CO. 575 Springer Building 313 So. Clinton St. CHICAGO, ILL. BOOK ON DOG DISEASES ,ilr And How to Feed Mailed free to any Address by the Author America’s H. CLAY GLOVER CO. Inc., Dog Medicines 118 West 31st Street - New York Fielder’s Glove and High Grade Ball GENUINE REACH ALL LEATHER Glove ; pJÄSS {Assiomi) ___a package. ' Big demand. oraer loaay. BINGO CO., Dept.318 Binghamton» H.Y. Junior Order of Moose A Page Devoted to the Interest of the Juniors. Edited by Dean J. A. Rondthaler, Supervisor. BRINGS EITHER RING! Made of pure aluminum, finished in natural brown, six and one-haif inch spread of antlers. Just the right size for an ornament for your home, den or office. Price, each, $2.50, charges prepaid, when remittance in full accompanies the order. MOOSE CHARM Charm, pocket-piece or key-check —will not corrode or rust. Space on front for Roll and Lodge number. 10 cents each. Moose Cushions Order of Moose. Our young men should be informed of what progiess all the .departments of Moosedom are making’. It is just as necessary that members of the Junior Order of Moose should be thoroughly acquainted and interested in everything that concerns Moosedom, or in what Moosedom is interesting itself, or in what Moosedom is effecting as any young man in High School and College should be interested and keep himself informed concerning the broad citizenship that he will assume when he reaches his majority and takes his place as an integral part of our American Republic. Nor does all this only apply to our Juniors in the States. The same general principle holds good with our Canadian Juniors. True, up there in Canada, it would not be expected that our Juniors should have known or cared so much about our Secretary of Labor in the States; however, a thorough acquaintance with all the progress Moosedom is making will be just as valuable to the Canadian Junior when he comes to take his place in the Senior Order at the same time that he assumes his full Canadian citizenship. Juniors, your Lodge is a school. Of course it’s a club, it’s a social center for you, it’s an athletic field, it’s an opportunity for the expression of your young manhood directed by the finest inspirations. In addition to all this it is a school that will teach you the last, best thing in humanitarianism and philanthropy as expressed in MOOSEHEART; that will instruct you in the most advanced system of education as demonstrated in MOOSEHEART, and that will inspire you with the finest; safest ideals of democracy as illustrated in the Loyal Order of Moose. SPEED UP! SPEED UP! SPEED UP! By the time this issue of the Magazine reaches our Junior Lodges there will be only four weeks left to fulfill our promise of February to “double the Order.” Four weeks is a long time if we put off to to-morrow what we can and should do today. Four weeks is a short time if we feel that what we don’t do today will never be done. Therefore, Juniors, work on this text: “Sufficient unto the day is the opportunity thereof.” Your opportunity is the young man to whom you have already suggested his privilege to become a member of the Junior Moose. Your opportunity is the young man to whom you have thought of offering the privilege of membership. Get the idea that you are offering a valuable proposition to your friend or acquaintance when you offer to let him in on Junior membership. Moosedom does not beg_ for members. It sells membership in the open market because it knows it has the best goods of the kind to offer; and every purchaser is fully compensated for every purchase of membership he makes. Juniors, you are salesmen. Whatever your future vocation may he it will no doubt be a salesman’s calling of some kind, and it’s a mighty good school you are practising in, when you exercise yourself in selling■ Junior memberships. SPECIAL TO THE JUNIOR HUNDRED LODGES The Executive Committee has suggested to the Supervisor of the Junior Order of Moose that he devote special attention to the Junior Lodges already organized, and for the present drive more leisurely in the matter of organizing new lodges, devoting his JUNIOR MOOSE AN INTEGRAL PART OF MOOSEDOM ? Down in Ohio in one of the High Schools, shortly after Inauguration Day, they had a quiz on President Harding’s Cabinet. There was a Junior Moose, a member of the class, who failed to note Brother James J. Davis, Director General of the Loyal Order of Moose, and Chairman of Mooseheart Governors, as President Harding’s selection as Secretary! of Labor. Such a flunk is unpardonable in anyone that belongs in any way to anything in Moosedom. This young man should have been so enthused over Brother Davis’ appointment ^ to this important position in the United States Government, that he should have been more likely to have reported his Director General as the head center of the whole Cabinet, than that he should have forgotten or not known of the great honor and heavy responsibility that has come to our Moose Leader. It indicates, possibly, that there may be some other members of Moosedom who do not function with the whole progress of the Order, and are indifferent to the details of its activities. While we are eager that our Junior Lodges shall particularly develop an interest in their own local activities, we are not contributing to the best interest of the Order if our young men do not keep themselves .in full knowledge, sympathy and interest in everything that is involved in the Loyal Order of Moose. One of the great objects of the Junior Order of Moose is to prepare young men for active, effective ser-vice when they shall become members of the Senior Order. At every Junior Lodge meeting there should be some quiz, talk, lecture, conference, conversation, notice, or something about MOOSEHEART and the Loyal BLUE WHITE iy2 CARATS Never before so low a price or such easy [terms on dazzlipg rings for ladies and men! Guaranteed gold-filled rings of -----------. the very latest style set with big Blue White Cambridge Gem, 1 Yi carats size. Stands every Diamond test. 5 MONTHS TIME TO PAY! Pay only $1.50 down when ring arrives, then $1 a month for 5 months. That’s all, total $7.50, not one cent more! Pay while you wear and enjoy it! Get your ring first before any of your friends get one! MONEY BACK IF YOU WANT IT! We guarantee that Cambridge Diamond Gems will never lose their brilliancy! Same quality that others sell for $25. We positively guarantee to return every cent of your money if you are not delighted. Only a few left so mail Coupon right away! No red-tap© or references wanted—just your word that you will pay the easy terms if you keep the ring. But you must hurry 3'our coupon in before these unbeatable bargains are all sold. Don’t delay, do it now! CA™BRIDG™ mAMON™mNG CO™Dept."*50 ^ Cambridge Bldg., CHICAGO, ILL. □Pleasesend me ladies’ i !Please send me men’s ring size....... I__I ring size....... I enclose $1 deposit and will pay $1.50 down when ring arrives. Balance $1.00 a month for 5 months, then ring becomes my property. I am faithful in paying my debts. If I don’t like ring I may return it and you will immediately refund my money. Name......................._............... Box or St. & No.............R. F. D......... P. O.........*..............State.......... • Blank Cartridge Pistol REVOLVER STYLE ^ PRICES l50c& IB ____ Post scare a burg- шщ !■־־ЖЬмку Paid lar. When H I «HI■»■'«*■ loaded it may prove fast es er- | fective аз a real revolver without danger to life. It takes die standard .22 Calibre Blank Car-fridges obtainable everywhere. A Great Protection Against Burglars, Tramps and Dogs. You can have it lying about without the danger attached to other revolvers. PRICE 50c. Better make and superior quality for Sl.OO, Postpaid. Blank Cartridges .22 Cal., shipped by express 50 cents per hundred. — JOHHSOH SMITH « CO., 3EE4 H. HalMHl SI., DepL 382 СИ1СЛ60 MAKES YOU HEAR 360 DEGREES OF SOUND VI,BRAT IO N, VOLUMEi AND CONTROL. I —SOUNDS THE KEYNOTE OF YOUR EAR — • The Latest Triumph of Science Ask for circular “Makes You Hear.” This tells all about it and how it becomes yours. the Magniphone Co., 29 E. Madison St., Chicago Dept.,40 6-Room House Given Away! We Do Not Ask You to Pay One Cent of Your Money We do not sell houses— We give them away * i vC Our ambition is to help every family to own their own home. We have helped many and will help you if you just send in your name and address and do as we say. We give away these homes free and it is not necessary for you to send us one cent of your money. We do this just to advertise our business and to make our name famous throughout the !and. The picture we show is just one of the many from which you can choose—we have ahometo please everybody. Just Send Your Name and Address—Nothing More We do not ask you to send us any money-just send your name and address and see how quickly I answer. We have given many a fine home to deserving families and if you are honest well-meaning you need not hesitate to write to me. Nothing gives us more pleasure than to place a handsome home on a nice lot for good honest folks. And think of it—the house is free, and you are then through paying rent forever. We Have Many Styles To Select From When We Say Free— We Mean Free This is not a scheme to get you to buy a house. We are not trying to sell you something you can’t afford to buy. We mean just exactly what we say when we tell you that we give away these houses to readers of this magazine. Truly an offer like this was never made to you before and may never be repeated so it is a duty you owe yourself to send at once for free particulars. You do not need to write a letter—a postcard will do. «ir.ii n г* I »t Ca״ V/4.1 Don’t hold back just because you do notown a lot. W#* Will Even Buv a Lot Г or lOtl I will quickly fix that up, because if you do not own . wJ׳־ T 7 * * j ofFnrd to buv one I will purchase one for you so this home can go right up. I a™, deter- gedthat?wU?help reldera of this magazine and l mean every word I say. This is truly your golden opportunity. Costs You Nothing to Investigate—You Run Absolutely No Risk You must not delay sending me your name and address. Yon mn no ^ Га’п^ога^0,е1иГсЬезУеГУВоп^‘рита1о№ ItU?ttomorrowtwimte youh^hou!dUdoDtoday. Rush your name «тек. С. E. MOORE, Prest. 164 Batavia Avenue, BATAVIA, JLL.